《The Long and Winding Road { Dreamwastaken x reader ff }》Chapter 9


"You think this is funny, huh?" Clay shoved me, pushing me back.

I started bursting out laughing, "Chill dude." I pushed him back.

"I really gotta baby you with everything," Clay started fuming. He did a fake smile to me as I laughed and out of no where yanked my hair, I squealed from how sudden it was.

"Damn, you really wanna fight right now." I mocked as I started gripping my hands on his hair, though it wasn't too long, it was long enough for me to grab at it at full strength.

He started squealing too, we were wailing our heads and arms on each other, and not in a good way. We both looked like two middle school girls fighting over some stupid boy.

"LET GO!" I shouted while vigorously gripping his hair harder, forcing his head back.

"NOT IF YOU FIRST!" Clay gripped my hair and forced my head back harder also.

Some students started crowding around us, enjoying the entertainment of the fight. No one tried to stop us, they just kept on watching.

He gripped my hair again, "LET GOOO!" he shouted as he slammed us both onto the wall.

There was a loud thud as we both smashed onto the side.

"YOU STARTED IT!" I screamed like a grandma being stabbed as I started clawing into his hair, "YOU LET GO FIRST!"

I looked down at Clay, he noticed and got the clue. I went to kick him in the balls, but he blocked it and stepped on my foot as hard as he could.

I shrieked in pain, stomping his foot back, using the full weight of my body at full power. He was about to step on my other foot, but I abruptly shoved him down the stairs.


"I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE GOING DOWN MOTHER FUCKER!" He clutched onto my shirt and dragged me down with him.

We both tumbled down the stairs together, plummeting down to the lower floor of the school, toppling over each other and each step. As soon as we rammed into the ground it seemed as though there was a screeching pain in my back. My eyes still shut, I tried to catch my breath from all that tumbling.

I felt someone's weight on me. I opened my eyes and blankly stared at Clay in his eyes who was laying on top of me. My eyes suddenly widened, realizing what was happening.

"DUDE GET OFF." I shoved Clay off of me.

Clay started laughing, shaking his head, while sitting on the ground. "You really are something, huh?" He looked up at me as I got up off the floor.

"You fucking started it," I glared at Clay.

I briefly looked up the stairs that we fell down from, seeing a crowd of students staring at us.

"This is so embarrassing," I whispered to myself as I straightened my clothes and hair out. I looked back at Clay who was still on the ground laughing then started leaving.

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