《One Night (Completed)》8. Aria
"You're lying!" Kennedy claimed as I disclosed what went down Sunday. I shook my head, "I'm not, and I couldn't even come at him about it like I wanted to because I was clearly on a date with Vinnie."
Her eyes got wider, "girl, that's crazy as fuck. Like what are the chances something like that happens?!"
"Slim to none for regular folks, 100 percent likely for me" I laughed, I honestly wasn't even super surprised when I saw Landon out with that girl. That's just the type of nigga he is and I knew that. But I damn sure wanted to throw it in his face how I was right! But I look and sound just as hypocritical, I couldn't get on him for the very thing I was doing as well. But then again it was different because it's not like I was actively pursuing him like he was with me.
However, we hadn't talked since running into each other at Olive Garden and today was now Wednesday. I'd honestly thought about hitting him up, but said fuck it, I'd be damned if I looked like I was stressing over him, he has plenty of girls doing that already. Plus I didn't even really like the nigga, we vibed a little and I won't flex on that but it wasn't that deep.
"Well, they're having a kickback at their place tonight, I say we go." Kennedy insisted as she fixed her hair in the mirror.
"On a Wednesday?" She turned around and looked at me, "uhh yeah, it's Chris' birthday."
Now that made sense, "Ohhh, okay. But no, I'll pass I feel like that might be awkward, literally just told you I haven't talked to him since Sunday."
She rolled her eyes, "that's an even better reason to go. Get extra cute and show that nigga what he's missing."
I contemplated on what she said, but didn't feel the need to do that. Kennedy looked at me, "bitch you're going."
I sighed, "you always trying to make me go somewhere"
She sat down on the bed dramatically, "because I always need my best bitch with me." she said with a smile. I knew I'd be going, part of me wanted to see how things would play out.
Kennedy and I got ready at her place, I planned on staying with her tonight, my professor cancelled class for tomorrow for prior engagements as she stated on Monday and Kennedy just didn't plan on going so we planned on getting a little lit, and we chose her apartment because she stayed closer to their place.
I put the final touches on my makeup as I brushed the highlighter on my cheekbones to make my brown skin pop a little more. Once Kennedy was ready we took a couple of shots and headed out.
Once we got to their place we could already tell it was thick as hell inside, people were standing outside the door, signifying that this was the right place. We walked in and niggas were playing beer pong, taking shots in the kitchen, and some girls were twerking niggas out.
"I want a drink," Kennedy said as she led us to the kitchen. In the kitchen we ran into Jodie, "Aria! My nigga!" he screamed out, I smiled, "Hey Jodie," we hugged, as I realized his loud self caused a lot of attention because almost everybody looked our way, including Landon who I had just locked eyes with. I quickly took my gaze off of him as Kennedy handed me a drink, and then I put my focus back on Jodie, "aye come talk to me real quick," he demanded as he pulled me to follow him.
We walked in his room and he closed the door, "what's up?" I asked suspiciously. I didn't know what he could possibly want to talk to me about. I took a sip of the drink as I waited for him to speak, realizing it was strong as hell. They were trying to get people fucked up tonight. IM xx
He sat down, "how you and my nigga Landon?"
I rolled my eyes, "ain't no me and Landon."
He laughed, "don't do my nigga like that. He likes you, you don't like him?"
I looked at Jodie, he typically never lied to me but this was his friend so he could easily be lying. What was his motive? I gave him a look letting him know I didn't believe him. "I mean honestly -" before I could even finish my statement Landon opened the door, "aye Jodie –" he saw me and stopped talking, then he focused his attention back on Jodie, "some shawty out here looking for you, I think one of her friends or something saw you bring Aria back her so they thinking some shit."
Jodie leaned up, "damn, I ain't got time for this shit, aye make my life easier, look like y'all some shit."
I turned and looked at Jodie, "nigga what?"
He smacked his teeth, and smiled. He knew what the fuck he was doing. "Man Aria come on, just act like you here for Landon when you walk out so I ain't really got no explaining to do. I'm tryna get my dick wet by this bitch tonight."
I rolled my eyes, this shit was a set up if you ask me. I looked at Landon who just stood looking at me. He reached his hand out for me to grab to see if I was going to do with Jodie asked. I looked at it and just walked by him altogether.
Sure enough as I was walking out some girls were walking up to his door, they were eyeing the fuck out of me. Landon took this as a prime to come face to face to me and kiss me, my body naturally responded and kissed him back, I could taste the liquor on his mouth. I hated that this shit felt so good. I hadn't talked to this man in three days, and not even ten minutes into this house our lips were locking. He grabbed my hand and headed to what I assume was his room. Going against my better I followed. Once we got to the room he closed the door, I looked around taking in how subtle and clean it was and then I focused my attention on him.
"What you bring me in here for? It's not that type of party." He was sitting on his bed, looking at me, eyes low. I could tell he was feeling the liquor and he might have even smoked.
He chuckled and leaned forward, "so we can talk Aria, is that okay with you?"
I rolled my eyes, "now you want to talk," I said under my breathe, but he heard me. He had three days that he could of hit my line but he didn't. But I had to remember the situation. I was out with another nigga like he was out with another girl.
He licked his lips and tightened his jaw. "Yeah Aria, now I want to talk," he had a slight attitude in his voice. That was unnecessary.
"Then talk," I said dryly.
He stood up running his hands over his face, then stuffing his hands in his pocket. "You know I'm feeling you. So I'm not even about to stand here and act like I wasn't tight about seeing you with Vinnie."
"We are not together Landon —" he quickly interrupted me, "I know that." He stated matter of factly. "So I figured that's what you wanted so I let it be, and because we had just started kicking it I wasn't about to look like I was doing too much by hitting you up, nor look like no pussy ass nigga still trying to get up with you when I clearly saw you in another nigga's face."
I laughed as I tilted my head and pointed at myself, "and I was supposed to look crazy and like I was on you when I saw you with another girl too?" He sighed, he knew I had a valid point. He was used to girls chasing him and that's not something I was going to do. Was I interested in Landon? A little, he sparked my interest I won't lie. But not enough to be all on his line like that.
"Just be real," I started, "you wasn't feeling me like that or you would have hit me up, and I'm sure Casey had you occupied these last couple of days, so stop bullshitting."
He chuckled, "I could say the same shit Aria," he began as he took his hands put his pocket, using his hands to talk "you ain't hit a nigga up either, so I felt like clearly you had a better time with Vinnie."
Vinnie and I did have a good time together. But weirdly enough the dates were on the same level, though I found myself attracted to Vinnie more because he wasn't full of himself like Landon was. But yet Landon still had me intrigued for some reason.
I rolled my eyes, his phone started ringing just as I was about to say something, I motioned for him to take the call, "go ahead and answer, I'll let you be," I started walking towards the door, he grabbed my arm quickly pulling me back.
"Nuh un we ain't done talking" he said as he ignored his ringing phone. "So that's it Aria? Let me know, you throwing the towel in?" He asked as he turned me around to face him.
I looked up at him, and then scanned his room, just checking the shit out again, really just trying to avoid eye contact.
He laughed, then backed up a little, "bet." He let out with a hint of attitude in his voice. I put my focus back on him. I sighed, "I had a great time with Vinnie." He looked at me like I was crazy as hell for saying that to him. "But I had a good time with you too Landon."
"Yeah I hear you." He let out with slight attitude. I laughed, "what you want me to say? I like you Landon, and only you." I cooed real dreamy like. "Fuck those dates, let's just pick up where we left off." I finished with a straight face. "That's what you want me to say?"
He smiled, "hell yeah, that's exactly what I want you to say, shit Aria, we both fucked up, I caught you on a date, you caught me on one, I ain't like the shit, even if you try and act like you don't care I know you ain't like the shit. We both were too stubborn to pick up the phone, but shit we here right now it must mean something." I laughed lightly, it didn't mean shit. He was trying to make that shit sound good. But I knew better. He pulled me into him, "c'mon Aria," he spoke lowly.
"Nah, you still a ho, and you trash as fuck." I said with all sincerity. This made him laugh, "but this ho only want you," he said with a smile. I hated that I even cracked a smile at that lame as shit, "says that nigga who don't do dates, but took another girl out on a date the day after you took me on one."
He sucked his teeth, "man fuck that, I'm fucking with you."
I looked up at him with a smirk, "yeah you fuck with everybody." He sucked his teeth again as he rolled his eyes, "man Aria, chill out." I couldn't help but laugh, he didn't like me talking about him being for everybody. He shouldn't have been for everybody.
He grabbed my hand, "you the only person I want to really fuck with." I damn sure couldn't tell, but I was going to let him run his game. "So don't be going on no dates with no other niggas now or imma flip shit. Cause at this point you know where I stand."
I laughed, "ain't shit funny." He let out causing me to stop laughing quickly, I couldn't flex like I didn't like the way he said that shit. It was so much bass in his voice, almost like I believed he was really fucking with me, but I knew better and I had to keep reminding myself that.
He wrapped his arms around my waist as I relaxed a little, "I'm deadass." He reiterated. I nodded, "and I heard you."
"But make sure you listening." He said as he tapped my ear. "Is that what you tell all your girls?" I questioned. "Is this how you make them all stupid for you? Feed them some bullshit and they just eat it up?"
He shook his head no, "I don't feed nobody bullshit. They know what it is. If it's just a fuck, it's just a fuck."
"But we not talking bout that." He insisted as he leaned in and kissed my lips softly. His lips were so soft and thick and it was one of the things I loved about Landon, and that says a lot cause I really don't like anything about the nigga.
I kissed back, against my better judgement as the kiss deepened. His hands slowly roamed my body as I felt myself getting worked up. He pulled away, surprising me but making me realize I didn't need to be doing this shit anyways.
He licked his lips as a small smirk was on his face. "Imma stop before you get yourself into something you can't finish." He spoke so low that it sounded seductive as his eyes roamed over my body.
I didn't play into his little game as I simply told him he was right. We exchanged a couple of more kisses before heading back out to the party. Like what the fuck was I doing!? I was in a daze once his lips hit mine.
I went back towards the kitchen where Kennedy still was and picked up my drink that she had in her hand, I quickly chugged it and Kennedy easily made me another one. Landon made his way back to his boys, goofing off, playing a game of beer pong; multiple girls were surrounding them as always.
Every time we connected eyes he would smile and wink. "What was y'all in there doing, fucking?" Kennedy asked with a devious grin as I put my focus on her.
I rolled my eyes, "No! we were just talking."
She waved her hand, "he should have just dicked you down." I couldn't do anything but shake my head at her stupid ass. "Ugh, this bitch," I turned to Kennedy to see who she was talking about. I looked towards the door and saw two girls walking in. It was Casey, the girl Landon was on a date with and the girl who came up to us at the club, who clearly is her friend. It clicked now, I chuckled to myself, "which one are you talking about?" I asked her as I watched the girls head towards the boys.
"The one in the red," it was the girl from the club, she continued, "she's fucking Chris, she popped up over here the last time we got up, poppin' big shit." I rolled my eyes, some girls were so stupid. I would never waste my time looking crazy or stupid for a nigga that clearly wasn't shit. And in the short time I knew Chris, I knew for damn sure he wasn't shit.
"She wasn't poppin' shit at you, was she?" I asked with concern, there were a couple of things I didn't play about, that was my grades, my shit, and my family and friends.
She looked at me like I was crazy, "was she? Bitch she came at me like she was trying to throw down, Chris got up and grabbed her before she got to me, I told his ass to let her go. But he asked me to leave so he could handle it, she looked like she was drunk as hell too when she came over, so it was probably in her best interest that Chris looked out for her ass that night."
I laughed and shook my head, I focused my attention on them. Crazy girl was talking to Bryan and Casey talking to Landon. I watched them slyly, they clearly had something deeper than what he wanted to portray going on.
"You better watch her ass," Kennedy said with her eyes burning a hole through Casey.
I looked at her, "that's the girl he took on a date."
Kennedy's mouth dropped open, "let's move closer," she pulled my arm as she began to walk. I tried to stop, "No Kennedy, chill out." She let go of me, "shit if you won't, I will." I couldn't let her go by herself not with crazy girl over there, the last thing I needed was for her to try and pop off and I was on the other side of the apartment.
"You ain't worried about crazy girl fucking with Chris?" she turned and looked at me, "hell no, I've accepted that Chris is just a good fuck and nothing more. We actually have a pretty good friendship since I've accepted it, plus I've been hanging out with Jon, and he a good nigga. We haven't had sex or anything, just going on dates and talking until the sun comes up, all that good shit." I smiled, Jon was the guy with Vinnie at the mall; that was the type of shit she deserved, "then why you still fucking with Chris?"
She looked at me like I asked her something crazy, "because I have needs, and he satisfies them, we satisfy each other. Until Jon steps up to the plate, I will use Chris." I shook my head, she started walking again, "don't think we still not going over there because you've focused my attention on another topic of conversation." I groaned, and started following behind Kennedy with a feeling that something was about to pop off.
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