《One Night (Completed)》6. Aria
"I am not wearing that!" I spat. Kennedy and I were at the mall as she was currently trying to find me an outfit for the date I had with Landon tonight.
I personally did not give a fuck, I didn't even want to be in this mall, this nigga was not special enough for me to be getting a new outfit for. And if we're being honest, I wouldn't have even thought about going out with him if it wasn't for Jodie.
Kennedy pulled out another dress, "what about this?" she asked with a grin on her face, she was picking out some of the most scandalous outfits. "Hell no!" I laughed, "c'mon, live a little" she said hardly able to contain her laughter. She knew she was doing the most.
"Speaking of dates though, Chris and I are getting up tonight," she recalled as she put the dress back on the rack.
I rolled my eyes, Chris had sex with her and then damn near tried to dodge her the next week, now all of a sudden he wanted to get up with again? No, he was just trying to fuck again and here she was falling for it.
"Aria, don't do that" she whined. Kennedy was a pretty girl and she was a good girl, she was loyal and never did a man wrong, but she wanted love so bad she often sold herself short, and I hated that shit but she knew I felt that way and I wasn't going to keep repeating it to her. I put my hands up, "I didn't say anything."
She pouted, "but your face did." I couldn't deny that, I laughed as I made my way out of the store. She followed behind me as I looked down at my phone to check the time, I was ready to go.
"Damn," she mumbled causing to look up as I caught sight of what had her cussing. "They are fine as hell" she whispered, we were getting closer to them so I understood her reasoning for talking low. I automatically recognized one of their faces, it was the guy I bumped into - Vinnie. With him stood a man that resembled him.
As we got close Vinnie said my name in a questioning tone. I nodded letting him know it was right as a bright smile appeared on his face. My goodness, he was handsome. He looked like he had a fresh cut, facial hair sitting clean against his dark skin.
I returned the smile. "How you been Mrs. Powers?" he asked jokingly. He fucking tried it. I rolled my eyes with a little smile, "don't ever try to play me like that. He is not my man, nor will he ever be." He laughed and held his smile, "that right?" He asked as he brought his hand to his beard, stroking it. I nodded. "Good." He said. "Then maybe you'll let me take you out."
When I tell y'all I could have screamed, however I kept my composure as I responded, "I mean maybe, if you ask."
He laughed as he licked his lips, dropping his hand from his face. "Well Aria, I think you're attractive and I would love to get to know you and make up for knocking your stuff out of your hands."
I laughed, "well I would like that cause you definitely owe me for that." He pulled out his phone and I handed him mine as we exchanged numbers. I looked at Kennedy as she was in conversation with they guy he was with, they too were pulling out phones and exchanging numbers.
"I'll be hitting your line." Vinnie reassured before they walked away.
I was lowkey on cloud nine, I guess this trip to the mall wasn't a waste after all. That was a man I'd give the time of day.
Once I made it back to my house it was already six o clock, I was supposed to meet Landon at a local steakhouse in exactly a hour and a half. I didn't want him knowing where I lived, I was only going on this date to get him off my back.
I showered and started getting dressed, I decided to go with this creme colored off the shoulder shirt, some jeans that showed the little bit of booty I had nicely and and my clear strapped heels. I straightened my hair in record time and applied some light make up, I put on my shoes and grabbed my clutch and headed out the door with little time to spare.
I pulled into the parking lot right when I received a text from Landon saying he was inside. I sent him a quick text letting him know I'd be right in. I looked myself over in the mirror once more. I rolled my eyes questioning why I was trying to make sure I looked good. "Because you just want to look good when you go out in general. This don't have nothing to do with him." I spoke lowly to myself and I got out the car and locked the doors.
As soon as I walked inside, Landon was the first person I saw. He was sitting down in the waiting area; he had on an all-black fit, with a small gold chain and a black and gold Rolex. He looked good, couldn't lie. He flashed that million dollar smile at me as he stood up and walked towards me. We hugged and he smelled just as good as he looked. He looked me over, "you look good," he started, "I like this color on you." I internally rolled my eyes, but plastered a smile on my face as I said thank you.
Landon let the hostess know we were ready as she put a smile on her face and grabbed two menus. She walked us over to a booth and talked to us for a little bit about the menu before leaving us by ourselves.
We put in our order, and Landon ordered us a bottle of wine, a wine I was now a fan of. He basically let me drink the whole bottle by myself so I was feeling a little more than just tipsy. I was more than sure he did that shit on purpose but he wasn't going to catch me slipping that easily.
However, we actually ended up having really good conversation, we talked about our majors, and our plans after graduation. He actually did plan on following in his father's footsteps with going into music engineering, but he never told me that was what his father did; he never even mentioned him. But he also had a backup plan with going into IT if he decided that he didn't like music engineering. I told him about my plans to be one of the top journalist whether it's in fashion or sports, or everyday living. We laughed and joked, and I realized that he really wasn't that bad of a guy.
"Hey, you want to hit Bar 180?" he asked as we were about to leave, I was still a little tipsy and part of me could go for some more drinks and fun, the other part was telling me to take it home. This was Landon, not one of my friends.
"Mm, I don't know." I responded. He titled his head back, leaning his body completely against the booth, no longer leaning on the table.
"C'mon Aria, we're vibing, I don't want to end the night yet." He smiled.
I ran my hand through my hair, thinking about it. "Aria, I'm not going to kill you or nothing. Shoot, you want my license plate number? Address? All that so you can send it to your friends?"
This caused me to laugh, the last thing I was thinking about was him killing me. I was thinking about him trying to get into my pants, and him thinking getting drinks in me was going to help. "Yeah, let me get all that to send to my friends."
He laughed, "I'm serious, come on. Just for a little while." I was enjoying the night so I agreed, "okay, not for long though Landon. We ain't cool like that."
He smiled, "Say less." He stood as I did too and we made our way out the restaurant. "Aye, I can drive, just leave your car here and we'll come back and get it later." He spoke, the look on my face let him know I wasn't feeling that. "Parking be a bitch and I'm trying to save you some gas." I still stood there looking unsure as he chuckled. "I like to be able to leave when I want to leave and I don't have time for you to do some fuck shit and then I'm stuck." I finally let out.
He laughed, "I'm not going to do any fuck shit, and we can leave whenever you say so. I promise." I still stood there as I bit my lip thinking. "Aria, you got my word." He reiterated.
I let out a sigh, "alright, if I'm ready to go in five minutes we leaving?" I questioned as I crossed my arms. He kissed two fingers and put it to the sky. "We leaving." He smiled.
I followed him to his car, taking in his burgundy Mercedes G Class. It was beautiful, he gave me a wide smile as he caught me mesmerized by his car. I quickly rolled my eyes as he unlocked the doors and I got in.
"What type of music do you like?" he asked as he pulled off. "Mm, I'm a soulful type, I like the India Arie, Lauryn Hill type of music, but when I'm out in these streets I like that trap shit." He laughed, "oh is that right?" I laughed and shook my head, "most definitely."
He smiled, "Trap music coming up, I got that shit." I knew he would. We drove the rest of the way with the music shuffling from Gucci Mane to Gotti, to NBA YoungBoy, and other people I didn't know of, having slight conversation in between. When we got to Bar 180 it was packed. He got valet parking, as I looked over at him. "I thought parking was going to be a bitch." He laughed, "listen, I'm only doing this so you don't have to walk far."
That was bullshit to me but I wasn't going to complain. Once we got out the car I looked at the line then looked at him, "we can go somewhere else." I let out, there was no way in hell I was waiting in that long ass line. He looked down at me and laughed, "nah, I got you."
He grabbed my hand and we went straight to the front of the line. He knew plenty of people as he spoke and dapped up a couple of people as we made our way in. We easily got into the club like bar with no problems and no wait. He clearly had connects.
We navigated straight to the closest bar, "what do you want to drink?" he asked looking me in the eyes, "Crown and Coke." I spoke as I was raking my brain for the correct saying, was it wine before liquor never been sicker? I didn't need to be drinking this. After a minute or two he turned handing me my drink as he looked like he was drinking something similar.
I took a sip of it as he asked was it straight. I nodded as he drank his and nodded too. "Let's go." He smiled. He grabbed my hand and started leading us towards the VIP area. I didn't understand why a place that was supposed to be a bar had a VIP area, or maybe it was a club with a bar name. My mind was all over the place.
I sat down as soon as we made it to the small area. I took in my surroundings as I sipped on my drink and vibed to the music. "I'm about to go speak to some people real quick, you good?" Landon questioned. I nodded as he got up, my eyes following him as he walked over to a group of guys and girls.
As soon as he made his presence known one of the girl lit up as she gave a wide smile and leaned into him. I laughed lightly, the girls loved him.
"Hey." Someone spoke causing me to refocus my attention, I looked to the other side of me as a guy stood there drinking my body up. "You look amazing." He spoke with his eyes continuing to go across my body. I thanked him with a small smile.
"What's your name if you don't mind me asking." I took a sip of my drink before responding, "Aria."
He took a seat beside me, "I'm Trey. You by yourself? Or your girls went to the bar or something?" He asked. Before I could even respond Landon walked up, I laughed to myself, he had just left not too long ago. He clearly peeped the scene and rushed his way back over here.
"You good baby?" He questioned. "Oh shit, my bad I didn't even know." Trey quickly jumped up as I looked at Landon crazy for calling me baby.
"It's all good." He replied telling the guy to go ahead and walk away with his body language; and Trey did. Landon sat down beside me as he shook his head and took a gulp of his drink. "I leave for a second and niggas all up in your face."
I laughed lightly as I took a sip of my drink, "it was one guy, relax with the dramatics."
"But it was more plotting." He declared as I just ignored the comment and finished my drink. "You want another one?" He asked. I wanted one, but I didn't need one. However I still nodded yes.
He signaled for one of the waitresses, as one easily caught sight of him and made her way over. Her lust eyes were only on him as he ordered both of us drink. "And you talk about niggas plotting on me." I uttered once she walked away.
He laughed, not denying it. He was lowkey cocky and I didn't find it attractive. "You really think you hot shit don't you?" I questioned as I turned my body to face him more.
He scrunched his face up, "think? Baby, I know what I bring to the table." See that's the cocky shit I'm talking about.
"And what exactly is it that you bring to the table?" I questioned truly curious. "More than the average nigga, and that's not even on no cocky shit." He declared. In other words not a damn thing, I huffed as I focused my attention elsewhere. I guess he realized that was an adequate answer for me as he started talking again.
"I got my own shit, I can easily take care of myself and whoever I'm with, I'll have a degree soon, I know I'm not ugly, I'm supportive as fuck, loyal—" I busted out laughing. "Loyal? Do you know the definition of that?" I questioned. No way I could let him continue after he said that word.
He sucked his teeth, "you don't even know me Aria. You go off of shit you hear."
"Yeah, and loyalty and Landon aren't two words I've ever heard together. Just cut the bullshit with me, for once!"
"No bullshit." He insisted. "I'm loyal as fuck, I'd never do my niggas dirty and when I decide to commit I can easily be loyal too. I'm single as hell right now, I don't owe any of these girls shit." I guess he had a valid point there but he was still trash as fuck.
The waitress came back over putting our drinks on the table as Landon pulled out money to pay for the drinks and tip her. They engaged in slight conversation as I picked up my drink snd took a sip. My tipsy-ness has came down a little when we first arrived but I was getting it back.
I looked at the waitress as she was clearly flirting. Like what if he was my man? These girls did not give a fuck, and nor did he. He leaned back placing his hand on my thigh as he still spoke to her, I looked down at my leg, him, then at the girl as she caught sight of it and cut the conversation short. It dawned on me that he was showing he was with me.
"I think I'll be ready to go once we finish this drink." I let out as I moved his hand off my thigh. He looked at me and shook head as he sighed, "alright."
Within a few minutes I had downed my drink while he was babysitting his. He looked over seeing I was done as he picked his up and basically finished it in one gulp. He stood up and I followed as he said bye to a few people before we made our way.
He quickly turned and grabbed my hand as we got to a crowded area, our hands were intertwined all the way to valet. Neither one of us thinking much of it until it was brought to our attention.
"Hey Landon." A girl spoke causing us both to look in her direction. She stood with attitude written all over her face as she looked down at our hands then at me. "Who is that?" She asked pointing at me as she got out of line coming closer to us.
I dropped Landon's hand as I hoped and prayed this girl wasn't about to try and be on no bullshit with me. I didn't even fuck with this man.
"Man, chill out with that shit." Landon groaned, looking defeated already. "Nahh, who the fuck is she?" She asked again. People in line and security were looking at us. I hated to be embarrassed.
"Aria, I'm Aria." I responded in a calm tone, trying to tone this conversation down. She looked at me with disgust as she crossed her arms before laughing. "You fucking him?" She asked blatantly.
"Not at all." I responded easily as the valet came up with his car. "Oh, so you a new bitch." She said matter of factly as Landon and I made our way to his car. Her demeanor let me know that she wasn't fucking with Landon, but someone she was friends was. "No." I responded before getting in the car and closing the door.
"See yeah, that right there is a reason I could never fuck with you." I informed him as I put my seatbelt on.
He sighed as he just shook his head and drove off. "I don't even fuck with her."
"Oh I know, but you fucking with one of her friends." He looked at me and smiled, "I like you Aria, you give me a lot of shit but I like you."
"To your car?" He asked changing the subject. I completely forgot that I met him earlier. "Damn, I don't feel like driving and my house around the corner. I shouldn't have listened to you." I let out. "But yeah, take me to my car." I grumbled.
"I can take you home and we can go grab it in the morning." He insisted as he looked over at me. It sounded great in all honesty, I was tipsy and I just wanted to get in bed.
"I feel like that's extra."
"It don't bother me none." He admitted, "shit take me home then. Wait I need my car before tomorrow afternoon."
"I'll swing by and get you in the morning then." I was with it, I started directing him to my house which wasn't far at all.
He pulled up to my apartment complex, parked and turned off his car. I took it as a sign he wanted to talk because there was no way he expected me to invite him in.
"You gon' let me spend more time with you?" He asked. I laughed, "I know you aren't referring to tonight."
"In general." He responded. I shrugged my shoulders, "you seem to come with drama and I'm good on that."
He sucked his teeth, "I don't though. That was just some bizarre shit, that ain't never happened before."
"Mhmm." I let out. He licked his lips, "I'm deadass." I didn't say anything as I looked at my phone to check the time, it was going on twelve am. I just wanted to go lay down. His phone started ringing as he looked at it and then silenced it, putting his attention back on me.
"Who stay with you?" He asked as we both watched a girl walk up the stairs. "This girl named Kelly, but she stays at her boyfriend's all the time, so it's basically just me here. I love it."
He nodded his head. "Shit, I bet you do."
"And with that being said, I'm going to head up."
"Let me walk you up." I gave him a look as he got out the car with me, he didn't even need to test his luck cause he wasn't getting past the door.
He followed me up the stairs, once we got in front of my apartment I turned to look up at him. "Thanks for tonight, honestly. I enjoyed it for the most part." I spoke truthfully.
"I did too. So I'm hoping you won't turn me down the next time I hit your line."
I shrugged, "we'll see." I said with a smile. He pulled me into a hug and I couldn't lie like his embrace wasn't nice because it was. He pulled away his eyes lingering over my face as my eyes lingered over his too. There was no questioning his attractiveness.
I could tell he wanted to kiss me but that wasn't happening tonight, if ever. I pulled away as his phone started to ring again. I took it as my opportunity to unlock the door as he checked it.
He silenced it again and then looked at me again. "I'll call you in the morning so we can go get your car." Once again I had forgot about that shit.
"Oh yeah, okay. Text me when you get home." He nodded as his phone went off again, "and you might want to get that. I'm sure your girl wants to know why you were out holding my hand tonight." I smiled as he laughed.
"I ain't fucking with you Aria, good night." He said as he turned to head down the stairs.
Tonight was pretty decent, but baby this sleep was about to be better.
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Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYun
The 23rd century's Xue Fei Yun is a peerless genius, trained meticulously by the kingpin of the underworld who adopted her to succeed him as the next generation leader. In 1 year after she took over her adopted father's spot as the new head of the organisation, she brought a whole new level of "Fear" to the underworld organisations. Be it looks, assassination, medicine, politics, martial arts there was no one better than her. Her only friend, Xiu Lin betrayed her trust and took Fei Yun's life... But this was not her fate.Fei Yun woke up as the daughter of General Xue. She learnt that the previous Feiyun lived a life of hardship. Her father was fighting the war for the last 3 years, her stepmother, Concubine Xia took the opportunity to dispose of her. Her step sisters, Qi Qi and Zhen Zhen also took joy in watching her suffer. But now she's no longer the weak daughter. She vows to climb up and return them fear like never before. She was willing to use anyone, even the God of War that everyone fear but in the end who is using who? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ranking:#1 Genius/ 2.3k Stories #1 China /6.7k Stories#1 Assassin/ 23.8K Stories#1 undiscovered/ 5.5k Stories#1 ColdPrince -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~please forgive any loopholes, grammar, mixing of chinese culture and weird names. I'm not very sure about the hierarchy thingy in palace as well. This is my original work and im new to writing and i just wanted to explore ;] enjoy !! all pictures used are not mine, credits to owners!
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