《[BTS FF] Dancing Girl》Part 15


Y/N's PoV

Jimin: "I'm gonna kick Minhyuk's snotty ass."

Joshua: "LANGUAGE! Also, we don't even know that it was him. It could have been her father or someone she doesn't know. We can figure this out, I promise Y/N."- Before I could open my mouth, I heard shrieks and little footsteps running down the stairs.

Y/N: "Jae Sun? What are you doing out of bed?"- He was crying, and I could tell he had a nightmare. He was stuttering and his bottom lip was trembling. He was about to have a tantrum. Sweet baby jesus help us all. "Awww it was just a nightmare, huh?"- He nodded and reached his arms up before opening and closing them over and over so I would pick him up.

BamBam: "What happened, Jae?"- My little brother wiped his tears (and snot) on my shirt messily (REST IN PEACE MY BRAND NEW SHIRT).

Jae Sun: "I w-was waiting f-f-for Noon-a and I s-saw JiJi b-being taken t-to a car with a man with b-blonde hair..."- Everyone gaped at his words.

Y/N: "Did Tae Jin tell you what happened to JiJi before you had this dream?"- He shook his head.

Jae Sun: "I saw JiJi in a room with 2 other kids and t-they were playing next to an ahjumma after that, but JiJi didn't look as happy as everyone else. I think she is trying to tells me something in a dream..."- Those were the most insightful words I'd ever heard come out of his mouth.

Jimin: "Wait, so like, twin telepathy?"

Jackson: "That's not real, Jimin."

BamBam: "It could be!"

Joshua: "Says the one who was talking about metal potatoes..."

Y/N: "BOYS! This is serious. He could be on to something..."


Jae Sun: "I am Noona! I saw the person who took JiJi!"

Boys & Y/N: "WHAT?!"


Jae Sun: "You're not gonna like it..."

Hoseok's PoV (while all this is happening)

Jin: "God, where is Jimin?!! It's been like 2 hours and he said he'd be home in half an hour! I swear if he's at that strip club again..."

Namjoon: "Hyung, that was one time!!!"- Jin and Namjoon were fighting about what to do with Jimin. I remember he had said that Y/N needed him real quick, so maybe that's where he was?

Hoseok: "Guys, I know where he might be."

Jin: "IT'S THE STRIP CLUB ISN'T IT!!!"- I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

Hoseok: "No, it's Y/N's house."

Yoongi: "Why would he be there?"

Jungkook: "He did say he was going to help her..."- Everyone nodded in conclusion to the argument and made their way to the van we used for Bangtan.

A million thoughts ran through my head. Why would she call him? Is her brother there? Is her dad there? Are the triplets okay? The questions flowing through my mind got me even more worried. The main question I was wondering was:

Why didn't she call me?

I'm her sunshine! Her hope! I'm her best guy friend, and yet, she calls Jimin. Park Jimin the short little mochi with anger issues and an inability to control his hormones. Why wouldn't she call me? I'm always there! I bet Jimin doesn't even know about her brother...

Just thinking about her with him made my blood boil and my usual smile turn into a frightful grimace. I looked over at the guys, and they were just as angry. Wait...

Hoseok: "Where's Taehyung?"


Jungkook: "I'm sitting on him."- ...wtf?

Hoseok: "What the hell? Why?"- He grinned at me, flashing his bunny teeth before answering. This kid is weird.

Jungkook: "Why not?"- Looks like the seagull ate one too many 'fish'.

Hoseok: "Okay...."

Jin: "We're here!"

Eun Ji's PoV (at the same time as the rest of this lmao)

I sat in a cute room, on the verge of crying. Questions pounded in my head.

Where is my Unnie?

Where are my Oppas?

Where is my Eomma?

Why did he pick me up?

Why am I here?

Another one of the children crying set off alarms in my head. There were two of them, and they were siblings. They were actually from my preschool as well, but they weren't taken. It seemed like they lived here with their great aunt or something.

Maybe a nanny?

It didn't really matter to me because all I wanted to do was take a nap, but these little monsters wouldn't be quiet! Yes, I am the same age as them, but that doesn't change the fact that they're short!

I could hear the elderly woman yell at them, even though I wasn't focusing on much of anything except how much I missed my Unnie.

At one point, I fell asleep and prayed that Jae Sun could see what I saw, but that probably didn't happen.

The room fell silent and I could feel the stares at me.

Eun Ji: "What is it?"

Ahjumma: "We were just wondering what you wanted for dinner, Eun Ji."

Eun Ji: "I'm not hungry."

Small Girl Child: "You have to eat, Unnie..."

Eun Ji: "Don't call me that. I'll just have whatever he's having."- I pointed to the little boy, who blushed. Weirdo.

Ahjumma: "That's the spirit. It should be here soon, let me go order it."- We all nodded and I laid back on the ground.

Small Girl Child: "Unnie, do you want to play?"

Eun Ji: "1. No. 2. Didn't I say not to call me that?"

Small Boy Child: "What happened Noona? Are you feeling okay?"- He put his hand on my forehead, but I just pushed it away. Yeah, I just got kidnapped from my own preschool, I'm totally fine!

Eun Ji: "I just miss Y/N Unnie. She's not here, so I'm not okay."

Small Boy Child: "It's okay, Noona. It'll all be better soon. Your unnie will come back with my hyung, and it'll all be great!"

Eun Ji: "I'm going to sleep."- I shut my eyes and prayed to everything I've ever believed in that this is just a dream. Please let this be a dream...

Y/N's PoV

Jae Sun's words repeated in my head.

"You're not gonna like it..." Well I didn't, and I don't. I still can't believe he might have done this.

God, why would he do this?

I heard knocking at my door which pulled me out of my temporary trance.

I opened it to see all of Bangtan.

Y/N: "Is it true? Did you do it?!"- Everyone looked surprised and confused except one. He looked down at his feet, but then smirked back at me.

Hoseok: "Y/N what are you talking about?"- His calming voice was the only thing keeping me from attacking him.

Jimin: "Oh I guess he didn't tell you all."- Flashes of confusion went across all of their faces. Jimin was ready to slice a bitch.

Jimin: "Taehyung kidnapped Y/N's little sister."

// hehe who was expecting that? //



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