《Reverse Falls Dipcifica One-shots》Line


Heyy :,)


Dipper's POV

I was crouching on the ground, coughing as my face was distorting in pain. Just moments ago I was in an argument with Gideon about what's best for Pacifica. Both of us wanted to protect her yet different intentions in doing so. He believes that it's best for Pacifica to stay away from the Gleeful family and I. I don't blame his way of thinking due to our past however I argued back saying Pacifica should be the one who knows what's best for her. As we continue to argue, I somehow failed to notice Pacifica's presence from a distance. She was watching intensely, waiting for someone to make a move. Gideon took that action.

Although he was much shorter than me, he managed to kick my shin and used his hands to choke me. For someone like him, I was surprised he had a firm grip on my neck, managing to make it difficult to breathe. I was tempted to use my amulet but Pacifica stepped in.

"GIDEON!" She screamed in rage.

"I expected better from you! Although I don't blame you for thinking that, in the end, you have no control over what I do!"

Her eyes.

Her eyes were so stunning.

I was always lost in them, the beautiful waves from the ocean, calm and vibrant.

These ones were different.

Cold, Dead but Alive, Fire, intense.

I crouched to the ground, coughing vigorously. I ran my fingers over my neck, where my windpipe was abused. Pacifica noticed and continued to scream at Gideon,

"I know you want what's best for me, and I get that, I respect that, but who are you to control my life? Not to mention, you hate the Gleeful's so much due to your rough past with them but that little stunt you just did, how does that make you any different from the villain you see Dipper as? You're being hypocritical! If you hate Dipper for using violence why did you kick and choke him?"

Gideon was taken back from this, his baby blue orbs were trembling,

"So you're telling me, you're siding with Dipper and his family, despite them having a background involving manipulation, violence, crime, etc, over me: who only committed one bad behavior? That's so unfair and unreasonable!"

"I'm not siding with anyone! Of course it's wrong to commit violence! I tell Dipper that everyday! What you did is also unacceptable! If you hate how Dipper acts then don't just choke him like that! As I said before, it's making you a hypocrite!"

"I can't believe you right now. Of course my action was wrong but I can't help it! He's not whats best for you! You should stay away from him, he'll end up manipulating you into doing bad things and you'll be heartbroken!"


"I can take care of myself! I'm not some child. You don't need to hold my hand and try to protect me from this wild town. I can fend for myself."

"I know you can protect yourself but not against murderous creeps like the Gleefuls! When will that stick to your head! You'll literally end up dead because of them," Gideon reasoned, grabbing Pacifica's shoulders. "I'm just worried about you."

Pacifica removed Gideon's hands from her shoulders and her expression was more calm,

"I know that but, I need to take care of myself. How can I protect myself if you don't give me the chance to? I get that you're worried but please, trust me. I'll be okay."

Gideon didn't seem to be pleased with that answer. He turned away saying, "Fine then, do what you please. I won't stop you. I'll be a call away if you need me." Then he simply walked away.

I was still on the ground, shocked from the scene that unfolded before me. Pacifica looked down on me and smiled gently.

"Are you alright?" she asked, crouching to take a good look at my neck. I turned away,

"I'll be fine."

"That's good." She took my hand and pulled me up, my leg slightly hurting due to Gideon kicking my shin. She put an arm around my shoulder in case I needed help walking.

"No need for your help Pacifica," I explained. "I can use my amulet to fix my leg, not to mention it only slightly hurts so it's not a big deal."

"If that's the case," she started, she looked away with a small tint of pink on her cheeks, "Do you mind if we walk into the woods, specifically walk by the edge of the cliff there?"

"May I ask why?"

"No reason, only if you're interested."

"That's fine with me."

I didn't feel like teasing her today. Not after that incident. Whatever she had planned, maybe it will be worth it. It's unexpected of her to ask me like this, but I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up for anything surprising. She never fails to amaze me though.

We made our way to the woods, this whole town is surrounded by woods but this part of the forest was special; if you walk to the end, there's a cliff where you can see a beautiful waterfall that shines during the day and sparkles through the night. Beyond that, you can see the next town over, and during the night, the city lights create a wonderful scenery.

I looked up in the sky, almost sundown. Usually, it's best to stay away from the woods as it approaches nightfall. Who knows what lurks here? Me personally, I've been here hundreds of times and yet every time I'm here, I see a new little creature in here.


The walk to the edge of the cliff was silent. It wasn't awkward just peaceful. I must be so lost in thought that I failed to notice we were almost there. I even forgotten the pain from my leg there.

Pacifica suddenly ran closer to our destination and stopped once she was there. I lightly jogged my way there. I stood next to her as we both admired the view: the same old waterfall, the same old little city next door, same old cliffs and hills on the other side. It's the same yet the view is too perfect.

Pacifica sighed in relief and sat down. I sat down trying to make things more comfortable and less awkward. I didn't know what to say but I was about to ask her why she brought me here but she spoke first,

"Don't you think the view is pretty?" she asked, turning to me with a smile on her face. Her rosy pink cheeks are gleaming and her eyes were full of excitement.

"I think it is. I come here often so this isn't the first time I've seen it yet, the view is always breathtaking."

She turned away and looked back at the view. I continued to admire the scenery and then she spoke again,

"What are your thoughts on belief and doubt?"

I looked at her, confused. What's with the sudden question?

"I was just curious," she giggled as she read my expression.

"Well," I started. "I guess both are similar yet opposite? I know you need one to have the other but I guess it's more of a opposites attract thing. I'm still curious as to why you must ask this question."

Pacifica looked up as if she was thinking, wondering, trying to collect her thoughts. She smiled gently and replied, "I don't think they're necessarily complete opposites. I mean you can believe someone but still doubt them, and when it comes down to it, belief lies in the heart of that conflict right?"

I nodded my head slowly, trying to process what she's saying.

"I mean if there's no room for doubt then I guess there's no reason to believe is there?" she asked again. Her expression and tone seemed a bit more sad. She still carried a smile on her face but she seemed to be in total melancholy.

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean," I stated. I want to know more

"Well," she continued, "If you want to believe someone you have to doubt them first. If you doubt someone, you have to believe them first. One without the other, is just a lie."

I was silent. What was there to say?

"Yet, there's also another issue," she started again. "You can believe someone but if you believe in someone too much with little doubt, then it'll just be as destructive as doubting someone with little belief. In a way, I guess we have to know our limits on what we consider truth or lies."

Truth or lies?

"Some lies can lead everything to happiness and hope while some truths can lead everything to sadness and despair. It's hard to say what's actual considered real or right in the end. So I guess we can just have faith for the future to know the line between them."

"Why are you telling me this?" I suddenly asked.

She looked at me and smiled, "I'm not sure, I think there's a line for that separation within you. It's hazy and blurry, but it's there. You don't seem to fully know the difference between belief and doubt, truth and lies, hope and despair. You don't seem to realize that false information leads to happiness, yet the truth can also lead to hope. You don't seem to realize that what's considered right may be considered total madness to another. I guess what I'm saying is, you need to recognize the line more. I'm not saying you should depend on one side, because in the end you need both sides to exist. All I'm saying really, is to look out for that line in people and be aware of the people themselves."

I was left stunned. Who knew this blonde chick would say this to me. As I said, she never fails to amaze me. I chuckled a bit and Pacifica seemed to notice.

"What's so funny?" she asked curiously.

"You're amazing, you know that? How do you know so much of everything?" I asked, wondering how she can be so stunning.

"I don't know, I guess I understand people better than you," she teased, smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at her as she giggled. I looked at the sky again and saw it was passed sundown. The Sun was nowhere in sight but slight tints of red appeared among the horizon. Clouds were twisting and twirling up in the sky as stars started to twinkle behind them.

"Do you think it's best to head back now?" Pacifica asked. She looked at her watch as she internally started to panic inside. I looked at her and smiled, "I think so."

I took her hand and lifted her up, noticing the small tint of red on her face. I chuckled at her expression and started to walk back to the town, with my hand holding an angel.


hope you liked it :)

i'll try to update more ;-;

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