《Reverse Falls Dipcifica One-shots》A Poem To My Lover (Part 1)


I saw you smiling the other day.

It made me happy,

Knowing you were enjoying life.

With that smile on your face,

The laugh escaping from your lips,

Happy tears filling up your eyes,

You were happy,

And it made me happy.

I saw you crying the other day.

It made me sad,

Knowing you were in pain.

A heartbroken soul was showing

That broken smile,

Your wails,

Tears of sorrow streaming down your face,

You were in pain,

And it made me upset.

I watched you

grow happiness and sorrow

Emotions filled up your world,

And part of mine as well.

One day,

I went up to you,

I asked how you were doing.

Instead of fangirling over me

Like how most people do,

You smiled,

And said you were fine.

That smile was fake.

I confronted you about it,

Your smile soon disappeared,

And you started crying.

You told me everything.

How a boy had broken your heart,

How people used you,

Bullied you.

I gave you a hug.

You accepted it

And hugged back.

After you calmed down,

I asked you,

"Why did you keep smiling,

If the world was being cruel

To you?"

I will never forget your response.

You said,

"Although the world is cruel,

I don't to fill up my life with sadness and despair.

It's not a way to enjoy life,

And I want to fill my life,

With happiness.

And I know one day,

The world will be a happy place soon."

I was in shock.

I never expected that response.

I looked at the sky,

It was a beautiful sunset,

And it was a windy day.

I looked back at you,

And you were smiling at me.

Your hair flying gently,

Your pink lips,

Your rosy cheeks,

Your curious ocean blue eyes,


Your pale blonde hair.

I noticed everything about you,

And how you looked beautiful.

Soon after we started talking,

We talked about our greatest days,

And our worsts

We talked about our pasts,

Our hopes for the future,

We shed tears of happiness and pain

Our moments were memorable

I then fell in love with you,

I didn't know how to tell you,

And I was afraid to tell you,

So I kept it a secret,

And hoped I will one day, confess.

Soon after, I noticed

you had feelings for another boy,

I was heartbroken,

But I knew this is what made you happy,

And I wanted you to be happy.

I watched from the back,

While you were with him,


I smiled with tears

streaming down my face.

I'll do whatever it takes to

Make you happy.

Ill make a million mistakes

I'll give up my life for you

I want you to be happy,

Even if it's not with me

-Dipper Gleeful

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