《Reverse Falls Dipcifica One-shots》Under the Stars


Pacifica Southeast laid down on her bed and groaned in frustration. She was tired of dealing with Dipper's flirts. She's in love with him, yes. But he can be annoying.

"Space Unicorn! Soaring through the stars!" The ringtone. Someone is trying to call her. She takes her phone out and it was Dipper.

"Caller of the day," She mumbled to herself. Pacifica answered the phone call. "Hello?" She asked.

D: Pazzie!

P: What do you want Dipper?

D: I just want to say, meet me behind the Mystery Shack. At 8:00 sharp.

He then ended the call. "Okay?" Pacifica was wondering what was he planning.

Pacifica checked her watch. 7:59. One minute early. She checked her watch again, 8:00. Just when she looked up from her watch, there he was, Dipper Gleeful.

"Well, you're one minute early,"said Dipper. "I said 8:00 exactly. Did I not say that?"

"Sorry," replied Pacifica. She looked down with guilt written all over her face. "Hey no need to be guilty," said Dipper, smiling. Pacifica looked up and blushed.

"Anyways let's get going!" Shouted the happy Gleeful. He grabbed the confused girl and they both went into the woods.

"Where are we going?" asked Pacifica. She was always afraid of going into the woods at night. "Somewhere" replied Dipper. " You're going to like it. Just close your eyes and I'll tell you when to open them."

Pacifica closed her eyes as she was told to. She was nervous. Was Dipper going to betray her. Would he abandon her? She was so lost into her thoughts that she almost bumped into a tree.

"Whoa!" said Dipper. He successfully managed to grab the girl before she bumped her head. "Now you don't wonder off. Here don't worry I got you" He then grabbed her shoulders so she would be in front of him and also to stay close to him so she won't hurt herself.


When he said that, Pacifica smiled to herself. She knew that he wouldn't let her go. She knew that she was safe with him.

They continue to walk until they had reached their destination. Dipper had let go of Pacifica. "Open your eyes," said Dipper. She opened her eyes and gasped with amazement.

They were on top of a hill, by a cliff. From there you could see the waterfall. It was beautiful. And the moon made the water sparkle. The stars in the sky were all over the place. It was an amazing sight.

Pacifica then turned to Dipper with a smile on her face. She then hugged him. Dipper just stared at her. He finally hugged her back. They were like this for a while.

When they broke apart, they started to have a conversation that lasted for a long time. They had enjoyed each other's company.

"Pacifica?" asked Dipper. "Yes Dipper," replied Pacifica. "I just want to say that we've been friends for a while and I know I bother you with my flirts. I've got a confession." He had a serious face on. "Pacifica, I have a crush on you. Been like that since day 1. I was always flirting with you because I hoped it was a message to you that I have a crush on you. I really like you Pacifica. And it's fine if you don't feel the same way."

He looked at Pacifica and he saw she was crying. He didn't know if they were happy tears or not.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked. Just after he said that Pacifica hugged him. "You idiot," she said. "But you're my idiot." This made Dipper shocked.

She released him and wiped her eyes. "I have a crush on you too"

Dipper smiled from ear to ear. "Will you be my girlfriend then?" He asked while grinning. "Yes."

They both lean. Soon enough they closed the gap between them. It was perfect. Kissing the one you love under the stars.

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