《Reverse Falls Dipcifica One-shots》Favorite song


I'm listening to my favorite song, Stronger than you. I actually like the song. This song is so good.

I was walking to my house or the mansion. When I opened my door, I saw Mabel and Pacifica. Mabel was laughing so much and Pacifica was laughing nervously.

"Uhh what did I miss?" I asked. What is going on? "Oh dear brother,"said Mabel, calming down. "Pacifica said that she likes that song called Stronger than You! The Undertale version! It's hilarious!" She begins to laugh again. "Just wait a minute," I said. I turned to Pacifica. "You like that song?" I asked her.


"Well guess what?" I asked her. "What?" said Pacifica said with a sad tone. "I like that song, too!" Pacifica's face began to light up. "You do!" I nodded my head yes. Pacifica got up and ran to me. She gave me a hug. She buried her head onto my chest.

"Thank you," said Pacifica. "I found someone who also likes the song. I'm not the only one." "N-no problem," I said, stuttering. She let go of me. "I need to go now," said Pacifica. "Ok, well bye," I said. She waved goodbye to me and left. It was just Me and Mabel who was staring at me with her mouth open. I saw that Will was with her.

"Omg!" yelled Mabel. "Get a room!" "OTP! SO BEAUTIFUL!" shouted Will. "Shut up!" I yelled blushing. They started to laugh.

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