《Reverse Falls Dipcifica One-shots》Fell


Pacifica frantically turned the pages of the journal to find out how to get rid of the ghost. "Come on Pacifica!" Said Dipper. "We don't have a lot of time!" Pacifica stopped turning the pages until finally found the page.

"I found it!" said Pacifica. "It says that Haunted Paintings can only be trapped in a silver mirror. Look! There's a silver mirror there." She pointed to where the silver mirror was. She ran fast to get there but until she took a step on the carpet, Dipper stopped her.

"Wait!" shouted Dipper. "We can't go in here. This room has my elders' favorite carpet pattern. They will lose it if we track mud in there." "Dipper, we don't have time for this." "We'll find another way." "Let me through!" "Everyone will kill me!" "Why are you so afraid?" "You wouldn't understand."

They both tumble back. They went through this painting and came through a dusty room. "Where are we?" asked a confused Pacifica. "That's weird, I've never been here before." "Maybe the ghost won't find us here." "Yeah maybe we're safe." Little did Dipper know, that the covered up painting was about to eat Dipper. Someone, or something was under there.

Pacifica turned around and saw Dipper almost getting eaten. "Dipper! Watch out!" Dipper turned around and he almost screamed. The ghost when through the covered painting. "Your fait is sealed!" yelled the ghost. The ghost started to chase Dipper. Dipper bumped into a box full of silver stuff. Pacifica looked inside the box and saw a silver mirror. "A silver mirror," said Pacifica.

Dipper tripped and fell down. The ghost when up to him and grabbed his ax. "Prepare to die Gleeful!" Before the ax could hit him, Pacifica went in front of Dipper with a silver mirror. Later, they both tumble back. Dipper landed on top of Pacifica. There faces were about an inch apart. Dipper was blushing. "So did you get the ghost?" Pacifica looked at the mirror and saw the ghost.


"So, are you guys, like, a thing now? asked the ghost, smirking. "N-no! It's not l-like that!" stuttering Pacifica. "Then how come he's still on top of you?" the ghost kept on smirking. He muttered to himself,"Dipcifica is cannoned! Right?" "What did you say, Ghost?" asked Dipper, getting angry. "Nothing!" Then the ghost disappeared, but Pacifica and Dipper know that he was still trapped in there.

Dipper got off on Pacifica. "That never happened, alright?"said Dipper, blushing. Pacifica turned away from him so he wouldn't see her blush.

"Yeah"said Pacifica, but both of them didn't want to forget this memory.

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