《Disappearance》Chapter 12


Parking the car he looks over at me as I do the same.

"I been coming to this hospital to see where his office was and I found it so while I distract them I want you to go in there and look for Haisleys file". He said handing me a paper and I nodded.

"What about cameras". I ask looking from the hospital to him.

"That's why I made you go back in the house as get that mask and jacket". He said cutting the car off.

"Let me walk in first and then you come in and stand off to the side". He aid getting out of the car before making his way to my side.

I was so tired I wasn't really comprehending what was going on.

"Hey look at me". He said grabbing my face.

"You can do this we ain't no punks". He said causing us to laugh.

"We can do this". I said over and over nodding my head.

"That's right gimme a kiss". He said poking his lips out.

"I love you baby". He said staring into my eyes.

"I love you too". I said getting out of the truck.

He starts to walk in and a minute or two later I walk in standing off the the side.

"I need to see doctor Louis now". Jahreem said but the receptionist shook her head.

"I'm sorry I can't do that". She said as a few people looked on.

"HE DROPPED MY CHILD AND YOU CAN'T GET HIM". He yelled and all the women gasped looked over before standing up getting ready to leave.

"Wait wait wait this is a misunderstanding right sir". She said looking over at Jahreem.

"You getting doctor Louis". He asked and she nodded her head.

"Then yeah I'm just fucking with y'all". He said causing me to laugh.


I pull out the paper and see it's a way to get to the office. Since my mask was already on I make my way to the stairs looking around before going up them.

Once I made it to the 6th floor I look around and no one was up there and it was quiet. Walking into his office I look at the filing cabinet and start to go through it.

Going through the alphabet I stop at H and look for Haisleys name. Finding it I pull it out and before I could look at it I hear voices outside the door.

Quickly getting underneath the desk I open the file and take pictures of all the pages.

Snapping a picture of the last page the door opens.

"How's the baby doing I miss her already".He said and my eyebrows went up as he sat down in the chair in front of me.

He never told us he had a child nor was it stated on the internet. The office phone begin to ring and he answered it.

"Okay I'll be right down". He said before hanging up.

"Honey I have to go some man is causing a disturbance I'll call you later". He said before hanging up and I see him standing up before hearing the door open and close.

Quickly getting from under the desk I put the file back and open the door looking both ways before going back down the staircase.

"I'm not leaving this damn hospital until you tell these people you drop babies". Jahreem said mugging Dr. Louis as people looked to see what was going on.

"Sir I assure you I do not drop babies". Dr. Louis said and Jahreem was about to say something else before he saw me.

"Alright bye". He said as I made my way out of the hospital.


Getting in the car I wait for him and he finally gets in looking over at me.

"You got it". He asked and I waved my phone and he smiled before starting the car up and pulling off.

"Now what do we do". I ask looking over at him as he drove.

"We gone pull it up on the laptop at home". He said and I nodded sitting back.

Cutting the car off we got out and made our way inside. Jahreem went to get the laptop so that we could pull it up.

"Give it here". He said holding his hand out and I gave him my phone.

I sat there as he typed and stuff before the pictures popped up. We started reading through them silently.

"It doesn't say anywhere in there that she died". He said cause me to look at him.

"So that means she's alive right". I ask looking over at him.

"Baby its a huge possibility I got to be at work in a few but when I get off tomorrow morning we going straight to the police station". He said and I nodded my head.

"Go get some sleep". He said kissing my forehead as he stood up.

Doing the same I follow him to our room looking at Haisleys in the way.

As he got dressed I laid in bed watching him.

"Alright I'm about to go show me some love". He said poking his lips out.

Kissing him a huge smile graced his face as he stared at me.

"I love you". He said still staring at me.

"I love you too". I said getting comfortable.

"I'll see you in the morning". He said before walking out.

Picking up the remote I flip through channels before deciding on the discovery channel.

If what he said was true then I could possibly be right...

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