《Disappearance》Chapter 9


I never thought I would be back in here so soon but I've been taking my medicine and getting better. Jahreem visits me literally everyday never misses a day.

"Knock knock". Someone said causing me to look up from Haisley's ultrasound picture.

"Hey". I said smiling standing up.

"Hey baby how you been". Jahreem said with a huge smile on his face.

"Good I miss you I'm ready to come home". I said with a pout on my face as he brung me into a hug.

"I know I miss you too". He said as we take a seat on my bed.

"I bought you some Hot Cheetos". He said pulling the bag out waving it in my face causing me to smile.

"What about my chips ahoy". I ask with my eyebrow raised.

"Come on now you know be better than that, BAM". He said whipping them out of the bag.

"Thank you". I said kissing him as he smiled.

And we sat there in silence.

"You know she would have been have been 5 months today". I said laying my head on his shoulder.

"I sometimes wonder what her smile would look like, what she smelled like, what she looks like". He said looking off to the side.

"I know you don't want to but do you want to visit her grave today". He said looking over at me.

I don't want to see her like that but maybe it'll help me come to terms with it.

"Yeah I'll go". I said lowly while nodding.

"Really". He asked in shock since he's been asking me for a while now.

"Yeah". I said with a half smile.

"Put your shoes and jacket on and let's go". He said and I nod standing up.

Grabbing my jacket I throw it on before putting on my shoes. Grabbing my hand he leads me to the front desk.


"I'd like to sign her out for 2 hours". He said to sally the front desk lady.

"Sign here". She said pointing to a clipboard on the desk.

He signed it and we walked out of the building. He opened the door for me and I got in.

Looking out of the window I see people walking the streets as he got in starting the car up. As he pulled off I cut the radio on.

Getting out of the car I grab Jahreems hand because I don't know where her tombstone is.

We walked for a minute or two before we came in front of an angel tombstone and he stopped.

"This is her". He said looking down at it.

"I can't look". I said turning my head as tears began to form.

"Take a seat". He said pulling me down and I continued to look at the ground.

Looking up I see her name engraved.

"You have anything you want to say". He asked looking over at me and I shook my head.

"Not right now". I said and he nodded.

"Hey babygirl it's daddy again and I finally brought mommy with me". He said as I stared at the tombstone.

"You know when you were inside mommies tummy and I would play music for you and you would dance I just knew you would be a dancer I was going to take you to classes and dance with you". He said tearing up and I pulled him into me and he started crying into my chest.

We got up and started heading towards the car.

"You want some frozen yogurt". He asked as he opened my door.

"Yeah". I said nodding and he closed the door walking around the car getting in.

Leaning back I watch as building pass by as he drove.


Since the yogurt place wasn't far we made it there in five minutes. Getting out he throws his arm over my shoulder as we walk in.

We pick our cup and what flavor and toppings we wanted before going to the counter and paying. Walking over we take a seat at a table by the window.

"How's work been". I ask eating some of my yogurt.

"Good I got a 25 cent raise it's not much but it adds up". He said smiling cause me to smile.

The bell on the door run and I looked over seeing a lady pushing a stroller in. She walks past our table and I look at the baby and I see a heart shaped birthmark just like the one our daughter had.

"That's her that's our baby girl". I mumbled to myself staring at the baby in the stroller.

"What".He asked looking at me confused.

"That's our daughter". I said louder this time standing up and making my way over to the lady that just walked in.

"PUT ME DOWN THAT'S MY BABY I KNOW IT". I yell as he carries me outside putting me in the car and getting in himself.

"What is wrong with you". He asked looking over at me as he drove.

"That was our daughter". I said and he shook his head.

"That wasn't our daughter Marlowe you can't just go up saying peoples daughter is ours". He said and I didn't say anything the rest of the ride.

We made it back to the institute and I got out walking inside the building.

As he signed me in I make my way to my room.

"Look". He started but I cut him off.

"I'm pretty tired I think you should go".I said taking off my jacket and shoes.

"Really Marlowe". He asked as I laid on the bed.

"Bye". I said turning facing the wall.

"I love you". He said as I stared at the wall.

"I love you too". I said and I could hear him walk out of the room closing the door.

Letting out a sigh I close my eyes.

That was my baby I just know it...

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