"If you don't get yo' black ass out this bed then I'll simply drag you by your nappy ass wig!It is a time to celebrate not to be sappy and bitter." Porsche exclaimed in Yvette ear.Yvette slightly propped her head up on her all pink pillows and then frowned at Porsche who was all up in her face so early in the morning.
"First of all, my wig never was and never will be nappy.I am not bitter either, I just really don't see anything special about my birthday.It's just another day, honestly Porsche."
Porsche sighed and sat down in Yvette bed crossing her legs and leaning on her elbows looking up at her best-friend of fifteen years.Yvette would be the first one to plan a weekend full of surprises and gifts for anyone else but herself especially Porsche but when it came to her birthday all that excitement left, she always wanted to do nothing.Just lay in her bed, eat and watch anime.
"Okay don't think of it as a birthday brunch slash party, think of it as time away from yo' ugly ass 2D boyfriend."
"Don't talk about my baby Naruto like dat', he'll Rasengan yo' ass."
"I don't even know what the fuck yo' ass just said but just say you'll come? I already made the reservations and I rented out the club so if you don't come, I'll miss out on money." Porsche partially lied, she did make the dinner reservations, but she didn't rent out the club, their boss did.
But Yvette didn't have to know that.
She knew the only way Yvette would go would be to guilt trip her.Although it was wrong she had to get her to go out today.It had been a very hard year for Yvette, and all Porsche wanted to do was celebrate her for once.
"The last thing I want is to have you miss out on money, so I guess I'll go."
"That's the spirit! Now brush yo' teeth and wipe the crust out yo' eyes.You look an entire mess and I say that with love."
"Still look better then you, boo"
"Oh you feisty today huh? Okay Miss Twenty-five."
Yvette rolled her eyes as Porsche stepped outside the room. Yvette took a deep breathe staring at her vanity mirror.She wanted nothing more then to get in her bed, curl up and just let the day pass her by but Porsche would just not let up and she knew if she didn't give in, that playful banter would soon turn into an argument.She always had good days and bad days but in the months her birthday would come around, she would always have bad days.Just thinking about her birthday gave her some type of anxiety and uneasiness and she never understood why.
Then again she's never understood a lot things.
She learned that she would never get answers, and she didn't have anybody to give her answers so she learned to push it out her mind, and simply move on and create a beautiful life.
With her, Porsche and her future man.
That was taking a little longer then she expected.
"I don't hear the shower running! Do i have to come get you?!" Yvette rolled her eyes and opened the bathroom door.
"I'm doing it now!"
"You better!"
Yvette stepped in the tub,letting the steaming hot water run over her whole body as she stood still for a minute, thinking, she always thought.
"Yvette! Go! Go now baby!"
"You go right fucking now! Don't you worry about me, go!"
Yvette heard a loud bang from downstairs as she started to look around and panic as she clutched her chest and started breathing heavy as she felt trapped within the shower.She quickly turned off the water and ran out the bathroom and out the room door.
"What was that?!" Yvette snapped looking wild and crazy with her eyes pushed out her eyes socket staring at a confused Porsche who held up some CDs.
"You know my ass clumsy,I knocked some things over.Why you look like somebody just broke in yo' house? You know i keep that tool in my purse.They would get shot!"
"You know how i feel about unnecessary loud noises."
"You would think you turning fifty-five and not twenty-five.I got you though, no more noise.Now go finish your shower, wetting up all the floors looking like a wet rag doll."
Yvette gave a small smile and nodded, hoping that Porsche really did make no more noise.Those voices in her head always seemed to get louder when her birthday came around.They were all so jumbled sometimes she didn't know if it was a man, or a women..other voices were there to.In her dreams she could see bodies, figures and anatomies of people but never the whole face everything blurred out and the voices become robotic, unrecognizable.
She hates it.
She doesn't know who and what it is, and she's never cared to know.
Yvette quickly finished up her shower and brushed her teeth and washed her face in her towel as she kept coaching herself to relax.Today would be just like any other day.Porsche drags her out, she goes home, she wakes up and she's all back to normal.That has been her life for as long as she can remember and anything that made her visions fade and dreams go away, was a perfect life in her eyes.
"Lady, what the fuck is you wearing? You ain't no damn teacher, why yo ass wearing pants?"
"I don't feel like dressing up."
"I don't feel like drop kicking you in the back but if you don't act like yo ass can dress then I will.Where you even find this dusty ass fit? Ain't this from high school when we use to have to dress up professional for that damn lawyer class?"
"Yes and it still fits."
"And it was ugly then and uglier now, put on that long dress you bought from the store last week."
"I'm saving that dress for when I go to the beach with my man."
"What man?"
"He's somewhere and just don't know he's my soulmate yet."
"When until his ass come, just put the damn dress on."
"You are so demanding." Yvette joked grabbing the dress out of her closet and dropping her towel as Porsche paid her no mind, they've been getting dressed together since they were ten-years old.
"Let's not even play like you not a Planzilla, I'm like this one day out the year, this is your personality every day, Miss Perfectionist."
"Whatever, bitch."
"Make sure you put bad ass in front of it."
"I rather put f and u."Porsche playfully gasped.
"If the niggas at work who swear up and down you is a real life angel reincarnated could see you now."
"I am."
"Mhm, sit down now so I can do your makeup."
"Give me some light."
"I gotcha'"
Yvette sat down on her stool as Porsche did her makeup, Porsche only hoped Yvette liked the little extra surprise she got for Yvette.Yvette needed to live, she was twenty-five always pushing like she had no years left , a widow and about to die of old age.This surprise was so that Yvette could stop wasting away her charms and bedroom talent for a marriage that is years down the line.
"Now you look like a bad ass bitch, who's just turnt twenty-five" Yvette looked at herself in the mirror and smiled, she did look good, gorgeous even.
"Yeah you did your thing."
"Barely, I just enhanced the beauty that was already there.Now, are you ready for a day of fun?"
"Do i have a choice?"
"Hell no, now let's go! You know damn well people is so damn quick to cancel up hea' in North Carolina."
Yvette and Porsche both walked outside of Yvette's house as she closed the door and locked it and went down the steps where both there separate cars were parked.
"Okay so brunch first, then club later?"
"This isn't exactly club attire."
"I bought you a surprise dress and a wig to go along with it, you going to look like a whole new person at night time."
"All this for my birthday, It's really not-"
"Oh shut that shit up, I don't even wanna hear it missy.Now let's go before they cancel our reservation and I have to shoot they ass up." Yvette laughed getting inside of Porsche car.It wouldn't hurt to be positive, it is only a day but a day her best friend wanted to make a little special.Even if Yvette was feeling low, it didn't mean she had to ruin the excitement for her best-friend.
She could suck it up for a few more hours
"Happy Birthday Yvette!" Everyone screamed once she walked inside the club specifically reserved for her birthday, Yvette smiled clapping as she went around hugging everyone.
"Thank you guys so damn much! This means the world to me, y'all are so damn sweet!"
"Not as sweet as you" Matthew, her coworker flirted offering a rose making Yvette smile and accept it.Porsche rolled her eyes and slightly pushed Matthew,as he frowned.
"Matthew who invited yo ass? It sho' wasn't me."
"He was all up in my dang on' phone and saw the address, the nigga a stalker." Louis said throwing his arm around Yvette and smiled."Happy birthday,pretty."
"Y'all say stalker, I say persistence, ain't that right Yvette?" Yvette stared at Matthew with a small smile looking for something to move the conversation.
"Y'all done got me a cake? Aw! Y'all know i love me some chocolate." Yvette said quickly moving away from Matthew and going towards the big cake marble cake that read happy birthday.
"Damn, that was the sweetest rejection i ever saw." Louis clowned Matthew as he sucked his teeth.
"Why you always hating?"
"To hate one has to have something to hate on, what you got besides dandruff?" Porsche joked making Matthew wave them off and walk away, Louis and Porsche high fived each other and moved back towards Yvette who was still greeting everyone and saying her thanks.
"I know I didn't want this party and I know iI was being kind of insufferable but just to see everyone and see how much work y'all put in? I'm really grateful." Yvette said blinking rapidly and fanning her eyes trying not to cry.
"Don't cry for you make me cry, we some pretty gangstas, we can't be doing that shit."
"How about y'all both shut the hell up and get on the dance floor? Enough of that old sappy shit , this a club!Aye Dj turn on some ass dropping music." Louis exclaimed walking over to the DJ.
"He annoying as hell, but he right.Let's grab some shots and get to dancing!"
"I heard that." Yvette agreed, she took the many laid out shots on the table and took one up and so did Porsche as they took three back to back and then danced all the way to the floor.Porsche grabbed Yvette waist as they danced together, Yvette held onto her dress to stop it from riding up as she shook the fat ass she was blessed with.
"I put these bitches on game, they should be kissin' my feet I tried to give 'em some press, they tried to say it was beef-" Yvette shouted screaming over Nicki Minaj voice as Fractions boomed through the whole club as everyone cut up.
"It's Nicki M, such a little gem Bitches wanna be around me, but I do not fuck with them" Yvette and Porsche yelled in unison before laughing.
"Did i say thank you?" Yvette yelled over the music.
"Thank you again, I love you bestie."
"Love you more, now more shots." Yvette laughed as they went over to the shot table.
"Now in honor of you being twenty-five, you know you have to take twenty-five shots right?"
"You tryna' kill my black ass?"
"I have the upmost faith in you! But that's not until your other surprise."
"What other surprise?" Porsche only giggled as she quickly went to the back with the other coworker ladies, it had been while , a long while since Yvette received some action so Porsche hired a male stripper to dance for her, maybe get her in the mood, so she could take one of these lucky fellas' home and release some of that tension she has had this year.
"You ready to dance for my bestfriend? You better make her wanna jump your bones."
"That's what i'm here for, just point me to the birthday girl and I'll work my magic."
"He can work his magic on me any time, you free after this?"
"You betta' sit yo ass down, he ain't a service for everybody." Porsche playfully joked as she quickly turned off the lights, because the plan was to dim the lights and he was going to glow in the dark and then a spot light will go on Yvette and he would start stripping.Porsche really could not wait to see the look on Yvette face.
"You ready for them shots?"
"You better be taking care of me when I have my hangover."
"I gotcha, bestie." Porsche ushered Yvette to a seat as Yvette clapped her hands and Louis came out with a tray of twenty-five shots, lined up to be the number twenty-five.Yvette threw her head back in laughter.
"Y'all a mess, this so cute." Porsche made the sign with her hands and the lights dimmed making Yvette look around as everyone started to laugh lowly already knowing what's about to go down.
"Where the lights went?"
"This is the surprise."
"Mmkay." Yvette said, the lights disappeared even more as Yvette started to look around and blink, hearing voices.
"They're here! We have to go."
"It's time for the first shot!" Porsche exclaimed passing Yvette the shot as Yvette quickly took it to distract her from what was going on in her head.She shut her legs and gripped the shot glass as she started to feel uneasy and nervous, like she was in danger.
"Get Yvette! Get her now!"
"Second shot!"
"Yvette baby don't be scared."
"Third shot."
"Guys, okay let's just calm down and let's turn on the lights-"
"Yvette it's fine, the surprise is really big and you'll love it.Next shot!"
Porsche passed her the fourth shot as Yvette breathe started to get caught in her chest as she looked around in darkness.Yvette looked up and saw a glowing figure in the middle of the club as Yvette quickly got up.
"You go right fucking now! Don't you worry about me, go!"
Yvette pushed the tray out of Louis hand as he stumbled back a little and all the shot glasses fell, Yvette moved everyone out of her away and quickly ran out of the club as fast as she could with everyone yelling after her and Porsche trying to get people out of her way so she could follow her.
"Yvette! Yvette! Come back! What's going on?" Porsche yelled looking outside but couldn't see Yvette nowhere in sight, how could she be that fast? Especially in damn heels? Porsche thought.
"What happened? Is the alcohol bad or some?"
"I don't know,shut all this shit down, I needa' go find her." Porsche quickly grabbed her belongings and walked out the club and unlocked her car door so she could ride around for Yvette, she was so confused.
Yvette on the other hand took off her high heels and she ran as quick as she could bare feet into an alley way to get her thoughts together.She pressed her hands on the wall as tears slowly streamed down her face.
"What the hell is wrong with me?" Yvette said to herself as she looked at her shaking hands.She was crying because she was overwhelmed and scared by the things in her head and she had ruined a special party that everyone planned for her.Yvette leaned her head back and shook her head looking around for her phone or even purse..She had nothing, she ran out the club without her stuff.
"Dammit." She cursed to herself.
Yvette had quickly shot up as she heard echoing through the alley it sounded like heavy footsteps and yelling as Yvette quickly backed in the corner already terrified about the foggy memories in her head.She couldn't handle what was going on around her.
"Is there somebody there?! Please! I need help! Please can you help me!" A man yelled like he was crying, Yvette continued to hide behind the dumpster as the man stepped into the light.
Beaten, bloody and his clothes were ripped.
"I heard someone! Just please!" Yvette stood up.
"Are you alright?"
"N-No, he's after me, he's gonna kill me, don't let him."
"Who is he? Is he following you? We have to get out of this alley wa-"
"Damn! You quick as hell.You know I wasn't gonna kill you but since you made me sweat? After i told you to stay put? I just have to." A kind of high and charismatic playful tone said, a face didn't come into view.Yvette only squinted her eyes into the darkness trying to figure out who it is.
"Wait..what's going on? Kill him?-Can we just talk about this?"
"Talk? And who the fuck are you? Women,this does not concern you.So unless you want to die along with him, go about your way."
The beaten man looked around as he saw a broken bottle on the floor he picked it up and broke it against the wall grabbing Yvette by her arm nearly choking her as he put the bottle on her neck.Yvette screamed as she tried to get free of his grip but the bottle was so close to her neck, it would cut her.
"Look! You kill me then you kill her!Can you live with yourself if you kill a innocent women?"
"I guess we will find out, now won't we? You thought holding some random women hostage was going to stop what you have coming? I don't know that bitch and I don't care if i end up hurting her to get to you.So all you did was just deem another person to your faith.Oh well." The man said as you heard a gun cock back, Yvette cried.
What did he mean he didn't care if he shot her? What the hell is going on? Yvette thought.The beaten man pushed Yvette as she tripped and held on to the wall to stop herself from falling as the man tried to hop on the dumpster and climb on the pipe to get on top of the roof.
"You just athletic today aren't you?" The man said before laughing as Yvette heard a loud bang and the sound of the other man yelling as he rolled off the dumpster and screamed in agony.
"Try to run now! Go head Mr.Usain! Run!" The man came closer as Yvette felt herself get light headed just before she got a glimpse of his young, almost baby like face, she tried to press herself up against the wall as if she was trying to become invisible.Voices and sounds clouded her vision as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she lost her grip.
"Yvette i told you to fucking go!"
"Aye! What's wrong with you?!Hey! Hey!" The young man yelled as Yvette passed out and dropped in the alley way.
The young man quickly looked around and started to pace back and forth then look at Yvette and the dead man.He didn't know what to do, the other man was now dead and she witnessed it .Protocol is to kill her but he couldn't bring himself to do it, she was an innocent women, this didn't concern her at all.
He had threaten to kill her, but only so Tony would let her go.
He has done a lot of things but he's never killed someone who didn't deserve it.
"Shit! Shit! Levi is gonna be so pissed." He decided to swallow all the fear he had for his older brother, he rather Levi then their father.
"What?" The deep voice said over the phone, already sounding annoyed.
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With Love (Blackwood & Friends #1)
Nicola Eversley never intended for him to receive the love letters. It had been a mistake, a cruel twist of fate, that all her ardent and thankfully anonymous confessions were now in his possession and Nicola must work tirelessly to keep her identity a mystery from the handsome Marquis of Northwick, Jason Blackwood, who is considerably inappropriate and someone she certainly shouldn't be in love with. Not only is he her best friend's older brother, he is also a renowned flirt and libertine, someone Nicola definitely should not entertain feelings for.However, when Jason reveals his intentions to unmask the identity of his admirer, Nicola is forced to conspire with him during three events of the London season and put her wits, and resistance, to the test to lead him off her scent. But the marquis has other plans...Contains mature content.
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The Dark Lord has finally been defeated. All Harry Potter wants is to finish his last year at Hogwarts and live a normal life like any other wizard. But that can be challenging when you're the saviour of the wizarding world, and when your eighth year at Hogwarts changes everything.These characters are owned by JK Rowling. I only own the writing and plot. It's canon, aside from some (very) small changes that probably won't go noticed.@m-blackhart designed this beautiful cover, i love them smmmThis will be a drarry (Draco and Harry) story.This story mentions PTSD, eating disorders, and depression. It will also include self harm, suicidal thoughts, and suicide attempts. If any of these topics are triggering for you, I would advise you against reading.#1 in fanfiction 05/21/21#1 in dracoxharry 02/20/21#1 in drarryfanfic 01/13/22
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ᴀɴɢᴇʟ ᴄᴀᴋᴇ ㅤೄྀ࿐ ᴡ.ᴀ
༉‧₊˚✧🍰 𝘋𝘐𝘚𝘊𝘖𝘕𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘜𝘌𝘋 𓂃 ̽ ࣩ﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌❛ a world where you shut up. ❜⠀⠀ •*⁀➷ 𝗶𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 wednesday is sent away to chippewa camp, a place she believes is of the wrong sort for girls like her. her point is proven when she meets the strangest girl there, y/n l/n.≻ 𝘄𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗮𝗺𝘀 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 © 𝗳𝗮𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗲║█║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█║
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Psych | C.H. AU
"Dreaming demons while you sleep,That make you stutter when you speak."In which a boy and a girl meet at a psychiatric hospital, where both are attending therapy sessions. One there for almost beating someone to death unknowingly and one there for being beaten. [SHORT STORY][COMPLETE][In Love and Death Series][1st place winner in the Waste the Night Awards for Best Calum Hood]Copyright © 2015 by soundthealarmHighest ranks: calumhood #886 [11.23.18]5secondsofsummer #653 [11.23.18]
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