《The Deadly Trick》Part 3


Bill swerved around to face the person attached to the voice. The deceptively charming voice led him to a tall lanky figure cloaked in darkness. Scared, but undeterred Bill moved closer to the mysterious person, hoping for the best and determined to sell his ticket even if the only knowledge he has is his blinding white teeth. "Why are you waiting out here when the show is about to get started? Are you waiting for someone?", asked the voice liltingly.

"No, I want to sell this ticket", Bill answered hurriedly, hoping to execute the transaction before this person loses interest, "Will you take it off my hands?"

"Why, my dear friend? It doesn't seem like you have been stood up. Do you really not care for the show?", the man asked as he stepped out into the light. While most of his features were covered by the hat and the trench coat, Bill could make out that he had sharp blue eyes, reminiscent of the cold creeks Bill took his kids for fishing. Remembering this fond lost memory flooded his mind with the phantom pain of his family and brought back the focus he began losing after the endless rejection from the scores of people today.

"No, I need the money", Bill answered honestly. "Please, a hundred would do", Bill pleaded hesitantly, hoping that springing on him like this would not turn him off from the show, therefore getting him to buy the ticket.

"Are you sure I couldn't interest you into watching the show with the ticket you have with you. After all, this show will only occur once in this part of the country. Wouldn't you like to be part of such a grand once in a lifetime event", the stranger tried to convince Bill to stay on with the show, continued rambling loquaciously about the vivid magic tricks that could be performed at this venue. Bill's continued to fall as the long-winded speech went on.


"How about this", said the new guy, just taking notice of Bill's ashen face, "Just join the show and I will pay you the price of the ticket. A pretty good deal isn't it?" Bill was confused. The man whom he had never met in his entire life is offering him money, not for the ticket but to use the ticket for himself. Puzzled at the offer and fear slowly creeping in his system, Bill began sliding back from the man, whom he increasingly began to suspect meant harm.

"Hey! Hey! It's alright", the unknown man raised his hands as if in surrender, sensing his fear said, "It's alright. Look, how about I pay you upfront two hundred dollars. I can see that you need the money. You take the cash and decide if you want to use the ticket or not. But I really wish you could enjoy the show." He held out two hundred dollar bills waving it, as to suggest Bill to take the notes.

Bill reached out slowly to the notes, afraid the man might lash out and harm him. But the man stood perfectly still and even flashed a calming smile as Bill took the two notes out of his hands. When the man withdrew his arm after Bill pocketed the bills, Bill's racing heart slowed down.

"Why would you do this? For me?", Bill questioned, understandably bewildered.

"So will you attend the magic show? It will be fun. You know, I never lie.", this mystery man countered, sidestepping the question.

"What the hell!", Bill swore, "Maybe I will. But you must tell who you are and why do you care if someone watches the show or not? Are you a member of the troop? A superfan?"

"Thank you!", the increasingly curious now anonymous benefactor replied, bowing politely. "And me?", he said while flinging the hat, "I am the show." Bill's eyes, which immediately followed the trajectory of the hat returned to the man, but all that was left was his trench coat.


Growing more curious, Bill entered the dimly lit corridor that led to the hall of the performance. The more Bill began to think he wouldn't be welcome here, the more the entrance drew him near. Making as little noise as possible, he tiptoed into the placid auditorium when he rammed into a dark shape. "Excuse me, I am terribly sorry", Bill apologized, hoping he hadn't offended any of the powerful assembled in these halls. "It is all right sir", said the man pleasantly, "If you don't mind, would you like me to guide you to your seat." "Yes! Yes, please", said Bill, thankful for the presence of the usher.

The usher led him down quite a bit of steps and showed him his seat among the middle rows. Thanking him, Bill took his seat at the seat closest to the aisle. While most people seemed engrossed in their phones, Bill was eagerly anticipating the show to start, having seen a bit earlier.

The band started playing a gothic song unfamiliar to Bill. The spotlight focused on the emcee as took the stage amidst cheer and hoots from some of the younger audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls. Hope you are ready for the spookiest night of your life. Watch and tremble as the "Dark Magician", brings some of your worst nightmares to life and some even darker tricks that scare the bejeezus out of you", announced the emcee adding, "but I am not here to frighten you before the Dark Magician even takes center stage. Introducing a person is a tricky thing. You must hype up the audience just enough that it doesn't overshadow the rest of the act. I think nothing can get us hyped up than the fact that Henry Dane, The Dark Magician is a Hawkins lad. Yes, Henry Dane grew right here and among us, before scaring the whole world with his brand of unholy magic and becoming the most popular warlock of the 21st century. And to our honor, Henry is kickstarting of his new world tour from right here with this show. So, without much ado, please welcome the Dark Magician".

The whole stage was covered in smoke as pyrotechnics flared creating incredible shapes no one has seen flame do. As the dust rather smoke settled, in a rather anti-climactic setup, the mystery man, a.k.a Henry Dane showed up looking rather plain and very much not Dark Magician.

Clearing his throat, he said, "I know what you all are thinking, I showed up for the Dark Magician's show, not some silly white man trying standup." A few snickers dotted the silence that ensued. "I assure you, the magic is waiting for you in spades.", he continued, "I would like a few moments to speak. Probably this wasn't public knowledge but I grew up right here, in Healdsburg, my entire childhood. It was here I first fell in love with magic and it was here I first learned my first magic trick. Although I had to move away due to an unfortunate incident, my heart is still here. So, in the memory of my childhood, I will take you all back and make you into children because that is what my magic does. You can believe me, for a magician never lies".

And then Bill fell into an endless chasm and landed in the past.

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