《Someone Like Adam》11. Pancakes


Love me

For an eternity

Love me

For a lifetime

Be my hope

Be my smile

Be my ray of sunshine

Love me

Like you use to do

Love me

Like I wish you to

Love me

Like I did to you

Love me

Like I need you to

"Still crappy." I was busy humming the new lyrics I wrote when someone spoke. Opening my eyes, I looked around and found Adam standing against the door. I jolted in surprise and blinked twice to make sure if it was him.

"Tiffany had some friends over and they are all so loud. So I thought it would be better if we study at your house today." he said in a monotone voice.

"And you didn't think of informing me first?" I narrowed my eyes and asked. He just shrugged in response and walked inside my room.

My nostrils flared slightly and I resisted the urge to groan. I stood up to place the guitar back in its place. That's when I realized that I was wearing my shortest shorts, as I wasn't expecting any company. My face flushed crimson when I found him staring at my legs.

"Eyes up here mister." I scowled and his own cheeks turned red.

"I.. Umm.. I didn't.." he stuttered, looking flustered suddenly. It was cute, watching Mr. Rude feel flustered for the first time.

To bring ourselves out of awkwardness, I pulled my clothes out of the closet and rushed inside the bathroom. When I walked out fully dressed in black sweatpants and a pink tanktop, I found Adam flopped on my bed. His notebook and textbook was sprawled in front of him and he was busy scrolling down his phone screen.

I slouched down beside him and pulled out my notebook. I made sure there was reasonable distance between us. I was tired of making a fool of myself in front of him.

"I already solved these questions." I grinned proudly, showing him the homework I had done.

He cast one glance towards my work and then frowned, "If only you had done these right this time."

I scowled at him and muttered few curses under my breath. He tore the page and tossed it away. "Now focus." he said as if I were a dumb kid.


Arrogant jerk!

He began solving the problems, ignoring my deadly glare. I was annoyed at him, and myself too. Why did I ask for his help anyway? Failing would be a better option than getting humiliated by him.

He helped me solve the questions, not forgetting to taunt me at every wrong step. Now that I noticed, he seemed to enjoy finding my mistakes. Every time I did something wrong, his resting bitch face would glow suddenly, as if he had been elected for the president.

He was busy doing his own physics assignment when something on his neck caught my attention. There was a large bluish purple mark peeking from under his turtleneck. My brows furrowed as I pondered over the possible reason.

This didn't look like a hickey. It was definitely a punch. But why would someone punch him? Did he get into a fight? Well, it didn't sound impossible, considering his attitude. Not everyone is forgiving like me.

My tongue itched to ask him about the mark but I knew better than poking the beast. Curiosity had already killed the cat before and I didn't want to die yet.

I shook my head to clear these thoughts and turned my attention to my homework.

Few minutes have passed when my stomach growled loudly, turning me into an embarassed mess. I didn't have the breakfast in morning. Neither did I eat anything solid last night.

"Umm.. I guess we should take a break." I muttered lowly. "Wanna eat something?"

"No thanks." he blurted dryly. Does he even eat?

"But-" I stopped when he glared at me again. "Fine. I'll be downstairs making something for me. Don't touch anything."

"Like I am dying to touch your expensive stuff princess." he retorted back and I frowned. Rolling my eyes at his childish behavior, I stomped out of my room and descended towards the kitchen.

My mood soured more than before when I found the fridge empty. There was nothing except milk and eggs and I was in no mood of eating those.

Huffing, I opened the top drawer and a packet of flour caught my attention. Though it was almost evening, yet pancakes sounded like a nice option. Standing on my toes, I struggled to bring the packet to myself but failed.


I straightened my torso a little more and that enabled me to pull the packet towards myself. I sighed in relief but cursed the next moment.

Somehow, the packet was not closed properly, courtesy to daddy dearest. With a gentle tug, the packet flipped downwards, emptying all of its content over my head.

I stood there frozen, feeling the powdery mess all over my head and clothes. My frustration hiked and I cursed for the hundredth time today. The powdered blinded my vision temporarily and I rubbed my eyes to get a clearer view.

A deep chuckle sounded from behind me. Flushing crimson red because of anger and frustration, I turned towards the chuckling face of Adam McArdle. His bag pack was slung over his shoulder and he was holding his books in the other hand. His chuckle died down when I gritted my teeth, yet the humor was clearly dripping from his face.

"You might want to change your clothes." he smirked again and I walked past him towards my room, leaving the white powder all over the place. I ignored the growling of my stomach and stomped into my bathroom.

I took my time to scrub the flour off my body. My face looked warm and puffy, despite the shower. This time, I didn't even bother to wear any fine clothes. Just enveloped myself in an oversized hoodie and a centuries old pajama.

By the time I left my room, the elephants in my stomach had already died down because of hunger. I tiptoed towards the kitchen and almost screamed when I found someone inside, more specifically Adam.

He was pouring chocolate syrup on freshly made pancakes, the tantalizing aroma of which made my mouth water. The kitchen was already cleaned, not a speck of flour found on the floor.

"Umm.. What are you doing?" I asked, surprised.

"What does it look like?" he asked, passing the plate to me. "Resolving the mess you created."

Looking at the plate in doubt, I took a bite with unsure hands. When the pancakes reached my tastebuds, my eyes widened at the heavenly taste. I never expected Adam to be a cook, that too an above-average.

"Won't you eat?" I said with full mouth, looking around to find his plate.

"I am good." he said and walked past me. Picking his bag from the counter, he trudged out of the kitchen towards the main gate. And I stood there licking the sauce off my fingers, watching him leave.

A cook too! What else can you do Adam?


"Did you make pancakes today? There is a spare one in fridge?" Dad asked as he sat down beside me.

"No. Adam cooked." I said casually and a frown appeared on dad's face.

"Adam?" he asked. "The boy who lives in our neighborhood?"

"Umm.. Uh.. Yeah." I didn't know why I stuttered.

"What was he doing here?" he asked in a serious tone.

Dad had always been protective of me in this matter. He had collected all the personal information of my male friends, something that irked me very much when I was in middle school. Now, I was kind of used to it.

"He was helping me in Calculus Dad. Nothing scandalous." I cleared and his frown smoothed a bit.

"And where did you study exactly?" he questioned again.

I gulped loudly, trying to hide my discomfort. "In.. In my bedroom." Dad shuffled uncomfortably in his seat.

"Make sure you study in the lounge next time. I don't want some random boy in your room. You know how boys are these days." he started the same lecture again.

"Dad." I whined. "Adam is not interested in me. Nor will he ever be."

"Um.. Is he.. Is he gay?" Dad asked and I choked on the air.

Is he? I hope not.

"No dad. I just meant he is just too rude and dry. He doesn't even look at me without glaring." I told him and he nodded in understanding.

"That's better. Now, I don't have to worry about him trying to flirt with you." Dad heaved in relaxation and I seethed.

For some vague reason, the idea that Adam will never take interest in me didn't seem too bright.

Stupid Adam.


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