《Affairs Of The Heart》✔V E N T I S E T T E
Iris' Pov
It 's around 7 in the morning when the bedroom door swishes opens silently and Luca stumbles in, looking utterly exhausted.
I had just gotten out of the shower not too long ago and was now sitting at the vanity, brushing my hair into a neat top knot.
"Look who's back." I glance at him through the mirror, it's a brief look before I continue with tying my hair up.
I was upset with him. He had left in the evening and hadn't even bother to call, worse he didn't pick my calls up, nope he purposely declined them all before finally shutting his phone off.
"You didn't wait up, did you?" He grimaces as he tries to smile.
Frowning in disapproval, my eyes shift from my reflection to him and I finally take note of his state. His entire body is smudged with dirt and what seems to be blood. He has rips in his t-shirt, rips that show his taut torso beneath but no wounds. Luca looked like he had been drag through the pits of hell and then crawled his way back up.
My brush clatters from hand as I fly up in concern about to rush to his. "What happened? Are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine." He grins waving it off dismissively before quickly disappearing into the bathroom.
My eyes narrow at the door which clicks shut, he never shuts the door. I shake my head and drop down into the vanity's chair.
In no time the sound of the shower comes on and I struggling to hear I swear I hear him grunt and curse in pain. Looking away from the door I brush it off, convincing myself that if it was serious he would have told me.
Or maybe he wouldn't, he was Luca after all. I mean when did he ever tell me anything? Never, he never tells me anything.
Once I've tied my hair up I stand, drop my robe onto the floor and grab my black lace panties, stepping into it and pulling it up my legs.
As I'm to reach for my bra, the water stops and few seconds later the locks clicks open and Luca re-emerges from the bathroom, a towel hanging loosely on his waist, showing off his sexy v line.
Water droplets race down his hard pectorals as if it were race and his silky hair clings to his forehead, some unruly curls sticking up haphazardly. Like the perfect setting for a photographer the warm glow of the sun gloriously kisses his skin, it was almost unreal. He was unreal.
Eyes still rolling over his glistening body, I purse my lips upon seeing the slight scrapes that mar his skin and the quickly darkening bruise at his side.
Choosing to drop my question of his bruises thinking he would tell me, I realize his heated stare on me.
"What?" I grumble, averting my eyes and getting my bra on. I was still mad at him, I reminded myself.
"Nothing, amore. I'm just thinking about how truly beautiful you are." He compliments before walking over to the closet.
I blush slightly, resisting the urge to smile widely at his sweet randomness.
As I'm tugging my army green ripped jeans over my ass, buttoning it, I gasp lightly as I am pulled back suddenly into his chest, my barely covered dry skin pressed firmly against his wet, hard chest, his arms caging me.
Stay mad, Iris. Mad.
"What are you doing?" My voice comes out slightly bristled and my tone sharp.
Good job, Iris. Good job.
"Nothing." He mumbles against my neck.
His face is buried in the crook of my neck as he trails his sweet kisses up and down drawing an unwanted shiver of utmost delight from me.
Luca's hands ever busy explore the entirety of my body with a gentleness as moans I can only explain as breathless leave my lips and I lean willingly against him. My anger that I was trying to hold on to slipping through my finger tips.
Dammit Luca!
Bad job, Iris. Bad job.
"Hmmm, you smell so good, amore." He purrs, nipping at my ear which causes a appreciative sound to bubble past my lips. "Good enough to eat you."
"Luca it's too early." I smile wanting to just as much as he did. "Plus I'm mad at you." I mumble though to be honest it, my so called anger, was starting to slip.
"Please don't be mad at me, dolcezza." I'm spun around still encaptured in Luca's arms as we now stand face to face. "Let me make it up to after all its never too early." He strokes my cheek with his thumb.
"Of course you would say that." I smile, gripping his hands in mine and taking them off my body something which earns a growl of annoyance and frustration from Luca.
"Now go get dressed, you have to get to work, your company can't run it self." Pouting adorably, I roll my eyes playfully at his expression and tug my black sweatshirt over my head.
"Fine." He grumbles, giving me one last begrudging look before getting himself dressed.
Smiling, I leave the bedroom going down to the kitchen where I prepare a healthy breakfast for Luca and I.
Not to worry my cooking isn't as horrible anymore, in my free time since I don't have my job anymore—still pissed about that—I've been getting some cooking lessons from Rosie and I have to say I've definitely improved. Or maybe that was my biased opinion.
Luca saunters in looking like a man with the whole world in his hands as usual, glancing warily at the plate of French toast and strawberries I'd put out for him, he's obviously remembering the God awful soup I'd made for him when he was sick.
Not my finest work I'll admit.
"I swear it's not as bad as you think." I whine a little, pushing it forward.
"Il mio amore, what have I done to have you want to kill me with your....cooking?" He purses his lips, giving me a horrified expression.
"You haven't even tried it and you're already judging it. Don't you know the saying 'don't judge a book by it's cover.'" I reason, crossing my arms over my chest.
"I do but do you know the saying 'once bitten, twice shy.'" He counters, taking a seat on the barstool.
"Come on, please could you just try it for me." I pout, giving him my best puppy dog eyes, something that makes him frown.
He can't tell me no now.
He sighs, whispering something alone the lines of me being the death of him, grabs the fork and takes a generous bite on fork before closing his eyes and seeming to send a prayer up to God.
I roll my eyes at his theatrics and push a stray hair behind my ear, anticipating.
"Well?" I cock my brow at him as he chews it and then swallows.
"It's great, definitely better than the soup." He shrugs and offers me a smile before he takes another bite making my own grin grow and spread across my lips.
I can't help doing a little victory dance which includes a lot of hopping in place, arm waving and booty shaking. Mid booty-shake I glance over my shoulder to find Luca recording me whilst trying to control his laughter.
"Hey, hey delete that." I stand up straight quickly and pout at Luca, grabbing for his phone.
He chuckles. "No, it's adorable, dolcezza." He says this as he places his phone in his pocket and rounds the island to stand in front of me.
"No it's not...it's embarrassing-" I moan embarrassed but I'm cut off by Luca capturing my lips with his.
Looping an arm around his neck, I caress his face with my free hand, our lips moving softly against each other. My original embarrassed moan turns into a pleasured one as Luca grips my ass tugging me closer towards him.
Running my hands through his hair, I tilted my head to the side deepening the kiss.
We break the kiss for a breath of air before moving back towards each other eagerly like horny teenagers when our foreheads collide painfully.
I groan with a little laugh rubbing at the sore spot. Luca grins wickedly and presses a kiss to my forehead before drawing back.
"I almost forgot my mother's inviting us to her annual family gathering next week....and it's expected that we go." He tells me, running his hand through his messed up hair. "It's very important to her."
"Cool, I'd love to go but I'll definitely need a dress and some shoes so I'll be going shopping." The last part was more a thought to myself than to him.
I really wanted to meet Luca's family, I've only ever met his parents and heard chatter about his younger brother. Luca Donario himself was a mystery.
Luca digs his hand into his dress pant's pocket pulling out his wallet, cocking my brow I watch as he takes out his black card, extending it out to me.
A look of disapproval crosses my face. "Luca......I have my own money." I scowl, pursing my lips. "I don't need yours."
"As I am aware, dolcezza however I do insist you take it, just in case."
Reluctantly, I take it from him with a frown. "I won't be using it." Nonetheless Luca's smirk widens in triumph.
Fucking prick.
"I'll see you later, amore." He pecks my lips, walking out of the kitchen with me practically salivating after him.
Shaking my head at myself, I twirl the black card between my fingers, I could practically feel the millions, correction, billions on this thing. Taking Luca's plate off the counter I pick the fork up and take a bite myself, feeling pretty proud.
"Buongiorno." Rosie chirps brightly, strolling into the kitchen a bag of groceries in hand and her dark ponytail swinging behind her.
"Good morning, Rosie." I chirp back, mirroring her early morning joy.
"What are you doing in the kitchen, Iris, dear?" She asks whilst putting the groceries away.
"I was uh...making breakfast." I rub the back of my neck, somewhat shyly, shifting my eyes to the half eaten French toast.
"You cooked?" She questions quizzically, her head popping up to look from at me behind the fridge door, a huge motherly smile on her face.
"Yes I did and it's not too bad might I say." I watch as she walks towards me and I add for good measure. "Luca seemed to like it."
"Of course he would." She giggles like a teenager. "That man would worship the very earth you walk on, he'd do anything to please you and make you happy." She chuckles.
"I doubt that." I shake my head feeling a slight blush coming on.
"Cara, I know love when I see it and that man is definitely in love. Take it from me, I've known him when he was still in diapers." She smiles eating the French toast before her. "Delicious." She comments.
That was a funny thing to think about and just plain adorable. Luca in diapers.
The sound of my phone ringing stops me from saying anything, reaching for it I send a quick excuse to Rosie before taking the unknown number's call.
"Hey Iris." Ezra's cheery voice makes me smile.
"Ezra, hey what's up?" I question, squinting my eyes and pushing my hair out of my face.
"You know nothing much, just uh...I heard that you needed a dress for Luca's mom's family ball."
Of course Luca would tell her.
"I wonder who told you that.....but yeah, I do need a dress." I giggle.
"I may have heard it from a little bird."
"Did you now....well here's an idea I don't know if you're up for it but I may need a little help, so wanna go shopping with me?" I have a hand under my chin, listening to her squeal loudly in excitement once I've put out my proposal.
"I thought you'd never ask, I'd love to go, Iris. See you in a few at Winter Palms Mall by the lobby?"
Shaking my head at the eccentric girl I look back to see Rosie has left the kitchen, slipping my phone into my pocket I wonder how I hadn't see her leave.
I walk out of the kitchen and up to my bedroom, opening the door of Luca and I's walk in closet, grabbing a pair of my dark colored Uggs, I put them on as well as grabbing my black trench coat.
Going back downstairs, I walk to the garage deciding I'll take one of the many cars in there which Luca rarely drives. On the wall sits an impressive collection of car keys and waiting beautifully are a collection of expensive, flashy and shiny sports cars, cars I know Luca had probably only bought because he could.
Gosh, what to pick?
I scan the room for a car which speaks to me and there it is parked beside a yellow Camaro, a sleek matte black Audi A6 just waiting to be driven by me.
I won't lie I may have done a bit of a little fan girl squeal but don't judge me. You'd have done the same.
Look, I wasn't an all out car person but as a kid it used to be my dream to drive an Audi. And here I was now about to drive one.
I grab the key for Luca's Audi and press the button hearing that majestic sound of the car opening, again cue the excited squeal. Making my way over to the car I run my hand over the door handle, pulling it open and getting in.
I'm instantly flooded with the smell of Luca despite the fact that he doesn't usually drive this car. Oh and the feel of the custom designed great leather seats, made this car even more of a d r e a m.
Delicately inserting the key into the ignition, the car lights up and I think I'm in heaven. Revving the engine, I buckle up and adjust the seats and the rear view mirror, opening the garage doors, I drive out a bit faster than I usually would with my own car.
The gates open and I send a thankful honk of the horn at Benny, the security, driving onto the frosted road being careful not to go too fast, I turn my music up and jam to some Cardi B.
The journey wasn't a long one with the music and the lack of traffic and soon I found myself pulling into the mall's parking lot, driving around to find an empty parking spot in the overcrowded area.
It was expected that it'd be full, Christmas was only right around the corner, finally when I do find a spot, I park in a space between a white SUV and a frosted over BMW.
Putting my coat and mittens on, I pop the collar and get out of the car, making sure to close the doors with another click of the button.
I stroll towards the building briskly feeling it, the biting cold gnaw at my entire being through my clothes, digging my hands into my pockets to keep warm.
I walk through and sigh in relief as the warm heat hits my face, gliding away from the doors letting in the frosty chill. The mall is all festive, bustling with people and bursting with the Christmas season. People laugh here and there and kids run about, most of them into the toy stores while there adult counterparts grumble after them.
My eyes scan the area for a vibrant blond when my vision suddenly goes dark, eyes suddenly covered by a pair of freezing cold hands.
"Guess who?" She giggles, rolling my eyes I smile.
"Uhm...is it Ezra by any chance?" I tap my chin acting as if I was in hard thought.
"Yup." She giggles again removing her hands from my eyes, smiling at the pony tailed girl I couldn't help but mimic her over bubbling joy. "Are you ready to get your shop on?"
"I guess so." I shrug simply, glancing around at the Christmas decorated store.
"You are going to love this." She informs me as she tugs me towards the escalator.
Oh boy.
My arms hurt and I'm starting to die slowly of hunger, what was simply me coming here to buy a single dress for Luca's mom's party quickly turned into a full blown shopping spree.
We'd yet to find the dress as Ezra and I are very picky pair, we just can't agree what dress is the dress though it is my dress. Sitting on the bench, watching as Ezra navigates the racks of clothing, we both survey them.
"How about this dress?" She asks holding up a soft pink dress with a low cut neckline which would definitely expose all my chest area had to offer.
"....too pink, too booby." I dismiss the dress with a wave of my hand.
Ezra sighs heavily and dramatically, placing the dress back. "Come on Iris, this is the 10th dress you've dismissed in a row."
The sales rep who stands too far off frowns. "I just don't like any of them." I shrug unapologetically, standing up we walk out.
"Let's try that store over there." She points to a store with neon blue lights the name 'Moda de Lusso' flashing.
Scowling unhappily, thinking I'll never find the dress and probably will have to just settle. I trudge towards the store, walking in I'm pleasantly surprised by the array of clothing, a sale's representative comes up to us instantly a fierce cheer on his face.
"Hi, I'm Alex, welcome to Moda de Lusso boutique. How can I help you beautiful ladies today?" He greets, giving off great vibes.
He has cropped bleached blonde hair and smooth black skin unfazed by any blemishes or scars. He has the prettiest light green eyes and a smile so pearly and bright it's almost blinding.
"Hi Alex, I'm Ezra it's a pleasure to meet you and might I say your store is amazing." Ezra compliments making Alex smile and wink. "Any whom, see my friend here has a very very important party to go to and she just can't seem to find the perfect dress not to mention she's picky as fuck."
"Oh honey." He shakes his head glancing over at me. "Well, I'm glad you to came to me cause girl amma hook you up."
Laughing, we follow the eccentric man as he shows us to what I assume is a changing room with very trendy and cool black ottomans, cool pastel art on a buttoned black wall, sitting down Alex and Ezra leaves the room leaving me by myself.
I pulled my phone from my pocket taking a picture of myself with a pout and sent it to Luca. Ezra came back into the room with a pile of dresses with Alex trailing behind her with just as much dresses.
I run a hand over my face and purse my lips annoyed and hungry. I'm about ready to get home and just chill with my book.
Fuck, Fifty Shades Of Grey was so calling my name right now.
"I think you should try this one, it'll make you look really pretty." She says, holding up a dress almost identical to the pink one before.
"I'll pass." I shake, my head declining.
"How about this one? It'll highlight those beautiful eyes of yours." Alex lifts a rose gold dress that flairs out at the end in a mermaid style.
"No." I once again shake my head, not feeling the dress.
"Tell me what you're looking for gorgeous." Alex assumes a seat beside me and places a fist under his chin as he watches me attentively.
"I don't know, maybe something sexy that Luca won't be able to keep his eyes off me but not overtly so, I'd love if it wasn't pink. I want flashy but not too flashy I don't want to over shine the hostess." I say squirming slightly as he continues watching me intensely.
"I think I know what you need." Alex nods, straightening up and standing up. He latches onto Ezra and pulls her out the changing room leaving me alone once again.
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