《Affairs Of The Heart》✔V E N T I C I N Q U E
Iris' Pov
I sit in the car beside Luca who drove us down to the Pier 21, my heart hammering hard in my chest.
I'm shaking as questions and scenarios dance through my mind.
What if it's him?
What if he's dead?
"Amore," Luca calls, effectively snapping me out of my trance. "Relax, okay, don't worry yourself sick, please."
I bite my lip and nod glancing out the window, not paying a word of what he said with importance, police lights flash and bustling cops and paramedics stand behind yellow tape.
Oh God, what if, what if he really is gone? All my fault, this is all my fault.
Looking at all the squad cars and at the ambulance, I feel like I can't breathe. Jesus, how did that thing go again.
In. In. In. Out. In. In. In.
Or was that hyperventilating?
"Hey, it's going to be fine." Luca continues to reassure me, taking my hand in his, he raises it to his lips and kisses the back of my hand. It didn't help in calming me.
I swallow and nod trying to look convincing, Luca, I guess, somewhat, satisfied lets go of my hand. Maybe he realized I just wouldn't calm down.
I suck in a breath and push the door open, getting out. The salty scent of the ocean is the first to hit me, next is the freezing cold wind of the night and then the fucking snow.
Walking under the tape together, Luca stands by me. He's so close that we're practically joined.
"Are you Iris Donario-Harding?" A man questions, he seems to be the one in charge.
He's medium build with that stereotypical police man mustache and no beer belly in sight, with the aid of all the lights I can tell he's nearing his 40's with wrinkles on his face to back up my claim. His hair is quiffed back, that grays slightly, he has a handsome face and pretty piercing blue eyes.
He's dressed in a black coat and white dress shirt with gun holsters at the side, with this he's wearing black dress pants, black combat boots and his badge around his neck that reads detective.
"I am." I mumble, drawing my coat tighter as the cold bites at me.
"And who's this?" He motions to Luca, who acknowledges him with only a slight nod of the head.
"He's my husband." I answer, pushing a lock of my hair behind my ear and switching my eyes over to the man whose hazels run over the place, analyzing it.
"Well then, I'm Detective Smalls." He clears his throat, turning his attention back to me. "The body's over here."
"Again I sincerely apologize for disturbing your night-" He apologizes.
"It's fine, Detective." Luca dismisses, snapping his eyes over to the detective who bustles slightly.
Nodding quickly, he says no more as we trail behind him, my anxiety sky rocketing, As if sensing my anxiety, Luca places a comforting hand on my shoulder and I give him my best shaky smile.
There's a stretcher before me and an unknown body covered by a white sheet or tarp of some sort, the detective glances at me as if to ask if I'm ready and I nod hesitantly.
But I was lying. How could one truly be ready to identify the lifeless corpse of someone who could possibly be a loved one? Never you could never be ready.
The paramedic humphs at the Detective and pulls the sheet back.
I turn away quickly having enough of a look, burying my face in Luca's chest, relief washes over me. Letting out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, I swallow hard.
The lifeless eyes of the man of the stretcher still in my mind.
"It's not him." I mumble softly into Luca's shirt breathing in his comforting and safe scent.
"I'm sorry, I didn't get that ma'am?" The detective questions hesitantly.
"It's not him." I inform him, unburying my face from Luca's shirt to glance at the cop. "That's not my James."
"Well," he clears his throat, nodding and the paramedic covers the body. "thank you for coming ma'am."
I hum not at all listening to what he says, again the ghastly, place face of the man flashing in my mind. By time I've zoned back in to the real world the detective is gone and we've walked some distance from the now covered body.
"Hey you okay?" Luca questions looking down at me with his warm concerned eyes, fidgeting with my hands I nod apprehensively.
"Yeah I'm fine, I think I wanna go home now." I mutter, sending one last brief look at the covered body.
Luca leads me to the car, opening the door for me, I get in on autopilot. Once I'm in, he closes the door and goes around to the other side, also getting in.
Securing my seatbelt, Luca starts the car up and drive us back home. The soft lull of the music from the radio and Luca's warm hand on mine stroking soothing circles makes my eyes droop feeling as heavy as bags of cement.
I'm not sure when I fell asleep or when we got home but I woke up to the feel of silk sheets against my body as well as an arm wrapped securely around my waist.
I crack an eye open only to be blinded by the immense sunshine streaming in from the windows, squirming slightly in Luca's death grip, I huff unable to escape.
"Let go." I mumble raspy, wriggling some more. "Luca, let me go."
Luca stirs slightly pulling me even closer, glaring hard at his handsome sleeping face, I flick his forehead trying to get him to let me go.
"Torna a dormire, amore." Luca murmurs sleepily, making me purse my lips and glare harder.
"I swear, Luca, if you don't let me go, I'm going to grind your balls in a grinder and turn them into Italian meatballs." I hiss, busting for a pee.
Luca sighs heavily and reluctantly releases me, getting out of bed I hurry to the bathroom and do my business as well as doing the other human necessities i.e showering, brushing my teeth and getting dressed in one of his many shirts.
(A/n; Not Iris)
Tying my hair up into a messy top knot, I walk pass the still tuckered out Luca, picking my phone up. Smiling softly I leave the bedroom and go down to the kitchen, the smell of pancakes making my stomach growl.
"Something smells good." I voice loudly, Rosie stands in the kitchen flipping pancakes.
"Buongiorno Iris, why don't you grab a seat, tesoro." She gives me her signature motherly smile.
Obliging, I take a seat at the island, staring at her as she works, grabbing a blueberry out of one of the bowls placed on the counter, I pop it into my mouth.
"What are you making, Rosie?" I cock a brow, reaching for another blueberry.
"Pancakes." She smiles, looking at me before flipping another beautifully golden pancake.
Duh, Iris.
"Hopefully my favourite." Luca's cuts into our conversation, pressing a kiss to my cheek he sits down beside me now dressed in a white tank top and black shorts.
"Nuh uh, she's making my favorite...obviously." I sneer playfully, watching as he steals the very blueberries I was snatching.
How rude.
Rosie laughs and places plates of pancakes with bacon and eggs in front of us both. "No worries, I made both your favourites. Enjoy!" And with a wink she leaves the kitchen.
With a smile I dig in, moaning as I have a mini food orgasm, Rosie was a gift to mankind.
Luca glances at me with a smirk and shakes his head.
"You're such a foodie." Luca chuckles, nudging me gently with his elbow.
"Shut up, it's good." I giggle, taking another bite of my blueberry pancakes.
He grins. "Bullshit, this is where the magic is at." He motions to his chocolate chip stack of pancakes.
"I mean it's okay." I tease, rolling my eyes at him.
"Amore, what's that over there?" Luca questions, pointing with his fork over to the doorway.
Not able to control my curious nature I glance to the spot where he pointed, scrunching my brows together in confusion at the empty area. It takes me way too long to realize I've been tricked.
"You're right, these are good." He comments making me whip my head around quickly to see Luca stealing a bite of my pancakes.
"You little thief." I gasp dramatically as Luca eats the bite of pancakes on his fork and gives me a charming smile.
"I'm your little thief, dolcezza." He purrs with a wink thrown in my direction, his wink makes my ears tingle red and me, tongue tied.
Narrowing my eyes, I scoop the whip cream off my plate and smear across the handsome devil's face, he gasps theatrically and I can't help but laugh.
Even when covered in whip cream, he's absolutely handsome.
The kitchen is filled with our laughter and I snort loud and very unattractive as Luca tries to wipe all the whip cream off. Snatching my phone up, I start snapping a few off guard pictures of him.
I am so saving these.
"You think this is funny, you little minx?" Luca inquires after sucking some whip cream off his thumb.
"I do." I nod furiously with a wide smile.
"Wait, till I get you." Luca growls playfully, reaching his arms out to grab me.
Squealing, I bat them away and get to my feet to run away, making it to the doorway still giggling like a girl high on love, Luca scoops me into his arms before I can get to the foyer and carries me up to our bedroom with me pounding on his back like a cavewoman.
Luca kicks the door shut and drops me onto the bed, making me shriek in surprise, pulling his shirt over his head he drops it onto the floor and licks his lips.
His eyes drinking in my body as I do the very same eagerly eye-fucking him.
I gulp when he smirks all sinister like, giggling when he crawls on top of me and his hands cradle my face. I hum leaning forward slowly, thrill curling my toes as he presses his delicious lips to mine in a kiss, his hand going to the back of my head.
Our kiss is slow and soft, his mouth magical against mine. His hands wander my body, running up my curves as if he's trying to commit it to memory.
Gasping as he squeezes my waist and he seizes that moment to slip his skillful tongue into my mouth.
Both mine and his lips dancing against each other in perfect harmony, perfect beat, in utmost perfection. His tresses like the finest silk are tugged by my hand yet he protests not instead he seems to live for. Groaning into my mouth to show his appreciation.
A slight nip at my lower lip makes me smile through my moan as he chuckles huskily.
He was teasing.
Breaking the kiss, Luca trails his teasing, infuriating nips and open mouthed kisses down my jaw, upon my neck and ending at my collar bone. Pleasurable shudders wracking through me.
"Dove sei stato tutta la mia vita?" Luca whispers in a raspy voice as he breaks away from me. He rubs his thumb across my lower lip.
I whimper softly as he rips my panties down my legs, the cold air hitting my wet lips. Luca throws it over his shoulder winking at me, his hands coming to roam my ass.
"Voglio fare l'amore con te." He mumbles in his native tongue, eyes looking deep into my soul.
"What?" I inquire breathless and dazed, my lips parted.
Giving me a smile he draws me in for another kiss, placing a hand on his cheek I tilt my head deepening it while Luca's hand makes its way down between my legs.
Moaning as Luca thumbs my clit, my hands reach down for his pants but I am denied by Luca who grips my two hands and holds them above my head with one of his.
I pout and whine but I'm shut up by Luca thrusting his finger into me, making me gasp. Biting my lip I look up at Luca through my lashes.
"Oh fuck." I hiss, bucking against his hand trying to get him to pick up his pace.
"Ti faccio eccitare bambina?" He chuckles, nipping at my jugular.
"You're such an asshole." I narrow my eyes at him, breathing heavily.
"Watch your mouth, tesoro mio." He grins rather amused.
Huffing, I spread my legs wider as I feel the familiar knot in my abdomen, my eyes rolling to the back of my head and my head falling backwards as I whimper.
Looking at him, Luca through half lidded eyes I shudder, a massive shudder that prickles my skin with goosebumps as he brings me to yet another one of Luca Donario's trademark orgasms.
"Oh. Ohhh, Luca." I squeak, eyes screwed tight as I arch off the bed, calves digging into the sheets and convulse.
With a low groan, Luca swallows my moans with his mouth, not letting up from his sweet torture between my legs.
"I love it when you say my name." Luca pecks my lips, pulling his fingers out of me.
Luca pops his fingers into his mouth, making a spectacle of sucking them off before winking at me. Hazy, my core though spent throbs for him.
Pushing away the thin cotton fabric off my shoulders, Luca tucks my hair from my face and softly, gently as if I were made of delicate chin caresses my face.
"You said you wanted to learn Italian, right amore mio?"
"Good, we'll start off easy." He beams, pulling his shorts down to reveal his erection which slaps against his stomach when released from his underwear.
"Huh?" I question dumbfound.
"Buongiorno," Luca kisses my cheek, grabbing a hold of his erection. "means good morning. Buongiorno, amore mio.
Salivating as I stare at his member, I yearn for it to be inside of me, sitting up I reach for him but he shakes his head at me and turns me around so that my ass is facing him and I'm on my hands and knees.
"Oh God." I squeak as Luca lines himself up and sinks into me, my ass almost meeting his pelvis.
"That's not what I said, Iris." He chuckles, placing his hands on my waist.
"Fuck," I curse under my breath as Luca slams into me. "Buongiorno."
"Good girl, see that wasn't so hard now was it." He teases, sinking even deeper into me making me cling on hard to the sheets. "Grazie, means thank you, i.e you thanking me for fucking you're sweet pussy."
I bite my lip and roll my eyes at his choice of words. Leave it to Luca to always be overly crude.
Rocking against him, I try to get him to speed up but instead Luca stops abruptly making me whine, looking back at him with a pout, I glare at him, daggers that quite literally kill him.
"Grazie." I bite out, narrowing my eyes at him.
I'd get him back, just you wait.
"Good girl." He remarks rewarding me with lengthy quick strokes, that leave me purring beneath him. "Next word-"
"Luca, I swear I will fucking kill you if you stop." I hiss, pushing back harder on to his cock.
Yes, I said it, cock. I'm that horny.
"Oh fuck, Luca harder!" I hiss loud and pleasures as Luca grips my hair, pulling my head back so he can kiss me.
"That's a dirty mouth you've got there, Mrs. Donario." He mutters fiercely against my lips.
"I can be even dirtier, Mr. Donario." I reply, gripping his hair as well and pressing my lips to his in a heated lustful kiss.
Smirking mischievously, Luca switches positions, so that I'm on my back and looking up at him and he's looking down at me. Running my hands over his hard, sweaty torso, moans and groans fill the room as well as the sound of skin on skin action.
"I wanna make love to you, Iris." Luca suddenly slows his pace down, his eyes locking with mine as he says this.
It's words that cause my heart to do Olympic medal flips and has my insides mushy.
"Luca-" I swallow hard, placing my hands on his chest, moving them slowly up to loop around his neck.
"Please, Luce mia. I,". He speaks, his voice filled with genuine, dear I say, love. " I adore you, amore."
No love, adoration. Iris. Yes, Luca Donario in love? What a joke...
Licking my lips, I push these thoughts to the back of my thoughts, later when I was dressed and not in his arms I would contemplate them.
With arms around his neck and a small smile on my face I pull him down, so that we touch in every way, our lips sealed to each other as we share a kiss of lovers.
Dare I be cliche, for a second, but it felt as if the world outside, everything had paused and it was just the two of us together in this moment...it was great. A moment I would never forget.
That moment when it was more, truly more than sex.
Luca's hips roll against mine and I lift my own, gasping and whimpering against him as I mimic his movements, burying my hands in his hair he drinks in my soft moans as if it's the whiskey he loves.
Wrapping my legs around him I pull him impossibly closer, never wanting to lose the feeling of him. Our kiss is broken and he presses his lips to my collar bone, nipping at the area between my breast.
"Vuoi dire tanto per me." He mumbles in his sweet tongue. "Tu sei il sole del mio giorno."
I could feel it, my eyes watering as he says God knows what to me, tears trickling down my cheeks and I purse my lips not wanting to wail pathetically. Luca lifts his head brows cinching together like a cigarette saved for later use.
"Amore, why are you crying? Am I hurting you?" He stalls his movements, wiping my stupid tears away with his thumb.
"No, no I'm fine. It's probably my hormones or something, my time of the uh...month is probably near." I shake my head, giving him the most reassuring smile I can conjure.
I want to tell him, to tell him I love him but I'm just so scared, I'm so scared to lose him.
Resting his forehead against mine we stare into each others eyes as Luca makes love to me, his hands exploring my body with slow caresses.
Luca kisses my lips and speeds up his movements, sensing I'm nearing my edge his hand going between my legs to play with my clit, gasping breathlessly I shake violently as my orgasm consumes me.
"Luca!" I scream, scratching at his back as he plows mercilessly into me.
"Cazzo, ti amo." He grunts coming along with me, his seed spilling inside of me and coating my insides.
Luca's sweaty body falls on top of me as he slides out of me, I glance down to see him, laying with his head on my naked chest. Toying with his hair I feel his cum drip out of me on to the bed.
Sighing contented as his thumb rubs comforting circles on my hip close to the area he'd ravaged only moments ago, I pull the strands of hair stuck to my face away and sigh heavily once again, reveling in the post coital bliss.
- In Serial8 Chapters
Love Of Baybur [Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
The Sultanate won a huge battle against their enemies of different religion, and now left them with only a piece of land surrounded by Sultanate's forces. Baybur, a yerliyya from a backwater place, is hailed as a hero after the war for his past contributions in a strange manner and is, thus, invited to a banquet prepared by the Sultan and attended by many Great Nobles. To Baybur, who had dreams of stepping on a higher stage in Sultanate's politics, and in his Orta's ranks, this is a chance for him to shine and rise. Yet he, and many in the banquet, knows that victory is far from over. And this presents a chance, with greater risk than before, to impress the Sultan and the Pashas of the Sultanate. Sanjak-beys and Aghas of the Janissary Corps all seek to devour their enemies, both in and out of the Sultanate. And Baybur, in the midst of this brewing storm, is no different from a fish dreaming to be a dragon. But a woman he meets at the banquet changes everything; his goals, his dreams, and his fate. After all, love, without expression, is a deadly curse. As a note, Cover is not mine obviosuly, and I write this both for NaNoWriMo and Writathon. To some history lovers and nerds who specialize in it, I know you might be angered quite a deal with some things I've written.(I get the feeling when someone talks wrong foolish things in a study I know, no hate) But this is a historical fiction written by a seventeen-year-old, don't expect much from me to know every single detail. Much of my research is surface level and some things are, well, to fit plot, are changed. So bear that in mind. For schedule/chapter thingt, there will be at most five chapters until I pass the 55.555 words mark. Each chapter will be around or above 10k+ words. It is also not edited, and probably won't be unless I find a great deal of time in my hands after November to see what I lack in where. That's all. Now go read, or leap to another fiction. Enjoy!
8 106 - In Serial67 Chapters
I'm Fine
Asha grew up with a verbally abusive mother that constantly put her older sister above her. When Asha is transferred to a new school her Junior year and meets a group of people, one of them catches her eye. Will Asha let her new friends get a glimpse of the real her, or is she too damaged to let anyone bare the burden of her dreadful life?This story has three parts and one of them contains a time jump. You will see some growth, character development, twists and turns, a lot of struggle, drama, and heartache. ⚠️⚠️⚠️This story also has some dark themes that can be triggering. It includes sexual content, foul language, violence, and substance/drug abuse.I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PHOTO!!
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The Unwanted
Cyan Ravindra was only a child when she came into Genesis Vadell's care. Years later, she still doesn't know why her parents gave her to such a monster. However, when she sees him, her heart takes over and it seems to know the truth. Genesis' caring nature overwhelms him whenever she's near. Genesis tries his best to stay away from Cyan but it's like he's naturally drawn to her. His solution? Lie. Cyan must never discover the truth about her parents or the small, isolated village she once called home, even if it means she has to hate him. Will Destiny prevail when she finds out her existence is a lie? The Unwanted can also be found on Inkitt.
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The Colour of Your Heart
Hell’s seven Colours to rule Hell’s seven kingdoms. Red, Green, Grey, Blue, Yellow, White and Black. Satan, the ultimate lord and commander of all seven Kingdoms had made it so. No one remembered where the Colours came from or when they last lived without them. It just became a way of life. The Royal descendants, spawns of Satan, were born with the power to manipulate most Colours. Born with the power to submit most to their will. However, in order to ascend and become true Masters of Hell, they were to conquer all Colours and pass the final Test. No matter the cost. Over the years, Satan himself lost many of his own children to the Test, but it was the iron law. It could not be changed. There were some whispers and predictions, however. One of Satan’s children, together with a rare human soul, would be the end of his reign. Twenty-four-year-old Mara Takeda is a shy young woman who has faced many challenges in her short life. From suddenly becoming deaf at the age of five to facing bullies through most of her school years, she became a near recluse whose sole obsession was painting. Always unsociable and under a pseudonym, her art paved the way for her to become a respected and talented artist. Now in Tokyo, she is preparing to come out from the shadows and make an appearance at her first, public exhibition. At least that was the plan until she is abruptly visited by a man with horns and wings…
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❝do i ever cross his mind?❞in which a girl is oblivious to the love a boy has for herUNDER EDITING-© all rights reserved to @skambaby
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Just what the title says!! :)
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