《Affairs Of The Heart》✔N O V E
🌹Iris' Pov
I stare at the black credit card in my hand, debating if I should buy something off it, after all Luca did give it to me to buy things, but if I used it would he be winning?
That's what I sat in my car outside the huge mall pondering in my head, Lila said I should buy something racy with it and see if Luca would notice.
She suggested a sex toy.
But really me buying something wouldn't make a dent in Luca's mass billions and I doubt Luca would even notice. Or maybe he would he seemed like someone who monitored stuff like that.
Exiting my car, I stroll into the mall immediately walking towards the most expensive store. The store had a few persons inside, predominantly women in couture outfits who turn to look at me, most with grimaces on their face at my own outfit, which really wasn't that bad. I wore a sleeveless baby pink turtleneck with splits at the sides and ripped jeans plus my favorite white sandals.
Sure it was basic but it was cute all the same.
I roll my eyes at the pompous women and roam the store, admiring some of the beautiful dresses. Finally one catches my eye, it's sheer almost see through with rhinestones and a few diamonds, the dress is floor length with a low cut neckline that showed off a whole lot of cleavage. It's baby blue and definitely would catch the eye of anyone.
"It's a $21, 000 dress." A woman who I assume to be a store clerk comments, in a condescending little voice. "Expensive...if it's out of your price range perhaps try Marshalls or a thrift shop." She drags her eyes over my outfit with distaste.
Excuse me.
"Trust me its no problem." I smile unbothered, grabbing the rack and twisting on my heel.
I saunter past the store clerk, handing it to the cashier.
"$21000." The cashier says with a professional, friendly smile.
Handing her the black card I swore the store clerk behind me gasped in shock while the cashier's ocean blue eyes widened as she quickly got me my stuff, which I gladly took when she outstretched it to me.
Leaving the store with a small smile on my face, I thought, that would teach her.
Never judge a book by it's cover.
Looking around at the back seat of my car, I cringe slightly—I might have gone a little overboard—I had gotten every little beautiful thing I could get my hands on that included sexy underwear, brand dresses, shirts and shoes, a shit load of shoes.
However no sex toys were bought. I just couldn't bring myself to walk into the shop. I panicked.
Speaking of Luca here I was, parked in the parking lot of Donario Enterprises closing my car door about to go up to the devil's lair.
I stroll towards the skyscraper, the midday sun making the glass glitter and reflect blinding rays of iridescent lights but damn was it a beautiful building. I stop in front of the receptionist's desk waiting patiently for her to notice me.
She gives me a broad chirpy smile with bright cheery eyes, she's a beautiful girl, looks of a model. Her blond hair is pulled back from her face into a bun with not a strand of hair out of place, she has tan skin and is lean and tall.
Luca's type...
"Hi, how may I help you?" She chirps with a high pitched voice, a hands free device in her ear and below that a decent sized diamond earring.
"I'm here to see Luca Donario." I state simply, looking around the building that's simply beautiful.
People walking to and fro, expensive suits, dresses and pencil skirts, it was pretty overwhelming.
"I'm sorry but do you have an appointment?" She questions, eyes turning to her monitor.
"No, I just need to see him." I answer tapping my fingers impatiently on the counter before saying softly. "I'm his wife."
The receptionist clicks her tongue and looks me up and down, snickering under her breath. Eyes running over me once more as she cracks a humored smile. "Don't we all wish that sweetheart."
Raising a brow I open my mouth ready to explain to her but close it when I see a familiar face walk towards me with a charming grin on his face.
"Prince Nikolai." The receptionist splutters, eyes widening as she straightens up. She puffs out her chest and bats her eyelashes up at him though he barely even flicks his gaze over to her.
"Hello Iris, how are you?" Nikolai smiles down at me, pretty playful eyes dancing.
Poor girl..
"I'm fine Prince Nikolai." I tease the buff man with a smirk.
He cringes and shakes his head, rubbing the back of his neck. "Please it's just Nico, Iris."
"Okay...Nico." I giggle softly, tilting my head to the side as a small smile settles on my lips.
"I'm guessing you're here to see Luca." He voices like it was the most obvious thing in the world, with a slight nod I tuck my hair behind my ear.
Nico and I walk side by side towards the elevator that screams VIP, I mean with its beautiful gold doors it's pretty obvious Luca would travel in something like this. Glancing back at the receptionist, she blinks surprised at me.
Nikolai pushes the button and the doors open, stepping aside he lets me go first like a gentleman before he steps inside. What a Prince Charming.
If I thought the outside was beautiful then the inside is even more so, it's nothing short of magnificent.
Nikolai presses the button which will take us to the highest floor, which is where I'm assuming Luca is situated.
"Luca, will be delighted to see you." Nico comments as the elevator doors close.
"I wouldn't say delighted...perhaps irritated, annoyed maybe." I laugh already able to see the attractive prick's face when he sees me. My stomach tugs as the elevator lifts.
"And who doesn't love an irritated Luca." He chuckles heartily, leaning against the elevator wall.
"Exactly." I say and we both share a good laugh.
"So, prince eh?" I decide to bring up. "I didn't know you were a prince."
Nico shrugs, averting his eyes. "Because it's hard to believe there are other royals except Queen Elizabeth and her family."
I shrug as well. "More like, I didn't peg you for a prince."
He lights up, a smirk crossing his lips as his eyes flicker down to me. "Well I'm, Prince of Sveeks, Romania to be exact, not many people know about it."
"Foreign. You don't have an accent." I point out.
"Eşti drăguţă, pisicuţo." He says and sure indeed, I had. Its actually kinda hot, its somewhat similar to a Russian accent with its chillingly beautiful baritone.
"What did that mean?" I cock a brow, crossing my arms over my chest.
"I said you're cute, kitten." He chuckles, reaching out and flicking my nose in a friendly manner.
Before I can reply the elevator doors open, sending him a glare I step out of the elevator.
"Pity I won't get to see an irritated Luca." He sighs as the doors begin to close before they shut completely he adds with a wink. "Hopefully next time you come and visit me, pisoi."
With a shake of my head, I head towards Luca's office, past the gaping secretary and into the devil's den. As I said before the devil had a very very good eye for design, Luca's office looked like something out of a magazine.
The doors of his office close without a sound and I gaze like a kid in a candy store. The walls like most things in the room are white with black tiled flooring, a large glass table sat in the middle of the spacious room it had neatly organized papers stacked in it and he had a very comfortable looking leather chair.
Behind his desk and chair is a beautiful view of the city which could be seen through the large crystal clear ceiling to floor glass windows, book shelves lined the walls which I know have never been touched since Luca isn't much of a reader.
I bite my lip and hop up onto his desk, legs crossed at the ankles waiting patiently for him to grace me with his presence, it wasn't long until his office door opened and he strolled in looking mouthwateringly sexy in his perfectly tailored suit with his black hair, tousled and messy.
"Iris, what are you doing here?" Luca says confused at first before narrowing his eyes at me.
Karma, bitch. I'm in your turf now.
"I wanted to surprise you by dropping by...surprise !" A cheeky smile on my face, I hop off his desk. "I thought maybe we could get lunch?"
Luca gives me a steely look and digs his hands in his pockets. "Lunch?" He repeats.
I open my mouth to answer when the clicking of heels capture my attention, she's wearing a tight strappy dress and black gladditor stilettos. She has waist length blonde hair, beautiful upturned catlike green eyes and a gentle smile. She looks no older than 20.
She has an hour glass figure and legs to die for and she stands with confidence and certainty— I won't be surprised if she was one of Luca's toys—she looks like something straight out of a magazine.
"Luca Alesso Giovanni Donario, how dare you not speak to me in weeks?" A pout on her pink lips.
She twists around when she notices his eyes are not trained on her but on me, a bright smile lights up her pretty face and walks towards me as I eye her warily.
"Hi, I'm Ezra." She beams, already I can tell she has a bubbly infectious personality. You reminds me of a cheerleader.
"Um...hi." I glance at Luca out of the corner of my eye and to see that he is calm, unsettlingly calm.
"Your assistant is very beautiful, Luca." She comments, a smile still on her face while my jaw drops on to the floor.
Say what now!
"Actually Ezra, this is Iris...my wife." Luca chuckles.
"Omg, you're the Iris Harding. I am sooo sorry, I'm one of Luca's best friends." Her eyes widen as her cheeks become painted red."I have heard so much about you." And before I know it, I'm being pulled into a bone crushing hug.
Oh gosh.
"Hopefully good things." I wheeze sending a quick look over to Luca who rolls his hazel eyes.
Luca clears his throat and looks at us, well me pointedly. "I see you two are both getting along."
With that said, he clicks his tongue and walks to the door.
He's such a bitch.
"Luca, where are you going?" Ezra calls drawing back from her death embrace.
"We're having lunch, remember." He answers, throwing us a brief and sassy glance from over his shoulder before stalking out.
"So where did you and Luca meet?" Ezra questions sipping her martini.
Luca, Ezra and I are currently sitting at Ivory another one of Luca's fine establishments. We are seated at his usual table and we are now being questioned by Ezra about Luca and I's relationship, from how much she's asked I'm guessing Luca didn't tell her anything much about our marriage.
And I'm not surprised why.
"At her father's house when I came over to finalize the business agreement." Luca answers sipping his drink uninterested.
"Yeah it's just a business deal." I shrug even though my heart slightly clenches.
What is wrong with you heart?
Ezra looks between us and furrows her brows. "Sureeeee, like I can't see it, the sexual tension between you two love birds?"
"I assure Ezra, there is no sexual tension between us." I conclude with firm words. "Plus I would never do anything with....him."
Luca snorts and runs his hands through his hair. "That's not what you were saying a week ago." Sending him a sharp glare, he smirks.
"I can't wait to tell this to Esa." Ezra squeals clapping her hands which attracts the eyes of a few customers but they turn away quickly.
Esa? Her boyfriend perhaps.
"How is Esa?" Luca asks leaning forward, generally interested in this Esa person.
"Esa's in town, he was going to come and see you today but he had some work to do and he went to speak with Arsenio about...." She trails off glancing over at me.
Now my curiosity has been spiked.
Who the hell was Esa?
Who was Arsenio? Was he the same guy I heard my father talk about? I mean of course he had to be, it's not everyday you hear someone named Arsenio? Right?
I hate being clueless.
"I'm going to the restroom." I excuse my self from the table.
Luca glances at me but says nothing, pushing my seat back I get up and walk away from the table, going past the other customers and into the restroom.
Getting lunch with Luca was a really bad idea. Why had I done it? To get back at him?
Splashing my face with the water from the sink, I straighten up and fix my hair with the aid of the mirror, once I've put myself together, I walk back to the table and put on my most apologetic face.
"I am so sorry but I just got a call from my office that I have a surprise client and its very urgent." I lie easily.
Luca brings his gaze to me rather lazily and smirks almost like he could see right through my lie, which I don't doubt, he probably can.
"Don't you work by appointments only?" He inquires but it sounded more like a statement. "Besides its lunch time."
"....As I said it's very very urgent and I really have to go." I say through gritted teeth, looking over at Ezra I offer her a apologetic look.
"Oh it's alright, do what you got to do girl." Ezra chirps pushing her golden hair behind her ear.
"Well I guess I'll see you tonight, amore." He grins, placing a chaste kiss on my cheek which takes me by surprise.
I'm not only shocked about the kiss but because he decides not to fight me anymore on this, I guess he must have lots to talk about this Esa and Arsenio that he doesn't want me to hear about.
Blinking a couple times, I leave the restaurant still a bit in a state of shock. It's only once I make it into the parking lot I realize I'd gotten a fucking car ride from that asshole.
Groaning I walk down the street.
If this couldn't possibly get worse.
As if the universe heard my challenge, rain came pouring down on me and I groan in frustration as I'm pelted by water droplets, I think the least I can do is get some Starbucks.
I enter Starbucks soaked to the bone with my clothes clinging to me uncomfortably.
"Chocolate Mocha latte." I order, shivering slightly as the AC hits me full force.
"Bad day?" The barista questions glancing up at me. "....pretty lady."
"Iris, and it could be worse." I smile, at the barista who writes my name on the cup.
I take a seat and push strands of wet hair from my face, waiting for my name to be called which didn't take too long.
"Iris!" The barista shouts his eyes looking around for me before finally settling on my slightly dried figure.
"Yea thanks." I smile, getting up from seat and strolling over to the counter.
"No problem." He winks as I take the cup from him, reaching into my bag he shakes his head. "On the house, beautiful."
I blush and walk out of the Starbucks and on to the street, thankfully the gods have been appeased as the rain has stopped so if I'm lucky I can possibly get a cab before it starts pouring again.
Twisting around I collide with a man resulting in my coffee falling from my hand and spilling all over the fucking sidewalk.
Fucking hell. I didn't even get a sip.
"Shit, sorry." He apologizes looking down at me and my spilled beloved.
His blonde hair is at the top of his head in a messy man bun, tendrils framing his defined handsome face. He has Mediterranean exotic skin and a firm yet slender athletic build, his lips are curved into a soft apologetic smile and I notice his pearly white teeth. His eyes are mesmerizing mix of a blue and green color, the shade of the sea.
The man had a defined face which goes well with his very distinct cheek bones and cute little freckles which dusted his face. He's handsome, like a boy next door type of handsome.
"It's fine, honestly." I mutter bitterly, shifting my gaze away from him and back down to my coffee.
"Still sorry. Hey to make it up, how about I buy you another cup of coffee?" He offers, giving me a soft grin.
Cute, he was cute but Luca was an Adonis in comparison...
Why the hell am I thinking of Luca?
Cracking a smile and staring up at him. "Smooth but I can't right now." I tuck a lick behind my ear as I yell him.
"I understand, uh but what about some other time?" He suggests a little persistent but not creepy persistent.
I bite my lip before I stick my tongue out with a smile, joking. "How do I know you're not a serial killer looking for your next victim?"
"Does this look like the face of a serial killer?" He chuckles, eyes crinkling adorably at the sides as he motions to his face.
"I don't know, what is the face of serial killer?" I tease, crossing my arms.
"Touché." He chuckles again before offering me his hand. "Name's Estevon."
With a bit of apprehension, I take his hand. He has a gentle grip and pulled away before I could rule him out as a creepy creeper.
"Iris." I smile, tilting my head to the side.
"By any chance can I get your number and maybe we can meet up for coffee sometime?" He inquires shrugging pretty nonchalantly.
With a chill nod, he hands me his cellphone to which I take and type in my number handing it back to him.
"Coffee girl." He reads cracking a small smile "How about the pretty coffee girl?"
Snorting, I laugh walking away with a shake of the head. "Goodbye, Estevon."
"Goodbye, beautiful Iris." He shouts after me, waving.
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