《In Love with A Criminal》A New Discovery


Scourge's POV

"Ah..." The pet moaned softly as a certain object was vibrating in his ass.

"Just give it a good treatment, and I won't have to turn this up a notch." Smirked his master. The ebon hedgehog was on his knees, but had his chin on one of his Master's leg's close to his erection. Ebony's hands were tied together behind him. His muzzle grew bright red, and the tip of his ears burned fiery red.

His eyes showed no pleasure at all. The button placed on the handle of the play toy in Shadow's ass was slid up a higher level of vibration. The black hedgehog's legs quivered.

"Come on. It's only at number four, but it can go higher than that." Scourge chuckled. Ebony stuck his tongue out and was ready to lick up his Master's cock, when his Master slid the button to the max. The black hedgehog moaned as the toy started vibrating more than ever.

He fell down on his ass, sending the toy deeper into his body. He gave a loud cry and fell on his back. He arched his back as he struggled to get the toy out the best he could by rubbing his heels against the tip of the toy that was still visible.

He became a moaning mess, tears poured from his eyes. His hips bucked uncontrollably. His Master smirked at the sight of his pleasured slave.

"M-Ma-Master! I c-can't! I-It

fee-f-feels... Ah!" He bucked hips. "Sooooooooo gooooooood!" The pet's eyes were rolling to the back of his head as the pleasure was too much to take. A pair of strake legs shook in the air violently. "Ah!" The black hedgehog's seed shot form his member. His sighed, but yelped one more time. His member would spray some of the pet's white fluids into the air, then stop, then spray again. It was like turning on and off a hose quickly.


His Master had had enough of this. He simply smirked and reached over for the dildo, removing it out of the horny hedgehog's ass. He turned the vibrating toy off. His pet panted as he lay on his side trying his best to calm down.

His Master began chuckling. He looked at him. "Well, well... What do you know? You passed the test. That guy wasn't lying was he? Of course it cost me a several extra bucks, but it was totally worth it. Now we know this is your favorite toy, and it is to be used in special occasions." He smirked. He picked up his pet and placed him on the bed, the still panting pet; was untied.

He was much too tired to try anything after his pleasurable play time. Scourge left the room, closing the door. Now he had to let his slave rest.

He's gonna need it.

After his horny slave came down from his pleasurable stage, Scourge cuddled with him on the couch. He looked down at his pet who was sleeping on his lap, and petted him.

"You know what I like the most about that toy?" His pet perked an ear up. "That you say the craziest things, because you want more than just that toy..." He whispered that last part.

"S-Master?" Asked a scared ebon hedgehog. He looked up at his master who licked his lips and looked at his pet with lust and hunger.

"I wanna do you hard..." Whispered emerald into one of his pet's ears. The pet stiffen, his master pulled his leash closer to him. "Mmm~" He sniffed Ebony's neck. His Master decided to lick his neck, making Ebony shiver.

"Mast-" Emerald covered Ebony's mouth with his hand.

"Sh... Try to enjoy it." Emerald whispered. Scourge began to grope Ebony.


A knock on the door was heard. It was rare to get visits, but they got them anyway. Scourge ignored the knock, but soon it sounded like someone was trying to knock over the door. Growling, Scourge placed his pet on the couch and headed to the door.

He opened it. Shadow's look alike stood at the door. "What is it?" Asked Emerald. Mephiles crossed his arms.

"It's my day..." He told him. Scourge looked back at his pet who was peacefully sleeping on the couch.

"Hey, can you come by another day-"

"It's today or else..." Mephiles said in a low tone.

"Fuck you..." Growled Scourge. He let his visitor walk in. Mephiles looked around the place. It was actually pretty nice.

Scourge shut the door and walked over to his pet. He shook him lightly. The pet groaned and yawned. He stretched like a cat and looked at his Master. Then he noticed a scary looking being next to his Master. He jumped up a bit, but didn't want to be rude, so he stayed.

"It's okay, it's okay... Shadow we have a visitor, and he wants to spend sometime with you." Scourge smiled at the pet, but something wasn't right about his smile, but Ebony blindly trusted him.

Scourge looked at Mephiles. Ebony heard them talking about something. Mephiles crouched down to Shadow's height.

Shadow gulped and wondered what Mephiles was gonna do. Mephiles looked into ruby eyes.

"You're a nice one... How did Scourge find you before me?" Mephiles asked. A soft wet object touched Shadow's right ear. He jumped a bit, but soon realized it was one of Mephiles' tentacles. He curiously toyed with it.

Mephiles played along. Scourge watched their every move. Soon Mephiles made up his mind.

"I'm taking him home with me..." He said.

"What?! You can't-"

"Or else." Scourge sighed. He looked at Shadow.

"Listen Shadow, you're gonna be spending the night at Mephiles' house." Ebony began to worry. "You'll be fine I swear." He looked Mephiles. "You better treat him well, he means everything to me." Growled Scourge.

"Don't worry... I will treat him well..."

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