

The gel is cold as the ultrasound technician squeezes it onto my bare stomach. Lilianna's eyes light up when the baby appears on the screen.

"Ten fingers. Ten toes. Strong heartbeat."

I little part of me relieved by the news.

"Would you like to know the gender? I can tell you right now if you would like."

Lilianna leans in to me.

"I want to know the gender! How else am I going to buy cute clothes?"

I roll my eyes at her comment.

"It's okay if you don't want to know yet."

She rubs the wand around on my stomach more and I smile as I watch the different angles of my baby.

"Ten fingers. Ten toes. Strong heartbeat."

"You already said that."

"How many ultrasounds have you been to?"

"This is my second."

"Any other appointments before?"

"Nothing extensive, why?"

She clicks away at the computer for a minute, rubbing the wand around. She puts the wand down for a second, grabbing the picture that just came out of the machine. She grabs red marker and scribbles on the page before turning it to me.

"Congratulations. You're having twins!"



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