

Nate and I slip into my room with one last 'goodnight' to my father.

I root through my dresser drawer and point at the same time.

"Bathroom is through that door."

"Why would I need a bathroom right now?"

Just by turning around, I answer my mental questions and statements.

He's wearing nothing but athletic shorts and, hopefully, underwear. I suck in a breath, admiring his muscles.

"Like anything you see?"

And he caught me.

"Is it illegal to admire such a gift?"

This catches him off guard.

I grab the hem of my shirt and tug up, discarding the shirt into my hamper. He gasps. I look down. Crap. My stomach is stretched out with a child. For a moment there, I almost forgot that I'm expecting. I put on my shirt for bed and avoid eye contact with him as I change into shorts. The covers are ready to accept me as one of their own when Nate pulls up my shirt, revealing the bump. He wordlessly rubs his hand over my swollen body. He places a kiss on my skin and tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

"Remind me to thank the baby's father for giving me such an amazing woman and a child."

These words anger me and the tears overflow. Nate looks at me, confused and startled by my sudden tears.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Don't mention the father again. I want to forget him. I want to forget all about what he did."

The words slip out of my mouth before I know it.

"What did he do?"

I shut down, not wanting to say anything to incriminate myself any more.

"Nothing. Just forget I say it."

"What happened, Celia?"

"Drop it Nate. Let's go to bed."


I crawl under the covers but he doesn't stop pestering me.

"Just tell me, babe."

I click on the lamp by my bed.

"Please turn off the big light."

He flicks the switch off and joins me in the bed.

"Please tell me, Cecilia."

"For the last time, Nathaniel, please drop it already!"

I close my eyes, taking a deep breath as the tears continue to spill down my face, soaking my pillow. He drapes his arm over me, pulling me against his body.

"I'm sorry."

I carefully shift to my back, turning my face to his.

He's sincere. It's written all over his face.

He cups my face in his hands, wiping the tears away. I manage to regain some of my composure. Just enough to help me get my thoughts out of my mouth.

"Swear you won't tell anyone."

"Won't tell anyone what?"

"Just swear you won't tell."

"I swear."

Fed up with the uncomfortable position, I turn onto my side, my massive stomach preventing Nate from getting too close. Concern now accompanies the sincerity.

"I never wanted this to happen."

"You and you're boyfriend made a mistake. What's wrong with that?"

I touch my finger to his lips, struggling to keep my haywire emotions in check.

"Let me finish, please. This is hard enough to say as it is."

He nods, respecting my request. It takes me a moment to build the courage back up to let the words out.

"This baby is a product of rape."

A whole slew of emotions crosses over Nathaniel's face. He tenses up.

"Is the guy in jail?"

"I didn't even report him."

"Why the hell not?"

"I'm waiting until the baby is born and a DNA test can prove that he is the father."


"Then he could turn and say that it was consensual. Did you get a rape kit done at the hospital?"

"I didn't go to the hospital."

He flops onto his back, frustrated. His fingers run through his hair as he shakes his head.

"We need to report this. This man needs to pay."

"You swore you wouldn't tell."

"But I never said anything about convincing you to speak up!"

"I will tell my story when I'm ready. For now, I'm going to bed. Don't say another thing about the rape or the baby's father again or I'm telling Dr. Kamryn about the cigarettes."

"So we're back to blackmail?"


"It's been months since that incident and I haven't smoked since. She wouldn't believe you."

I hate the fact that he's right. He also previously admitted to me that it was his second time smoking in his entire life and that he was just calming his nerves about a test.

"I'm going to bed. Good night."

And I do just that.



Okay, sorry for the long chapter.

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