

I should not have agreed to stay the whole night with Daniel and Andy. She’s drunk and handsy. He’s had a few beers, but not for a few hours. When last call rolls around, we decide it’s time to leave.

“I’m going to put her in the car, mind telling Gavin we are leaving?”

“Just be careful with her.”

He nods and I turn, walking towards the bar. Gavin is wiping out a glass. There is still a bar full of people but most of them already have drinks.

“Hey, Gavin.”

He looks up from his task, stopping when he sees me.

“Hey. Skye, right?”

I nod and he continues talking.

“You did a great job up there. You looking for a job?”

His words shock and confuse me. Job?

“I have a job right now. Why?”

He looks disappointed, but hides it.

“If you’re ever looking, we could use an entertainer here on Saturday nights.”

“If I hear anybody with a good voice, I’ll send them your way.”

“I meant for you. The position is open when you want it.”

“Okay. Thank you. And Daniel wanted me to inform you that we are heading out.”

Gavin acknowledges my statement, going back to his work.

“Drive safe.”

I wave and exit the door. The cold air slams into me and I slip into my jacket, pulling it around myself. Gavin said when. Not if. When. Does he know something I don’t? Is he going to force me to work for him?

All these though run around my head as I make my way over to the car. Daniel is leaning against the door.

“Make sure she behaves back there.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“She’s already tried to jump me twice since we got out here. I don’t want her distracting me while I drive.”


Ew. Ew. Ew. Did I say ew? I don’t want to imagine that. It’s bad enough knowing that she is active.


He opens the door for me and I thank him, climbing in. Andy is almost asleep, but the sound of me entering opens her eyes.

“Hey, Skye. Ready to paaaarrrtyyyyyy?”

I roll my eyes, buckling. Daniel closes the door and climbs into the front, starting the car. Andy unbuckles herself, leaning over so she can get to Daniel. Her hands go south and I pull her back.

“Hey! I was trying to talk to my boyfriend!”

“No. You were trying to satisfy your boyfriend. There is a big difference, Andy. Now buckle up.”

She crosses her arms, pouting. She’s normally childish, but that amplifies when she’s drunk.

“No. I want Daniel.”

I look to him for further instruction. He turns his head back so that he can speak with Andy.

“It’ll only be a short drive home, babe. Buckle up and you can have me all night.”

He winks and Andy blows him a kiss. I wish I had a relationship like this. Instead, I’m pregnant and the father doesn’t even know.

Daniel backs out of the spot, merging onto the main road.

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