《Unexpected》Girl Time


Andy leans back, laughing.

“So that prissy brat tried to get me fired?”

“Yeah. For having relations with Daniel.”

She wipes a tear from her face, smiling.

“If she’s got an issue with her brother’s choice in girls, she should take it up with him.”


She takes a sip of wine. We keep a bottle in her room for nights where Hunter is out. We gossip, drink, and crawl into our respective beds at the end of the fun. However, she is the only one with wine tonight.

I raise the glass to my lips, letting the cool water slide down my throat.

“You know what? Next time I see her, I think I’m going to tell her how good Daniel is under the covers.”

I put my hand over my mouth, trying hard not to spit all over her blankets.

“Okay, that might get you fired. Sleeping with her brother is one thing. Bragging about it straight to her face, that’s a different story.”

A quiet knock floats into the room. Andy gets up from the bed, setting her glass on the nightstand. She opens the door, her smile widening.

“Hey. Come on in.”

Daniel steps into the room and I sit up, suddenly feeling out of place.

“Danny, this is my friend, Skye. Skye, this is Daniel Ezra.”

He extends his hand forcing me to be polite.

“It’s nice to finally put a name to the face.”

Confusion hits me briefly but dissipates as I realize that my name wasn’t exactly mentioned to the Ezra clan.

“I’m just happy to formally meet the man that my bestie can’t stop talking about.”

Andy blushes furiously, glaring at me. Daniel puts his arm around her shoulders, pulling her against him.


“She can’t stop talking about me? I don’t know if that should be a good thing or a bad thing.”

She buries her head in his chest and I grab my coat.

“Trust me, it’s all good things. It’s one of the reasons I’m leaving the room right now.”

I put my coat into the arm holes and Andy tries to get me to stay.

“Come on, let’s finish girl time.”

“Rain check. Have fun with Daniel. Just play it safe.”

She smiles, pawing at Daniel’s chest.

“Will do.”

I say one final goodnight to my friend and her boy toy before walking out into the bitter cold air.

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