《Unexpected》Day Off


I walk through the doors of the doctor’s office. It’s my first checkup and the one that will prove that, without a doubt, I am pregnant. Hunter was perfectly fine giving me a day off. Of course he was, he’s probably busy with his fiancée right now.

Oh yeah. I’m jealous.

I’m knocked up with his child and he’s still running around with Peni.

“Skye Knight?”

I stand up and follow the assistant back into the room. She has me sit on the exam table, checking my vitals. She makes an attempt at small talk, but I’m not in the mood. She finally gives up, walking out of the room to get the doctor. A young man with dark hair and striking blue eyes walks into the room.

“Hi, I’m Dr. Benson. How are you feeling today?”

He sits in the swiveling chair, looking through my chart.

“I’m doing fine, thank you.”

“So it looks like you are about two months along. I would like to see you back in a few weeks for your first ultrasound. If you have any problems, please contact me using the number on my card.”

He stands up to leave the room.

“Wait. That’s it? I took the entire day off just to figure out that I need t take ANOTHER day off in a few weeks?”

His eyes darken to a navy blue.

“Is there a problem with that?”

“I’m a maid for a billionaire. I can’t just ask for days off constantly.”

An understanding expression creeps onto his face.

“I can always make a discreet house call.”

“No. I’ll get a day off.”

I grab my belongings and push by him to exit the room, frustrated. I schedule my next appointment at the front desk before walking out into the chilly February air. The clock in the car reads ten thirty. What else should I do on my day off? Maybe Andy can sneak out and hang out with me. I pull out my phone, dialing her number.



“Hey Andy. If you aren’t busy, do you want to hang out today? Go out to eat, maybe shop a little?”

I hear laughing in the background.

“I’m a little busy right now, what time do you want to meet later?”

I hear a male voice, talking low.

“I’m done at my appointment. I’m ready to hang out now.”

“Okay. I’ll leave in a minute. Where are we meeting?”

“The baby is making me hungry. How about the diner on Seventh? Half hour?”

“I’ll be there. See you then.”

I hang up but not before hearing a squeal from Andy’s mouth. Not a terrified one either.

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