

The fresh bedding is right on the inside of the linen closet. I snag the bedding, walking to Hunter’s bedroom. I take the comforter off, making the personal decision to give him a fresh comforter too. I throw all of the bedding onto the ground before I even set the fresh linens down. After years of doing it, I have mastered putting on the bedding on the first try. I retrieve new pillow cases and fluffy pillows. Once his bed is completely made, I take the dirty linens to the laundry shoot hidden in another closet. I send them down, making a mental note to wash them later.

When I finally reach the study, I am greeted with a sticky mess on the desk. Somebody clearly tried to clean it with some tissues, but failed.

As I walk downstairs to grab the cleaner and a few rags, I get lost in my own thoughts.

Why can’t they just go to the bedroom? Can’t they wait? What is the big deal about constantly doing it everywhere?

“Skye! Come here!”

I look around for the person the harsh whisper belongs to. Andy’s head is poking out from around the corner. I join her in the hallway.

“What’s up?”

“Who’s the hottie at the table?”

“The one with dark brown hair?”


“That’s Peni’s brother.”

She raises an eyebrow but nods.

“He was staring at me earlier though.”

She frowns but then shrugs.

“He was eyeing me up too. I had to pass through the room and I felt him staring at me.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be in the green house?”

She rolls her eyes, grabbing onto my hands like a child.

“The garden can wait, Skye! This is important!”

“What’s important?”

Andy looks me in the eyes with a straight face.

“Are you planning on going after him?”

I give her a quiet laugh.

“Are you kidding me? I’m already knocked up.”

“So I can take a stab at that later?”

I can’t help but shake my head at her. She winks at me before letting go of my hands.

“I’m going to spruce myself up. Wish me luck!”

I watch as she slips out of the house, walking through the snow back to the garden.

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