

Red cup after red cup. Each one lands in the black garbage bag. The ones still containing liquid are set aside for proper disposal. Small paper plates join the sea of red. There are a few more guests, but they are off somewhere with Mr. Scotch.

Once I'm sure I've collected all the plates and empty cups, I drag the bag into the kitchen. I grab one of the platters to collect all the liquid filled cups. I hear footsteps coming towards the front of the house.

"You do have a magnificent house, Hunter."

They've both had their fair share of alcoholic beverages tonight.

"Skye! Call a cab for Mr. Walls here!"

"Yes, sir."

It's not a question, it's a command.

I take cups back to the kitchen when I grab the phone. I call for the cab before dumping the drinks down the sink. So much waste comes from Mr. Scotch's parties. Food, drinks, and energy. Each year he throws extravagant parties for the major holidays. New Year's, Valentine's Day, Fourth of July, Halloween, and Christmas all make that list. To him, Easter is more of a kid's holiday and he visits family on Thanksgiving.

I hear a horn sound outside. I peek out the window to find the familiar yellow of the cab.

They made it here in record time.

I locate Mr. Walls on the couch, dozing off.

"Excuse me, sir?"

He jerks, startled, before looking at me.

"What is it, my dear?"

"Your cab is here, sir."

He stands from the couch, swaying slightly as he walked over to the door to grab his coat and hat.

"I will see you at the New Year's party, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

Even though he is a sixty year old man with a wife and six kids, he winks at me. It's just a drunk move and it means nothing.


Not that I would ever let anything happen. He's not my type. If Mr. Scotch winked at me, that would be a different story.

I allow myself to get sucked into daydreams as I watch Mr. Walls descend the stairs to the cab. The snow is falling lightly, giving the world a calm, undisturbed look.

I close the door when the cab pulls away with the drunken party guest inside. I jump when I almost run face first into my boss.

"Oh! Mr. Scotch! I didn't see you there!"

There's something different about his expression. Longing?

He cups my cheek, bringing our lips together in a soft kiss. It definitely takes me by surprise, and against all my desires and fantasies, I push him away. He looks offended and hurt.

"What about Miss Ezra?"

Peni Ezra and Hunter Scotch have been engaged for two years now. The press has covered every inch of their developing relationship thanks to the fame that is tied to both of their names. If Mr. Scotch were to cheat, the press would tear him apart.

"Screw her. She sleeps her way to power."

He didn't tell me anything I didn't already suspect, but I still show mock surprise.

"Don't ruin the moment, Skye."

He dips his head to find my lips again. He starts walking and I feel my back hit the wall. Is this seriously happening? Am I really allowing my boss to kiss me? He's engaged! He's right that she screws her way up the corporate ladder, but does that give him the right to kiss me? His maid? He's a billionaire lawyer who can have anything and anyone on Earth. Why me?

Am I really trying to ruin something that I've dreamed about since the day I met Hunter Scotch? Worst thing that can happen is losing my job. I won't tell the press and I'm sure he won't either.


I give in and kiss him back. It feels amazing. It's everything I ever dreamed of and more. He uses eight simple words to erase all hesitation from my mind.

"Why don't we take this to my bedroom?"

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