《Pipe Dream || Timothée Chalamet》12


My eyes focus on the ceiling above me. It's currently 3AM and my brain won't shut up.

After we finished dinner with Abel, Timothée and I came back to his apartment and watched a movie, then went out separate ways to bed.

I've been awake since then, not falling asleep once, and quite frankly I'm getting frustrated.

I sit up with a sigh, pulling the warm blankets off my body, quietly making my way into the kitchen. I usually would be scared of the dark but since the exterior walls of the apartment are glass, the outside city lights illuminate the area around me.

I grab a glass from the cupboard and hold it under the refrigerator water dispenser as I watch it fill to the brim. I take a sip then set it on the counter as I walk over to the large glass wall in front of me.

I study the outside city. Even at such a late hour the city is so alive. I watch people pass by on bikes and drunk college students struggle walk home.

With another sigh I make my way back to the counter to grab my glass of water and hopefully fall back asleep.

As I grab the glass, the condensation that built up caused the glass to slip right through my fingers and shatter onto the floor as well as into my foot.

"FUCK" I practically scream as the pain of the glass in my foot settles into my body.

I hunch over in pain as I grab the counter for support, tears now flowing from my eyes seeing as I'm not very good at handling pain, especially when there's blood involved.

"Adeline what the fu-" Timothée's voice cuts short when he realizes the large glass shards in my foot. "Addy what did you do" he asks rushing by my side.

"The glass slipped from my hand and onto my foot" I sob as he places a hand on my lower back and helps me limp to the couch.


"I'm gonna grab my phone to call an ambulance" he says as he starts to walk away.

I grab his hand causing him to stop in his tracks. "No I don't want to go to the hospital" I say looking up at him through my tears.

He shakes his head. "Adeline this isn't something that we can patch up with a bandaid and call it a day. There's glass in your foot" he says making it very clear that he's serious.

I let go of his hand with a sigh of defeat. I absolutely hate hospitals.

I continue to quietly cry and chew at my fingernails as Timothée paces the room while he's on the phone with 911. Eventually the call ends and he comes to sit by my side.

"They should be here soon" he says as he stares at the ground.

"Timothée" I sniffle causing him to meet his eyes with mine. "It hurts" I cry as more tears flow down my face.

"I know" he cooes slowly rubbing my back. I rest my head against his shoulder as his touch warms my body.

Soon enough there's a knock on the door and two men dressed in EMT uniforms come in with a stretcher. Timothée explains what happened as they make their way towards me.

"I can walk" I insist as they lift me up from the couch and onto the stretcher.

"The glass is only going to get deeper if you do that" one of the men informs me.

I sigh for the 100th time tonight as I rub my tired and swollen eyes.

They begin to roll me out as I call out for Timothée. "You're not coming?" I ask looking back at him, as I feel my throat tighten and the tears fall again.

Being in pain makes me so emotional, I feel like a child. Usually I have my


Mom with me in situations like this.

Welcome to the real world bitch

"I can't, I'm not your immediate family" he says grabbing my hand in his. "I'll meet you at the hospital okay?"

I just nod as I continue to silently cry like a baby.

On the way to the hospital the EMT workers inspect my foot with concerned eyes. "This is the deepest cut I think I've ever seen" one of them speaks up.

"Are you going to take the glass out?" I ask, imagining how much pain that is going to inflict.

"We have to wait till we get to the hospital. It's too deep in there to take out here" the other man says as he prepares a needle.

"Is that going in me?" I ask with wide eyes. My whole life I've been terrified of blood and needles, and here I fucking am.

"It's an IV, we're going to put you on some pain medication. It's gonna make you a little drowsy" the first man speaks up again.

I nod as I chew at my lip, wishing Timothée was here.

We make it to the hospital and I'm rolled into a room that was sectioned away by only a curtain.

An older women comes in with a sweet smile, she appears to be a nurse. "We're going to let some of the pain medicine kick in and then the doctor will come in and remove the glass" she informs me as she takes my vitals.

I begin to feel tired, like the EMT man said but my eyes are still peeled, hoping Timothée would make it before they had to take the glass out.

Soon enough the boy I've been looking for walks in. He changed out of his boxers and T-shirt into some sweatpants and a hoodie, his bed head making him look incredibly hot.

I realize that I'm still in his sweatpants and T-shirt that I changed into when we got home from dinner last night. I look disgusting.

The doctor walks in shortly after Timothée explains what he's going to do and how I need to care for the wounds once they're stitched and I reply with a nod, not actually listening, but knowing Timothée is.

I grab Timothée's hand with all my strength as the doctor pulls out the glass shards one by one.

I let out a breath once he's done, releasing my lip from between my teeth only to realize that it's bleeding.

Great, just great.

A nurse comes in to stitch the cuts and gives all the cleaning and medicines to Timothée due to the fact that I'm still extremely loopy from the pain medication.

By the time the whole fiasco was over with, it was 7AM and I just wanted to be in bed.

As I crutch out of the hospital, yes crutch, I look at Timothée with tired eyes. "Can we watch little women when we get back to your apartment?" I ask as he looks down at me.

"Again?" Playfully whines as I smile knowing that means yes.

We eventually make it back to his apartment and he immediately rushes me to his bed helping me get comfortable and prop my foot up.

On the uber back home I called Ashley and explained what happened and that I would probably be at Timothée's for the rest of the day.

As we watch the movie my eyes grow heavier and heavier until they shut completely and my mind slows it's pace.

As I drift to sleep I snuggle deeper into Timothée's arms, finally letting slumber take over my body.

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