《Pipe Dream || Timothée Chalamet》06


I take a final look at my outfit in the mirror. I have a simple black t-shirt on tucked into a pair of grey mom jeans. I hope I don't look under dressed or sloppy.

"You look hot Addy stop worrying" Ashley glares at me through the mirror as if she just read my mind.

I look away from my reflection and turn towards her, as she sits on her bed. "Are you sure I don't look like a slob?"

"Adeline you look good I promise. So good that if you get drunk enough you might not be wearing clothes anymore" She winks at me.

"Ashley stop" I screech as my hands go over my ears at her nasty comment.

"Aw Addy your too innocent for this world" Eden cooes at me.

Ashley nods as she files down her fingernails. "I know right, she's too pure"

"Okay guys now you sound like my mother" I laugh as I grab my purse and turn back towards the mirror.

My phone lights up with a ding and all of our eyes go wide. I pick my phone up and read the message.

"He's here he's here he's here" I squeal re-checking myself in the mirror for the 100th time. "He's coming up"

As I stare at my reflection, Eden and Ashley hop out of their beds and towards me. Ashley comes behind me and wraps her arms around my neck as Eden wraps her arms around my side.

"You look stunning, now go steal his little heart" Ashley grins at me through the mirror.

Just as she finishes her sentence there's a knock at the door. All of our eyes widen and I can already feel myself blushing.

Ashley gives me a push towards the door and motions for me to open it.

With my hand on the door knob, I take a deep breath and open the door to reveal non other than Timothée Chalamet.

"Hey" he smiles taking in my appearance.

"Hey" I breathe out as my mind floods with thoughts.

"Hey" Ashley waves from behind me on her bed causing Timothée and I to laugh.

"Uh Timothée these are my roommates Ashley and Eden" I smile as I point to the girls.

"I've heard a lot about you guys. Nice to finally meet you" he smiles and waves politely. Too politely.

"Oh don't worry we've heard a lot about you to" Ashley says with a smirk.

I immediately feel my cheeks heat up as Timothée laughs at her remark.

"Alright it's time to go now, see you guys later" I awkwardly rush smile and wave to the girls as they give me googley eyes.

I step out of the room and shut the door behind me and we're finally off.

"So where are we going?" I grin up towards the boy as he grins back down at me.

"Its a surprise" he shrugs as we continue to walk down the streets of New York.

"Do they have wine" I laugh as he rolls his eyes. "What the hell is up with your obsession with wine?"


"Getting wine drunk is so much better than getting drunk on some nasty beer" I defend with a laugh. "And it's classier"

"You're not even old enough to drink, who said we're getting drunk?" Timothée questions further as we turn the corner.

"I never said we're getting drunk. I said that if we were to get drunk, that getting drunk on wine would be better" I assert as we walk into a very fancy looking restaurant.

As we approach the hostess stand, all eyes turned towards Timothée. My cheeks turn pink at the sudden attention, even though it's not for me.

"Hi how many for your party tonight?" The hostess smiles kindly.

"Just two, for outside please" Timothée returns the kind smile as the hostess grabs our menus and leads us to an outside patio area.

We sit down as the hostess takes our drink orders. "We'll just have a bottle of Armand de Brignac Ace of Spades" He smiles at the girl whole she nods and writes down his order on her notepad. My eyes widen at his order.

"Timothée thats like a $200 bottle of wine" I gasp as he laughs with a shrug.

"Like you said if we're gonna get drunk we might as be classy" he says as a new girl, who I'm assuming is our waitress, comes back with an insanely fancy bottle of wine and two wine glasses.

She rests the bottle down on the table and pops the cork as if she's done it 100 times before.

This place is way to fancy.

"My name is Ariel, and I'll be your waitress for today" she states as she pours the wine into two glasses. "Can I get you any appetizers this evening?"

"How does the steak and blue cheese Bruschetta sound Adeline?" Timothée asks as he looks at me for approval.

I can only nod with a smile as he confirms the appetizer order with the waitress. I'm too scared to even speak because the people here might know that I'm a poor college student.

As the waitress walks away Timothée takes a sip of the glass in front of him, humming in response to the liquid. I repeat his actions.

"This is some good shit" I laugh as I continue to sip out of the glass.

"It's my favorite, plus it's strong so I figured you would like it" he grins at me as I roll my eyes.

"I'm surprised they didn't ID me" I comment as i review over the menu. "I mean since I look so young and beautiful" I smirk sarcastically.

Timothée laughs at my comment and shakes his head as he closes his menu. "Nah, they're just happy that I got most expensive bottle of wine that they have"

I roll my eyes again at him. "Very humble I see"

His eyes widen as he realizes how his statement must have come across. "No I didn't mean it like that I just meant tha-"

I cut him off with a laugh. "I was just messing with you. I knew what you meant"



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isn't she underage?

why is timmy tagged in this?

is she with timothée?

we love to see it


yes ma'am

clout chaser

fuck the haters ur gorg

drunk but make it classy


"Where to now?" I giggle as I take the final bite of my salad, the wine definitely intoxicating my mind.

Timothée had already paid the bill and much to my dismay, he didn't let me pay for my meal. As I finish my final bite I grab my purse and gulp down the remainder of my wine.

"Wherever you want" Timothée smiles at me, as we begin to walk through the streets, He's still very sober compared to my now tipsy state.

"Pleaseeee don't take me back to my dorm" I pout as the boy sends me a questioning look. "Ashley and Eden are partying tonight and I don't want to deal with them" I try to explain through my slight slurring.

"Okay how about we just go back to my apartment and watch a movie or something" Timothée laughs as I struggle to walk in my platform doc martens.

I nod as I wrap my arm around his arm that was closest to me. "Can we watch little women? That's my favorite movie" I state as a matter of factly, my eyes looking up at his.

He nods with a smile as we continue to walk to what I assume is his apartment building.

Besides for my slightly drunken state, tonight has been amazing. As we ate dinner we talked about anything and everything under the moon. Movies, work, school, my hometown, our future goals... everything.

Once we arrive to his apartment building my eyes widen. This place is nice as shit. It has a security guard standing at the front entrance, who immediately nods at Timothée as we walk through.

Once we get into the elevator Timothée pushes the button to the 15th floor.

Just as the doors were about to close a girl that looks about a year or two older than me sticks her hand through the doors, causing them to re-open and for her to step in.

Her presence causes Timothée to tense up while he gives me a warning look.

"Hi Timmy" the girl smirks at the very scared looking boy.

"Hi Taylor" he replies, his face looks like he just watched someone run over a puppy.

Her smirk grows wider hearing her name come out of his mouth. "How have you been?" She bats her fake eyelashes.

"Uh good" Timothée awkwardly coughs, causing me to struggle to hold back my laugh.

"Who may you be?" The girls once warm, flirty tone has now shifted to cold and bitchy.

"I'm Adeline" I smile as nicely as I can in return to her hard glare.

"Are you like a prostitute or something?" She asks as she obnoxiously chews her gum.

Timothée's eyes go wide as I burst into a fit of laughter.

"No Taylor, Adeline is a good friend of mine" he awkwardly responds as I still try to contain my laughter.

Soon enough the elevator doors open and Timothée grabs my hand and drags me out of the elevator.

He continues to pull me along as we both run down the hallway, we're both hysterically laughing.

"Oh fuck I need a shot" Timothée shouts as he continues to laugh as I follow behind.

We finally reach a door at the very end of the hallway and he quickly fidgets with his keys to open the door.

As soon as we enter the apartment I fall to the ground in a laughing fit as Timothée slides down the door laughing along.

We sit on the ground laughing for another 5 minutes until the laughter dies down and we struggle to catch our breath.

"Who the fuck was that" I ask still slightly laughing, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Okay okay just listen to this. Right when I moved in she happened to be in the elevator one time and we got to talking and she said she lives with her parents a few floors up and she goes to the fashion institute right" Timothée begins his story. I nod, very interested on what's coming next. "Then I saw her another time in the elevator and she came onto me, like totally felt me up" he dramatically explained as I gasped, my hands going over my mouth.

"No fucking way" I mutter as he nods. "Way, and it gets worse. I pushed her off and was like 'woahhhhh' and she backed off and then some old couple got in and she started dirty talking me RIGHT in front of the couple" he retorts causing my already wide eyes to widen even more.

"Oh my god" I say still in shock of this embarrassingly funny story. "Yea and god forbid I have a girl with me when she stalks me into the elevator, she destroys them. She asked my sister if she was getting it from me, my SISTER" he blurts out, the terror of the situation coming back into his eyes.

After we laugh for a few more minutes Timothée stands up from his place on the floor and sticks his hand out to help me up.

We walk into his living room and I immediately plop down on the nearest couch in still trying to recover from my laughing fit. "My stomach hurts from laughing so hard" I say, throwing my head back.

My eyes begin to scan his apartment as he pours us two shots.

Right when you walk through the front door there's a slight hallway that leads you to the living room, with a beautiful view might I add, and openly connected to the living room is the kitchen and dining area. Off of the other side of the living room is a hallway that leads to I'm assuming his bedroom.

Timothée quickly snaps a picture of me for who knows what reason, then hands me my shot. We quickly cheers and down one, of what would be many shots that night.



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