《Something I Never told You (Tk)》27
Jungkook looked at his son through the rear view mirror. The sullen face of his son as he looked out of the window with angry eyes glaring at God knows what and the adorable pout on his lips made the brunette look so cute but he supressed his smile immediately when Taegguk suddenly turned to look ahead.
The ravenette didn't want to offend his son.
Jungkook turned on the FM as the silence in the car wasn't too comfortable. The silence was soon consumed by a beautiful romantic song with lovely musical beats making Jungkook look at his husband who was sitting beside him in the passenger seat.
Wondering how this miracle happened?
Let me explain that to you.
As Taegguk has to move to Korea mid session, the boy needed to be admitted to school or else his one year will be wasted so the small family with three members was going to the most reputed school of Seoul to get Taegguk admitted there.
Jungkook was so happy that his lips were not ready to stop from curling into a smile.
Finally, he was doing something he was supposed to do.
He was going to get his son admitted in the school. As much as the ravenette was happy, the emotional breakdown he went through last night was still making the boy feel the pain somewhere in his heart.
The thought of Taehyung taking their son to the play school for Taegguk's admission alone made Jungkook hate himself even more.
He missed so many precious moments that he could have lived with his family.
Taegguk didn't want to sit in the same car as his father but Taehyung told him that he don't need to talk to his father if he didn't want but they will have to go together as they can't bring their family issues to school.
Jungkook shook his thoughts away and looked at Taehyung for a moment. The blonde sat beside him looking out. Wearing a blue silk shirt and black jeans with sneakers, he looked so simple yet elegant. The blonde locks falling freely over his forehead, long eyelashes blinking ever so slowly kissing those bread cheeks once every now and the soft caress of his tongue on his lips once in a while looked beautiful.
Jungkook couldn't control his heart from beating at a steady yet faster pace.
The slender fingers of the blonde tapping his own thigh as Taehyung enjoyed the song subconsciously brought a smile to the ravenette lips and he immediately focused ahead.
After a drive of forty minutes, the car stopped in front of a beautiful building. The ravenette parked the car and all of them went out without saying anything.
Jungkook had already done a lot of research and has already talked to the Principal on phone call about the school and the records clearly told everything that the school provided the best quality education including various sports and games for the all round development of a child. The teachers were well qualified and many great personalities have emerged from the school over the years.
The ravenette was confident on his choice.
Taehyung combed Taegguk's hairs with his fingers softly while the boy talked about something with the blue eyed boy as all of them were waiting in the waiting area. Jungkook was looking at both of them for so long that he didn't realise when he teared up. His trance was broken when a lady came to inform them that the principal was free now and they can go inside making Jungkook nod and thank her politely as he secretly wiped his tears away.
All of them walked inside. The Principal smiled and greeted the family bringing a smile to Taehyung's face.
''Good morning, Mrs Lee.....I am Jeon Jungkook.'' The ravenette introduced himself making the lady nod in acknowledgment. ''He is my husband, Jeon Taehyung and Son, Jeon Taegguk'' Jungkook introduced and he felt a strange warmth inside his chest introducing his family to the lady.
''Hello, Mr Jeon..... Its nice to meet you. Such a lovely family you have.'' The lady couldn't stop herself from complimenting bringing a smile to Jungkook's lips.
''Thank you Mrs Lee.....''
''We talked yesterday on phone.'' The ravenette said.
''Of course I remember, Can I see Taegguk's past years' academic records, Mr Jeon?'' the lady asked professionally. Taehyung immediately extended the file towards the lady who took it and smiled.
The principal carefully read the records for a few minutes. She closed the file and turned towards Jungkook.
''Mr Jeon....Your son is a bright student. I have seen his records and they are really very impressive. I also saw that your child was a captain of his school basketball team. That really impressed me. Kids of his age really don't know how to balance academics and sports. Your son is really talented.'' The lady complimented the brunette who smiled at the lady while Taehyung thanked her for her lovely words.
As of Jungkook, the boy couldn't believe his ears. He didn't know Taegguk was a basketball player. The ravenette remembered himself playing the game just for fun and he really enjoyed playing that. His eyes travelled to his son while his chest swelled in pride listening to the lady's words.
Taegguk, who was smiling till now towards the principal looked at his father and his smile immediately vanished. Eyes turned hard and a scowl formed on his face but Jungkook didn't averted his eyes.
He could see thousands of complaints in Taegguk's brown eyes.
And the realisation that he missed his son's first match, first basket, first win......scratch that, the first time he would have opened his eyes in this world, first time he would have mumbled incoherent words in his baby voice,, the first time when he would have sat on his own, the first time when he would have stepped on his little cute feet, first time he would have went to school, first time when he would have passed in his test...
How much he would have missed his father?
Jungkook was so guilty, so angry at himself that he thought he won't be able to look into his own eyes in the mirror.
How can he be so cruel?
He was ashamed of himself and Taegguk's taunting eyes made the ravenette look away immediately. He couldn't look into those brown eyes which shows how much his son hate him. The strong emotions in those eyes, the complaints from all those years he had to spend without his father, the hatred that grew with every passing day when he would have to see the blonde crying...
Jungkook didn't know how to face them. He didn't know how to take them away. He didn't know what should he do to make his son look at him with pride and love.
He was living for the day to see his son smiling at him with pride.
Jungkook may not say that to everyone, but every time he see Ara with Namjoon, the boy had cursed himself for calling his kid a mistake, every time he remembered his own cruel words, he had punished himself. Every time Ara had hugged him, he had missed his own kid which he had abandoned in his foolishness.
No one knows how many times he had cried hugging baby Ara until he couldn't anymore. Even the girl was too little to understand the agonising, helpless calls for his husband and a kid he didn't even knew existed. Jungkook had spent his nights sitting on the terrace with the baby clothes that Taehyung had left behind, talking to moon and accepting his mistakes to the stars hoping that maybe they will convey his message to Taehyung.
The love of a father towards his child had always been underrated. Everyone sees how a mother work hard to take care of his kid's happiness but no one notices how a father work hard whole day so that he can go back to his kids with something that can bring happiness to his child. No one sees how a father long to see his kid looking at him with proud eyes.
Jungkook may not be a normal father but he still was a father.
He accept that what he did was wrong but he couldn't stop himself from longing for his son's love....
For his family's love.
''As the session has already started months ago....'' The lady's voice brought Jungkook back to his senses and he immediately licked his lips in anxiety. ''Taegguk may face some problems and because he is a bright student, I don't think it will take him long to cover things up. It will be better if he starts school as soon as possible.'' The lady completed making Jungkook nod.
''Of course, Mrs Lee... He will start from tomorrow only.''
''That's great. Taegguk can see the school and his class until we talk about other things...hmm?'' The lady asked picking up the phone to ring someone as Taekook nodded in sync.
''Miss Song.....please send Hana from high school to my office.'' With that, the lady placed the phone back to its place. A little more than five minutes later, a girl walked into the room with hesitant steps looking at the family with confused eyes.
''Morning, Mrs Lee.'' The girl greeted the Principal making her smile.
''Good morning, Hana..... Meet Taegguk, your new classmate. He will be joining from tomorrow. Can you show him around the school?'' The lady asked sweetly making the girl look at the boy with a smile.
''Sure, Mrs Lee....Hello Taegguk, I am Hana. Its nice to meet you.'' The girl introduced herself making the brunette nod in acknowledgement. The smile on his face could melt anyone's heart and who was the girl to not get affected by our little Taegguk's charms.....In fact, I know a boy too who fell in love with him within a few chapters....
Its a secret.....
Anyways, back to the story.
''Its nice to meet you too, Hana. I hope we get along well.'' With the initial introduction, Taegguk went out with the girl to see around the school while Taehyung and Jungkook talked about other things with the principal.
Around half an hour later, Taehyung was sitting in the waiting room while Jungkook was on a call as both of them were waiting for Taegguk to come back from his not so short school trip. They have finalised everything and Taegguk will be joining the school from tomorrow.
The call ended and Jungkook turned to look at his husband who was sitting on the chair and licking his lips every now and then. The ravenette smiled and looked around himself to see the water bottle placed on the table. He walked over to it and picked it up.
Uncapping the water bottle, Jungkook extended it towards the blonde who looked at it before looking at Jungkook with blank eyes.
''Have some water. You are thirsty.'' He said in his deep, soft voice making the blonde take the bottle hesitantly.
He was actually very thirsty or else he would have never accepted anything from Jungkook...alright.
Don't think that he couldn't deny seeing care in a pair of eyes he always wanted to see.
Jungkook smiled and was about to say something again when their son came back and called his mother.
''Gguk.....did you like your new school?'' Jungkook asked with excited eyes, hoping for some reply but the brunette ignored him again and walked over to the blonde who has by now stood up after drinking water.
''How was it, Gguk?''
''I loved it, Mumma.....I can't wait for tomorrow.'' The boy replied happily and Taehyung smiled ruffling his hairs lovingly.
''That's great then.....Shall we go now?'' The blue eyed boy asked. Taegguk nodded happily making Jungkook smile sadly.
''I'll get the car.''
With that, the ravenette left leaving Taehyung and Taegguk to smile at each other. Both of them walked outside with Taehyung listening to his son while Gguk told him about what he liked the most about the school. Jungkook was already waiting for both of them in the car. He smiled at Taehyung as he slid into the passenger seat while Taegguk took the back seat.
The drive was silent again and Jungkook didn't wanted to break it. The blonde looked at him through the corner of his eyes as he remembered the sad eyes of Jungkook looking at his son longingly when Taegguk ignored him back in the waiting room but the boy didn't let himself get concerned about his husband.
He had no right to worry about Jungkook.
They had reached a point where both of them are not even allowed to feel bad for the other.
They have broke all of their ties years ago, there was nothing left.
The blonde was lying in his bed. It was late at night but his eyes were wide open with no trace of sleep in them. He was fiddling with his fingers with his hands placed on his stomach as he looked at the ceiling. There were a lot of things occupying Taehyung's mind.
It was late at night and he still was not able to sleep so he groaned in annoyance and sat up. Deciding to go and have a look at his son, the boy wore his slippers and walked out of the room.
The whole mansion was illuminated dimly. There was no trace of any human. Maybe everyone had already slept....only if he was also that lucky to have a peaceful sleep!
The boy frowned when he saw the door to Taegguk's room open but he smiled shaking his head when he remembered his son always sleep with his door unlocked, in case Taehyung need anything.
He was about to step inside but stopped and immediately walked back slowly when he saw a silhouette of a man, or Jungkook to be more precise sitting on the edge of the bed and combing Taegguk's hairs lovingly.
The blonde didn't know what this feeling was but he felt his throat clogging up at the overwhelming emotions. He still remember the night when he was lying in his bed with Taegguk clinging onto him. The boy was just five years old back then when he fiddled with his fingers hesitantly.
Taehyung had smiled at his baby's cute action and kissed his temple.
''What is it, Baby? You wanna ask something?"' He had asked but he didn't know Taegguk's next words will make his heart shatter.....once again.
''Mumma.....where ish my Dad?'' He had asked, his doe eyes looking at Taehyung curiously for an answer while the blonde teared up. He didn't know what he should tell his son. He never wanted Taegguk to hate his father.... But destiny has its own plans.
''Mumma?'' Taegguk's cute, baby voice brought the blue eyed male back from his trance and he hugged his son close to his chest.
''Dad has gone to bring t-toys for Gguk, baby.....He will c-come back soon.'' The broken words couldn't gave any hint to the little boy who pouted and shook his head.
''Gguk don't want toys, Mumma......Tell Dad to come to Gguk. His friends make fun of him. They say that my Dad has left me.'' The boy complained making a tear roll down the blonde's cheek. The boy couldn't see the drop of pearl sliding down his mother's cheek as the room was dark. Taehyung wanted to cry but he still nodded with a smile.
''I'll tell Dad what Gguk wants....O-Okay baby?''
That night, Taegguk had told all of his plans to the blonde. How he will not talk to his dad for staying away from him? How he will punish Jungkook by making him pull his own years....How he will forgive the ravenette only after he will buy him a basketball.
The little boy had so many plans.
He wanted to spend his childhood like a normal kid but Taehyung couldn't provide him that. The inability to give his son what he wanted had made the blonde cry so many times and now, looking at Jungkook secretly admiring his own son made something stir inside the blonde.
He felt like someone had scratched his old wounds.
All the emotions resurfaced making his tears find its way out of those blue eyes which he tried to blink several times only to get unsuccessful in the end.
No one knows how much time passed with Taehyung looking at the ravenette and Jungkook looking at his sleeping son. The blonde looked at Jungkook blankly when the ravenette kissed his son's temple and covered him properly with the duvets.
''I am sorry, Gguk!!'' Taehyung choked back a sob hearing Jungkook's words. He knew how badly his son craved for his father. He wasn't naïve to not been able to see it in Taegguk's eyes. He knew the hate of Taegguk for his father was nothing but complaints which the boy have regarding his father.
Taegguk didn't hate his father.
Taehyung knew that he was only mad at Jungkook for not been there with him for all those years.
''I am sorry, Gguk......Please, Please let me try to win you.....don't snatch that r-right from me!!'' The ravenette chuckled sarcastically on his own words. '' I know I am not a good father, I did nothing that a father is supposed to do and I have no right over you....I know I am a d-disappointment.....But I can't live away from you anymore, my son... I am so a-alone. I have no one..... It hurts so much......p-please come back to me....I b-beg you!!'' Taehyung may not have seen his tears but he noticed the ravenette wiping his eyes harshly and without him realising it, fresh, hot tears came running down his cheeks.
He didn't know why it was hurting him.
Seeing a father begging his son to give him a chance, it was so heartbreaking.
Jungkook got up and kissed Taegguk's forehead again, his hand went to caress the boy's cheek lovingly. " I am really sorry, Gguk.....But I'll do my best this time. I won't let you go away from me again.'' Taehyung immediately walked back and stood beside the door with his back pressed against the wall when he saw Jungkook turning to leave.
And soon, he saw the ravenette walking out of the room wiping his tears. Jungkook vanished into the darkness while Taehyung stood there looking into the direction into which the ravenette just went.
He was struggling with himself. It was hard to decide what he wanted. He wanted Taegguk to stay with him. Jungkook had filed case to gain Taegguk's custody and if the ravenette will win over Taegguk, if he got successful in making Taegguk believe that he love him, the blonde was afraid what will happen to him.
He will become alone once again if Taegguk decided to stay with his father.
But he couldn't make himself to pray otherwise. He wasn't a cruel human who will want to keep his son away from his own father just for the sake of his own happiness even after knowing that his son long for his father.
He wasn't that cruel.
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