《Something I Never told You (Tk)》17
The blonde was in the kitchen, preparing dinner while the yelling and cursing of Jungkook and his friends resonated in the house. For some reason, the ravenette was back home before his usual time making the blonde confused but he couldn't ask anything so he decided to busy himself.
Fifteen minutes wouldn't have passed when he felt someone standing behind him. The boy jumped and immediately turned around and his eyes widen in horror as soon as he saw the same man looking at him with his filthy eyes while lips were curled into a smirk.
"Hey babyboy." Choi greeted making the boy almost gag at the nickname.
"W-what are you doing here?" Taehyung asked pushing himself more into the kitchen counter in order to increase the distance between himself and the man.
"You don't know?" Choi asked in amusement. Taehyung shook his eyes even when he knew why that man was standing in kitchen while his friends were in the living room.
"Oh C'mon sweetheart..... Don't make daddy suffer." Choi said getting ready to step ahead when Taehyung raised his hands to stop the boy.
"Don't come near m-me."
"Why? Are you scared,baby?" The man asked when Taehyung protested.
"See...I a-am not what you are thinking. P-Please stay away from me " the boy requested, his eyes getting teary.
"What you think I am thinking about you?" Choi asked in amusement.
"I don't k-know. Your intentions are not good. Please leave me a-alone." The blonde requested again,not looking at the man in front of him as he feared he may break down if he looked at his molester.
"Oh Shut up, I-"
"Choi?" The man was stilled in his action by a deep, almost warning voice that belonged to none other than Jungkook.
Taehyung immediately looked at his husband in relief, his tears ready to roll down his cheeks in relief while Jungkook stood in the doorway, looking at both Taehyung and Choi one by one blankly.
The proximity in which Taehyung and Choi was somewhere made the ravenette angry. Choi was holding the blonde by his wrist and the blonde was wriggling in his hlod to set himself free.
"What's going on here?" The ravenette asked to his asshole of a friend who chuckled to hide his nervousness of being almost caught.
"N-Nothing, JK....I was here to get a bottle of water." He very expertly lied but licked his lips when the ravenette kept looking at him for a moment longer than needed.
Jungkook's gaze went to Taehyung. The boy was crying silently but he didn't said anything. Too doubtful to say anything because he knew Jungkook won't trust him.
Choi looked around himself and walked towards the fridge to get a bottle of water. He walked out of the kitchen smirking, leaving Taehyung alone with his husband.
"I'll be having dinner at home tonight" The ravenette said making the blonde look at him. The ravenette saw those shimmering blue eyes and the happiness of being rescued.
Jungkook looked at Taehyung for one last time before walking away leaving the blonde to finally let those tears flow down.
The ravenette walked back to the living room. He was confused why he was so angry. He felt like punching something or more like someone in face until he knocks out.
Taehyung was affecting him. Those blue eyes were having a big effect on the boy's heart. Jungkook was afraid of being around his husband. He didn't want to change. Taehyung make him feel things which Jungkook didn't want.
He want to stay the same he is right now.
Careless, insensitive and irresponsible.
He didn't want to care about anything.
Not even the blonde.
The boy groaned in annoyance making his girlfriend look at the boy confused.
"What happened, J-" before she could complete her sentence, Jungkook had pulled the girl onto his lap and smashed their lips together in a hungry kiss.
He needed to stop thinking about the blonde.
While the other boys in the living room hooted at the hungry make out session, the blonde held the nearby wall as he needed something to balance his weight because what he was seeing snatched the ground from under his feet. He felt like his heart will burst out of his chest in pain seeing his husband in some other woman's arms.
When he couldn't take it anymore, the boy ran away from there. Tears flowing down his cheeks non stop, Taehyung closed the door shutting every hope and cried once again.
For the hundredth time now.
The hands of the clock kept moving but the blonde's life had came to a halt. He couldn't see any ray of hope that can make the boy wipe his tears.
Once his friends left, Jungkook went to the dining room to see the food placed on the table. The boy searched for the blonde subtly but became confused when he didn't saw Taehyung. He was hungry but decided to wait for some moment to see if the blonde comes back.
But it never happened.
Jungkook looked at the food one last time and walked to his room leaving it untouched.
He wasn't hungry anymore for some reason.
The night passed, sun came out again and again started the same routine. Weeks passed, Taehyung would again wake up at his usual time, prepare breakfast, leave for college, lie to his best friend about his husband, come back home only to find it in dishevelled state.
He would clean it, study a little and prepare dinner.
But what changed in past week was that Jungkook would come back home alone. He wouldn't bring his friends with him. In fact, Taehyung didn't saw Jungkook's girlfriend in his house again giving the boy a little relief.
Weeks changed into months but the blonde didn't saw any improvement in their relationship. Jungkook would talk to him only when he wanted and if the blonde tried to say something, he would glare the boy to shut him up or give him a cold shoulder.
While the blonde accepted that he was in love with his cold husband, Jungkook was still fighting with his feelings. The way his heart would beat erratically every time both of them end up in some close proximity unknowingly would leave the boy frustrated.
He was a gold digger trying to act innocent-that's what the ravenette thought about the blonde who gave his everything to their relationship. His time, his life, his efforts, his dedication....the blonde gave everything only hoping for a little efforts from Jungkook in return but he got none.
But Taehyung never gave up.
He promised his grandmother to give his best.....to try until he can't anymore.
Six months passed with almost no improvement in his married life. The blonde had turned eighteen three months ago, while everyone else wished the boy and came to meet him with presents, Jungkook didn't even know about it. It hurted Taehyung but he knew everything will be better on his next birthday.
Today, Namjoon called the boy telling him that he would be coming home with his boyfriend and a few friends so he should also invite his friends. The blonde was hesitant in the starting but when Namjoon told him that he had already informed the ravenette, the blonde also invited Jimin. The ravenette was home as he was on every Sunday, sleeping the hangover.
Jimin came before anyone and when he saw Taehyung wearing the same baggy clothes, he tsked and scolded the boy who whined.
''If you kept roaming around the house in these clothes, how is your husband going to fall for you, Tae?'' Jimin asked the boy who rolled his eyes.
''But what's wrong in them, Chim. They are comfortable.''
''If you want your husband to follow you like a puppy, learn how to seduce him.''
''No thanks....keep your advice to yourself.''
''Where is your room?'' Jimin asked making the boy's face turn pale.
''You need to change.'' Jimin replied as a matter of factly. Taehyung licked his lips and looked around himself.
''No Chim, I a-am fine. All of m-my clothes are baggy.'' He tried to end the conversation but it wasn't easy to convince Park Jimin when he had decided something.
''Leave that to me. Tell me where is your room?''
''C-Chim, please!!''
''Tae? Are you hiding something from me?'' Jimin asked suspiciously when he saw the tears forming in the blonde's blue eyes. Taehyung immediately shook his head but licked his lips nervously when Jimin looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
''We l-live in separate room.'' The boy finally said weakly. Jimin's mouth opened wide in shock when the blonde wiped the tear from the corner of his eyes.
''Tae? Are you okay?'' The silver haired boy asked concerned making the blonde nod. Jimin immediately hugged the boy and patted his head lovingly while the blonde tried hard not to cry again.
''Why didn't you tell me this earlier?'' Jimin asked getting worried for his best friend who fought to say something as his throat was clogged due to the overwhelming emotions.
''I don't know what to say, Tae. From what you told me, I thought both of you needed time but this isn't how you give time to each other when you are married. You guys are supposed to go on dates, spend time together to know each other, try to understand each other, Tae. I don't know what's happening.'' Jimin asked cluelessly, hand still patting the blonde's head lovingly.
Taehyung pulled back from the hug and smiled weakly.
''Don't worry, Jimin. Everything is fine. He need time and I am giving him.''
''Time? Time you say, Tae? Its been already six months!!''
''Maybe six months are not enough for knowing each other.'' The blonde replied smiling weakly.
''The fuck? You are a human, Tae, not some encyclopedia which will need more than a year to be learnt.'' Jimin replied sharply making the boy chuckle at the example his best friend gave.
''Can't you learn to give better examples?''
''You don't know what is a good sense of humour, Tae.'' Jimin replied rolling his eyes only to chuckle later.
''Okay...so where is your room?'' Jimin asked again making the boy look at him in disbelief.
''I ain't letting you wear these wrestler sized clothes. Come with me.''
And that's why Taehyung was wearing his three years old blue Jeans that his grandmother had gifted the boy on his fifteenth birthday which the blond had never wore coz it was too tight for his liking. But today, Jimin had forcefully made the boy wear it even when both of them had to struggle a lot to fit the blonde's perky ass in that jeans.
Paired with a pink shirt loosely tugged in the jeans, Taehyung looked a totally different person. The bubble butt perfectly outlined by the tight jeans and thighs hugged delicately while the loose shirt provided an innocent look, the blonde looked so hot and innocent at the same time.
The blonde looked at himself in the mirror in disbelief. He felt so exposed.
''Chim....Can't I wear something else?'' he asked hesitantly only to make his best friend shake his head.
''No way.....Believe me, Tae...your husband is going to lose his shit coz you look so fucking fuckable.'' The silver haired boy commented making the boy turn red.
''Can you keep that filthy mouth of your shut?''
''I bet you, Tae.....that man need to know what he is missing.''
''But I don't think he is missing anything. Am I not his husband?'' The blonde asked confused.
''Oh C'mon Tae....Don't act innocent.'' The silver haired boy replied annoyingly making the blonde giggle wholeheartedly.
Around half an hour later, Namjoon arrived with his boyfriend and two more boys one of which caught Jimin's attention while Jimin caught the other's attention.
Didn't understood?
Don't worry...you will understand everything.
''Hey Taehyung.'' Namjoon greeted the boy who smiled.
''Hello Hyung...how are you?'' He asked sweetly making the boy smile.
''I am good.''
The blonde invited them in. Once all of them were settled, Namjoon turned to the blonde who looked at him expectantly.
''So Taehyung. Remember I told you about my boyfriend?'' The blonde nodded in response making Namjoon continue ahead.
''He is Kim Seokjin...the love of my life and Jinnie, he is Jeon Taehyung, Jungkook's husband.'' He introduced the two making the blonde smile at the handsome male who was looking at him adoringly.
''Hi Taehyung...Namjoon told me about you. He was praising you so much that it was hard to believe but now, I agree you are much more beautiful and sweet than what Namjoon told me.'' Jin said making the boy blush.
''Thank you, Hyung....But you are also very handsome.''
''That I know baby....I am world wide handsome.'' Jin replied smugly making everyone chuckle.
''Tae....he is Min Yoongi, my best friend.'' Namjoon said pointing towards the short boy with pale skin who smiled at the blonde.
''Hello Hyung...its nice to meet you.''
''Its nice to meet you too, Taehyung.'' The boy replied showing his infamous gummy smile which made Jimin melt into a puddle at the spot.
''And he, the not so silent sunshine over there, is Jung Hoseok.....Jungkook's cousin.'' Namjoon pointed towards the other boy who gasped dramatically.
''What do you mean by that, Namjoon?''
''That means I was telling him that you are sitting silently right now doesn't mean you will keep your mouth shut for long.'' The other replied making the boy huff.
''Fuck you!! Anyways, Its nice to meet you, Tae.'' Hobi said making the boy nod smiling.
''Its nice to meet you too, Hyung.''
''Who is that pretty boy?'' Hobi asked curiously. He had been wanting to know the boy's name since his eyes fell on him.
''Oh He....He is Park Jimin. My best friend.'' The blonde introduced him to everyone.
''Park Jimin as in son of businessman Mr Park?'' Hobi asked impressed making the blonde nod.
''Oh wow!! Its nice to meet you, Jimin.'' Hobi said extending his hand towards the boy for a handshake making the silver haired boy accept it with a smile.
Ten minutes wouldn't have passed when the ravenette walked into the living room wearing his casuals but he still looked as hot as he always does. Taehyung immediately bit on his lower lip and shifted in his seat making Jimin raise his eyebrow. The blonde smiled at him in response and nodded assuringly making the silver haired boy look at Jungkook observingly.
''Hi Hyung..... Am sorry. I was sleeping.'' The ravenette said sitting beside Hobi who rolled his eyes.
''When are you not, Kook?''
''That's a good question.'' He replied chuckling making everyone else chuckle too.
''But you should now become responsible, Jungkook. You are married now.'' Namjoon replied. The ravenette looked at Taehyung for a moment only to nod in response later.
''Anyways...how you guys decided to crash here today?'' He asked changing the topic.
''Jin wanted to meet Taehyung and moreover, its been ages since we all met.''
''Yoongi Hyung......Its been ages.'' Jungkook said to the boy who rolled his eyes.
''We met just last week, Jungkook. Remember your father wanted you to meet him at office.'' The boy replied with a raised eyebrow.
''Oh yes....I forget things quickly.''
''Then you should eat almond every morning. They are said to strengthen your memory, you know.'' Jimin spoke looking at the ravenette who became confused.
''And you are?''
''Oh yes....Sorry. I forgot I didn't introduced myself. Actually I thought you should have known about your husband's best friend already. I am Park Jimin, Taehyung's best friend.'' Jimin taunted in a very subtle way making the blonde pinch him secretly while Jungkook looked at him for a moment before smiling.
''Hi Jimin....I am Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook.''
''I thought Mr Jeon don't have a son, you know. I mean I never saw you with him.'' Jimin replied smiling extra sweetly making Jungkook poke his inner cheek.
''I'll go bring s-some water.'' Taehyung stood up abruptly when he saw the atmosphere in the living room getting heavy taking Jungkook's attention. The ravenette looked at the blonde from head to toe in disbelief.
The petite waist held by the jeans, thick ass and tempting thighs made the boy forget about everyone else in the living room. The blonde bit on his lower lips nervously when he realised why his husband was looking at him and he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him.
He was embarrassed.
The boy noted down not to agree with Jimin next time. he immediately turned away and walked out while Jungkook's gaze was still glued to the boy's hot figure. That perky ass that swayed a little as the blonde walked made the ravenette lick his lips subconsciously.
He averted his eyes when he realised he was literally drooling and scolded himself.
The blonde came back with water. Placing the tray on the table, the boy smiled at Jin who was already looking at him.
Time passed, everyone talked while Taehyung kept shifting in his seat as he could literally feel Jungkook's gaze on him. He didn't know if he was happy to have his husband's attention or angry at Jimin for making him a seductress.
But the boy didn't know that his husband was glaring at him because he was being too clingy with his best friend.
And not to forget the slight possessiveness he felt when he saw the blonde walking around the house in that jeans.
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