《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 10



It was the return of Seokjin to work and the male was excited. However, Taehyung was nervous. All he could think about was how Jin was going to lash out on him and embarass him.

However, what he saw in front of him was the worst thing he could ever feel. There infront of him was Jin and Hoseok holding hands while Jin was holding his belly.

It was all clear what it meant, the male was pregnant and the belly was very much visible. "Good Morning", Taehyung greeted everyone at the lift. They all greeted him except for the couple that was holding hands.

"Oh what a good Morning it is Mr Kim. It's been a while since I saw you, your face just makes me want to puke. I hope I don't see you near me anytime soon",the Omega didn't say anything but kept quiet.

"You see what Omegas do, they carry pups for their partner, not you being useless and barren", Hoseok just spit whatever comes out of his mouth. Everyone looked at Taehyung with pity, I mean his situation was pretty much sad.

The Omega just looked down until the couple left. He sighed and left to take the stairs as he was crying. Seeing his ex fiance with his new boyfriend who is a few months pregnant was hurting him more than he could imagine.

By the time he arrived at the office, Jimin was confused. "Good Morning Tae, I have bought you hot chocolate, it is on your table", the Omega greeted and thanked Jimin with a sad smile.

Jimin already knew what happen since everyone was talking about it. Jimin was about to walk towards the Omega when Jungkook came out of his office looking livid. "Taehyung and Jimin-shi, follow me", that was all he said.


Jungkook have decided to call the Omega by his name not to confuse Jimin and Taehyung. The two Omegas quickly followed Jeon Jungkook. There was a meeting they were having, and Jungkook was in a very foul mood. His wolf was being cranky.

"Don't mind him, his wolf is probably being cranky. He is not angry", Jimin told Tahsyung who sighed in relieve. He couldn't afford to be scolded by Jungkook on a day like this.

They made their way to the boardroom to find Jackson, Mark, Jaebeom, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Namjoon, Hoseok, Soobin, Taehyung and Jin sitting down waiting for them. The main lawyers also came with their secretaries which included Jennie who already had a seat for the Omega.

"Good Morning, let's get to the point", they all knew that today it's the day no one mess with the Trueblood. It meant that his wolf was very much awake and ready to kill anyone who annoyed him. Jungkook was very scary when his wolf became cranky.

The rest of the team started giving updates, including the interns. It was now time for Hoseok, "Is that all you have? Out of 12 cases, you only managed to solve 2 cases? What the hell have you been doing Mr Jung? All you do is chase after Omegas in this office and not work? We do not pay you to act in that manner. Next time I ask for update, I want to see 50% of those cases closed".

Hoseok noddes his head looking down. "Seokjin? What has your team been doing?". "My team have managed to close 4 out of 20 cases", the Omega said. "Since you were on leave, I will pardon you. Next time I want 50% of those cases closed".

"Who is next? Taehyung?", he said looking at the Omega who was dead nervous. "Thank You Sir, I have managed to close six of my cases thanks to you, I will be looking for new cases coming from you", he said making Jungkook nod his head.


The rest of the team were shocked, "You mean Taehyung managed to close his cases, all of them?", Hoseok asked in disbelief.

"Of course he did, some people really take their jobs seriously", that was Jungkook's last remarks. "We can close the meeting, next month I want full progess and send all the reports to me to sign", he said leaving. Jimin and Taehyung were quick on their feet to follow him.

"I guess his rut is coming soon, he is so cranky", Namjoon said. Some of the lawyers agreed and they finally left the board room


"Jimin-shi, I will be going home early today. Please do take care of everything for me", Jungkook said looking at Jimin who nodded his head.

The Trueblood turn to look at the Omega who looked so invested in what he was reading. Since he woke up in the morning , he has been craving the Omega so badly.

He wanted to be close to him, smell his scent and scent him so bad. But then again, it's what most alphas feel like when they are on their ruts and are surrounded by unmated Omegas.

He never felt that way for Omegas that are mated, or other Omegas mostly because they were sexually active and the alpha scents attached to them repelled him like in the case of Jin who slept around quite a lot.

Jimin followed Jungkook's eyes and he was quite surprised, "I will take my leave now" the Trueblood alpha said and he left.

Jimin couldn't help but smile, if Jungkook liked Taehyung, he knew the Trueblood will treat the Omega very well. He can only wish that they actually date, they would look good together.


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