《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Blogs!


You wake up to someone knocking on the door over and over, "I am coming." you shouted.

You open the door and open it to see Joji, "Check you channel! Now!" shouted Joji as he invited himself into your house.

You walk to your desk and open your laptop to see your channel with 100,000 subs. "Now if you get to one million subs you might be invited to VidCon." smiled Joji.

"What's VidCon?" you asked.

"A way to meet your fans." smiles Joji. You get a phone call.

"(Y/N), If it's okay with you... I would like it if you don't work today..." whispered Robert.

You nod your head, "oh... okay..." you whisper.

"I am sorry..." whispered Robert.

"No! No! It's okay!" you smile.

"Sorry once more... Talk to you later." Whispers Robert as he hanged up.

"What happened?" asked Joji as he sat on your bed.

"I don't have work today..." you said with a frown.

"What are you going to do today?" asked Joji. You sigh and lean back on your chair.

"I don't know..." you whisper and you cover your face.

Joji stands up, "Let's make a vlog." smiled Joji.

You get a confused face. "What?" you laugh.

"Get your camera. and meet me outside...." Joji walks out of your room, "Oh! Also wear something Nice!" shouted Joji as he closed the door.

You walk to your closet and grab random things.

You grab your camera and run out to the hallway of the building to see Joji, with his camera and backpack. "This... Is going to be my very first vlog in years." laughed Joji.

You laugh, "Explain this... vlog thing." you ordered.


You guys take the stairs, "We just film what happens in our life. Start filming once we are away from the building so no one knows... Where we live." explained Joji.

You smile, "Where are we going?" you asked.

"That! Is a surprise!" smiled Joji as he took your hand and you guys walk out of the building.

After getting away from the building. Joji, let's go of your hand, "Okay... Let's start." he smiled as he took out his camera and turned it on. You look through your backpack and take out your camera.

"Hey guys... Today I am hanging out with FilthyFrank." you show Joji on the camera and he sticks out his tongue, "Just call me Joji."

You laugh and point the camera back to yourself, "We are... Well Joji is going to take me somewhere as a surprise!"

Joji takes out his camera as well, "Hello, you f***king filth!" shouted Joji into the camera, "Jojivlogs are back! Sike! It's only this once... For my friend (Y/N)!" smiled Joji as he pointed the camera towards you.

You smile innocent and whisper, "Help..."

Joji pushes you, "I didn't make her!" shouted Joji.

"You actually did..." you whisper. "This is going to be cut out..." whispered Joji as he took your other hand not holding the camera.

You guys arrive at the zoo, "Nope! Nope!" you start to yell and try to pull your hand away but Joji holds onto it tight.

"Why not?!" asked Joji.

"The poop!" you shout as you try to pull your hand away.

"(Y/N)...Calm down!" laughed Joji. You stop and get close to Joji.

"I see poop... It will be in your face." you threaten.


Joji smiled and kissed your forehead, "Thank you." smiled Joji.

"Just to be clear... We aren't dating." you tell the camera right away.

You walk around the zoo filming and laughing together.

"Today was fun... Let's do something else." you smile. Joji laughs, "I think that will be all for the Jojivlogs. Want to see where the rest of this goes. Check out my friend (Y/N) at Coconutowl."

Joji winked and turned off the camera. "Why is this the only Jojivlog?" you asked.

Joji shrugged, "They get in my way..." whispered Joji.

You nod your head. "Can you cut that out?" asked Joji.

"Yeah sure." you smile.

Joji takes your hand, "Let's go to the cafe." smiled Joji.

You lean your head on his shoulder. "I would love that." you smiled.

You guys arrive at the cafe. "Today was fun." you smile as you turn off your camera and look deep into Joji's eyes.

He shrugs, "Could of had been better..." he laughed.

You pinch his hand, "Ow! That hurt!"

You only laugh. "Thanks... I really liked today."

Joji takes your hand, "If you ever need a day like this again... I am the first guy you want to come too." smiled Joji as he let's go of your hand and stood up, "Let's go home." smiled Joji.

You guys arrive to the building, "Okay... Have fun editing." Joji said rolling his eyes.

You push him, "I will!" you shout as you unlock the door and go inside. You edit and take out the clip that Joji told you to take out.

Than you upload it. After you upload it. You see that your subs went up 300,000. You smile to yourself and hear a knock on the wall.

"Congratulations (Y/N)!" you could hear Joji laugh. You smile to yourself.

After uploading that video more people started subscribing to you. "Wow..." you start reading the comments.

"They make a cute couple!"

"I ship them! Someone make it happen!"

"She seems so boring for Joji."

You read a lot of hater comments, "I try my best at least..." you whisper and than one comment made you smile.

"FilthyFrank says Do a Draw Your life video!"

You smile, "What's a Draw your life?!" you shout so Joji could hear you.

You can hear Joji laugh, "Just draw the main points in your life!" shouted Joji.

You think about your main points in life. "This is going to be a mistake..." you whisper as your fill your lungs with air and yell, "Help me tomorrow to make this video!"

You wait for Joji to respond, "Tomorrow after your work shift!" you hear Joji yell. You laugh and close your laptop.

You lay in bed and look at your desk. "Having two more computers won't hurt..." you whisper as you fall asleep slowly.

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