《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Famous


You wake up with a huge smile on your face, it's only 7:30.

"Last night..." you whisper to yourself.

You walk to your closet and pick out something random. You are about to put on your hoodie when you see that it is sunny outside.

"God..." you sigh. You go back to check your closet and change once more.

You serve yourself cereal and quickly leave out the door at around 8:15.

When you get out into the hallway you meet Max. "You never answered my question about the date...." whispered Max with a sad face.

You smile to lighten up the mood. "I am busy...." you lie.

"You also didn't tell me about your YouTube Channel." Max added on.

"I didn't see you until now..." you make up an excuse.

"What about Ian, not inviting me to your celebration party." Added Max.

You give up, "I am sorry Max..." you whisper.

"You better make it up too me." smiled Max.

"How about that date... At 5." you smile.

"Really?!" asked Max.

"Yup, but as friends." you add while walking past him and running down the stairs. Max yells something at you but you don't hear him well.

You get to the store, "Hey, (Y/N). I need you to put this books away from this box, where they belong. Will you need any help?" asked Robert.

You smile and pick up two books from the box, "Nope."

Robert smiles and walks out of the store. You stay to put the books away. When you hear the bell. "Hey." smiles Calvin as he walks in.

"What's up." you get excited.

"Any... more good books?" asked Calvin.

You walk to a book titled, 'Looking For Alaska.' You hold it up to show Calvin. "This one... I haven't read it either... But... It's by John Green." you add.


Calvin laughs, "Another Master Piece. I'll take it." You check out the book for Calvin.

"It will be 10 dollars." Calvin gives you the money and takes the book.

"Also... I checked out your channel." laughs Calvin.

"Oh no..." your cheeks turn full on red and you try to hide your face. "I have to say, Plants .Vs. Zombies is so your thing." smiled Calvin.

You make a sigh of relief. "Thanks." you smile.

Calvin opens the door and stands there, "Also... Those outfits... They make you look beautiful." Calvin winks at you and walks out. You feel your face heat up.

"Oh god no... Could I be... falling... No!" you shout as you hide behind the counter.

Robert comes back, "Did you finish?" he asked.

"Yup!" you give him a thumbs up and walk out of the store. "Now... That date with Max..." you whisper with a touch a sadness.

You walk to the cafe across the street and see Joji come out, "Want to walk around the park?" he asked with two ice coffees in his hand. You laugh and take the ice coffee.

"Thanks." you guys walk to the park and sit under a tree's shade. "This is going to sound so horrible but... Max asked me out on a date." you say with a frown.

"Are you serious?" Joji asked.

"I... I blocked him out of my life and he wants, me to make it up so... We are going out on a date...As Friends!" you add.

Joji laughs, "Good luck..." he whispers. You check your watch to see it's 4.

"I need to go..." you sigh.

"If you want... I can get you out of this date... and make it a hang out." smiled Joji.


"You won't..." you smile and get closer to Joji.

"I would..." repeated Joji.

"Than make it happen." you ordered. Joji gets out his phone, "Just... Don't make noise." ordered Joji. You stay silent.

"Hey, Max!" shouted Joji.

"Max, would it be cool if you, Ian, (Y/N) and I all hang out!" laughed Joji.

"What are you up too, Joji?" asked Max.

"We are all friends. We should make the best of this until you and Ian leave." shrugged Joji.

"Fine... At eight." you heard Max say. You slap Joji's leg and whisper, "Five..." over and over till Joji finally understood.

"No... eight is too... late... Let's make it 5." ordered Joji.

"I have plans at 5." informed Max.

"Than... Would it be okay with you? If Ian, (Y/N) and I hang out without you?" asked Joji.

"Fine! At five!" shouted Max as he hanged up.

Joji puts away his phone, "Now you owe me." smiled Joji.

You bow down, "Oh thank you mighty Joji." you laugh. You both get up and walk home while on the way, Joji calls Ian to inform him on the hangout.

You arrive at your apartment, "See you in 30 minutes." you wink as you walk inside. You run to the bathroom and just fix your hair, "Should I wear makeup..." you ask yourself and then laugh, "I don't even own makeup." you walk back to your living room and turn on the T.V.

When you try to sit down something pokes your butt and you jump up, "What the...?" you see Joji's flowers on the couch. You panic, "I haven't even put them in water!" You shout as you pick them up and run to the kitchen, "I don't even have a vase!" you freak out more.

You pick a random glass cup. Fill it with water put the flowers in and leave them to sit in the sink, "This will do... For now..." you sigh and walk back to see both the Paper Towns book.

You sit and pick the books up, "Calvin is sweet and chill... But Joji is funny and makes me happy...." You slam the books on your face, "What do I do..." you whisper to yourself.

Joji walks in without knocking, "We are going to a place to play a sport so..." before Joji could end his sentence he sees you with the books.

You put the books down, " I.." before you can finish Joji flips Calvin's book to the back part of the book and there it is signed by Calvin as Leafyishere.

You lean back with stressed already filling you up. "When did he give you this?" asked Joji.

"Yesterday..." you don't try to lie because he already knows.

Joji picks up the book he gave you, "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked another question.

"Because... I didn't... I don't know..." you don't really know.

Joji puts both the books down, "You and Calvin... Aren't a thing... Right?" asked Joji as he sat next to you.

"Nothing!" you shouted.

Joji smiles. "We are going to play a sport... Wear nice shoes." he smiled and walk out the apartment. You look at your shoes, "This is okay..." you try to convince yourself.

Joji's Point of View-- " Please don't let (Y/N) and Calvin be a thing." I begged as I walked to my apartment.

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