《Near x Reader- Collaboration》Happiness
"In my all of my years, concise yet long, I have never quite struggled with stating a thesis on the abstracts of life. Such is that I have never spent much of my time worrying of such things. My days of ignorance and play were primordial, and I never wondered to myself whether or not I was happy. I knew it existed, and, fundamentally, it was the drive that kept the human race in pursuit of it. Pleasure moments for me were always associated with successes in my work, with little to no correlation of my own mental or emotional state. Logically, the absence of happiness would be sadness, but I was never clinically saddened. Jaded is a harsh, but fair, term as to describe my emotional standing as I lived my life. It wasn't until I was already a grown man that I began to wonder what happiness really was."
"I beg your pardon," asked the girl.
Nate lowered his hands from the girl's eyes, "I never promised you a rose garden, but you still deserve one."
Her heart fluttered, her eyes watered, and her hands covered her gasping mouth and smile. She stood upon a stone within a walkway forged within a decent size garden lacking a fence. Rather, the rose bushes served as walls, ultimately divided by a white wash arch encased by climbing roses. At the very center stood a simple bird bath, and a wooden bench resided along the flowered wall.
"It's so beautiful... There are so many colors! Why did you do this?"
"I believe the setting of the confrontation can greatly dictate its outcome," he shifted his feet as he spoke.
"Confrontation?" She cocked her head a bit, watching as he awkwardly wiped his hands on his shirt. He released an exaggerated sigh as he bent down, onto his knees. Immediately upon kneeling the girl laughed and demanded he stand again, or risk staining his pants from the grass and the dirt. She was silenced when he made a bold move by taking her hand in his own.
"The short years that I've known you..." His voice had trailed off. He could see the girl flash a cute and endearing smile, but was unaware that he, himself, was beginning to blush a stronger shade of red than that of the roses. He looked down, frustrated. He weakly clenched his fist, internally coaching himself to continue with his plan. It took a few moments, and his attempt to restart was halted by laughter.
"Oh no, did she get out again?" The girl sighed, smiling.
Nate turned around, and true to the sound, Nora followed it. The little girl ran into the garden and found herself within her father's arm shortly. The stoic man relaxed from his conflict and indulged in a hug with his daughter. Of course, her mother had to join in.
"Nora, did you run away from Roger again?" She asked.
Nora didn't even need to lie; the older man followed suit, panting with his hands on his knees. He looked ready to pass out, and given that he chased their toddler yet again, it came as no surprise. Nora enjoyed the open yards and massive mansion, so much that she did not cause a fuss when she moved there with her parents not so long ago. Roger had been utterly dumbstruck when Near arrived at Wammy's House yet again with a beautiful young woman holding their child right behind him. The young genius left Roger no warning nor context.
"The young lady thinks herself to be impervious to punishment, it seems."
"I don't see a need for disciplinary action, so long as she expresses remorse and apologizes," her father suggested.
Nora held onto Nate's shirt a little tighter before he nudged her forward. She approached the older man, fiddled with her hands, and simply said, "Sorry."
"You are forgiven, Nora."
"Now, how about you go back with Roger and continue your lessons? Your mother and I have an important matter to discuss. I will be with you afterward. Alright?"
"Yes, daddy."
After a quick lip kiss, the little girl walked alongside the older man and left her parents to their business. Nate turned his head to see the girl smirking, with her hands on her hips.
"You're acting fishy. What's your agenda?"
"Why did I try the poetic route? We both know that's not me."
He pulled a box from his pocket, opened it, and presented to her the ring he had designed for her. She covered her mouth as she gasped at the surprise.
"Marry me. Please- wait, no... Will you marry me?"
"Stop asking, idiot, yes!"
She pounced onto him, sending him onto his back. His face became littered with kisses, with multiple "I love you"s spread in between. They stayed like that briefly until she rose and helped him to his feet. Her smile couldn't crack in the slightest.
"So, when do you want to have the wedding?" She asked, handing him his cane.
"What?! That's impossible! There's no way I'll be ready! I have to get a dress, I don't even know who could be bridesmaids and groomsmen, except for Halle and Stephen, we don't have a place to-"
He shushed her with a kiss. It worked, and left the both of them blushing. She noted that it was just as chaste and nervous as the ones before, and chuckled at his childish yet adorable action.
"It'll be here, in Rester Hall, I have a dress for you, and Halle and Stephen already agreed to take part. I even asked Roger to become an ordained minister a while back so that he could marry us. And, of course, Nora will be the flower girl and will break convention by doubling as the ring bearer."
"I'm so unbelievably happy... Took you long enough," She teased, "But, why? I didn't think you cared about marriage."
"You had my bastard and stayed. I know where your loyalties lie," he gave the cockiest smirk he could muster.
He anticipated the smack on his arm.
The evening dawned on them in the blink of an eye. The dress had a simple yet elegant design which fell on her body in the most flattering ways. As Halle aided her in readying herself, occasional glances out of the window showed various caterers and companies visiting the structure below. The older woman was adamant on directing the girl's attention in preparing for her own wedding.
Every finishing touch had been finished in time for the ceremony. She stood at the doors hiding the arrangement, holding her breath in a futile attempt to calm her heart rate. There weren't lingering doubts or fears, but she simply could not digest that she was about to live a dream she imagined would only stay a dream. She held her hand over her mouth briefly.
"It's time," Stephen smiled, offering his arm.
She took it with gratitude, blushing at the kiss he offered on her cheek. After one last breath, they stepped forward, the doors opened, and the guests rose.
Every well preserved memory he had with the girl disrupted his gaze to her. Their first meeting, the incident on the roof, walks in parks, accompanied cases, breakdowns, Nora's birth, all melted into the beauty that was her and the moment.
She met him at the end of the walkway, taking his hands into hers. If to be narrated by her recollection, the story would quickly go stale, as she only focused on her dearly beloved, thanking eternity for giving her the time. The only words that broke her from her trance were the only ones she needed to respond to
"I do."
"I do."
"Then on today, the 28th of September, 2017, I am delighted to pronounced you wed. You may kiss your bride."
Nate actually looked at the crowd, and even met the incessant nodding of Halle and Stephen, then finally kissed the girl. The applause followed while she held him. They parted and faced their audience, with her beaming and him sporting the lightest smile that they could not see. Nora walked in front of them, and her mother promptly picked her up as her father held her arm. They kissed her cheeks without knowing that their first moment as a legitimate family was documented by a photograph.
The reception was held in the same hall. Games and bounce houses were set up for their amusement. Nate was quite relieved to find Nora enjoying herself with the other children. When it became her intelligence was far superior to those her age, he worried that she would suffer from the same antisocial drawbacks he did, but she seemed to have also inherited her mother's friendly nature. Speaking of, the bride was speaking to Halle.
"I just can't believe you're married. I can't believe he's married," she laughed.
"I know, me either. It feels like yesterday I met you for the first time. Halle," she held her hands, "Thank you, for everything. If it weren't for you, I would have never known a life like this. I owe you and Stephen everything until the day I die."
"Stop it," she blushed, "I'm grateful you came into the picture. I probably would have murdered my own boss if you hadn't started working with us," she laughed.
Her hair fell from her face, so she pulled it back over. The girl sighed, gently placing her hair behind her ear.
"Halle, please don't hide your face."
"I'm sorry, I know it's been three years already but..."
"You're just as beautiful as you ever were."
"Even more beautiful, in my opinion."
Stephen came from behind her and wrapped his only arm around her shoulders as he kissed the burned side of her face. Her left side, from the forehead to just over her jaw, scarred darkly and patchy, so she could not hide it with make up. They were still beautiful, if not more, because even though they broke, they still grew.
"Hey, I just realized that you never threw the bouquet," Halle pointed out.
"There was no need," she handed the flowers to her, "Take the painfully obvious hint."
Their giddy conversation died when the girl noticed Near standing in the center of the room without his cane. He perpetuated his fairly new habit of shifting his entire weight on his good leg without the slightest attempt at discretion.
"What's he trying to pull? He's going to hurt himself."
"Come on, Stephen, you both know how he is with taking orders. He tries getting away without using it all of the time, even though he knows he ends up needing it in ten minutes, maximum."
"But, you're his wife now. He has no other choice but to listen to you," he countered.
"That's the theory... Oh no, I think our little one has an idea."
Nora, done playing with the children, raced toward her father and spoke for a moment. He had no response other than a confused blush and pointing toward himself. She smiled and said yes, then he looked toward his bride. She and her friends smiled back at him, nodding. He held her hand, as one was busy holding a toy robot, and began slowly stepping in an awkward elliptical path.
"Say no more," she photographed the scene.
"Daddy," Nora asked as Nate somewhat struggled to pick her up.
"Low sounds have big waves an small sounds have little waves," she started.
"Close, the distance between the waves are big and small, respectively."
"When they get closer they sound different than when they get apart."
"Grow apart," he corrected, "And what does this all mean? Like a car making noise, what can you tell me about when it comes closer to me?"
"It'll sound different when it goes away from you."
"Good job, sweetheart," he kissed her head.
They danced for the length of the song. When it was over, the girl excused herself and walked to her husband. She tapped on his shoulder, and asked if she could have his attention on the dance floor as well.
"Alright," he said, holding her waist and hand, "but you're getting the same thing."
"I'd like that no other way," she smiled.
In an agreement forged in silence, the groom wrapped an arm around her shoulders and eased his weight onto it until she practically supported the both of them as they softly held their other hands. They needed nothing more than a gentle sway. Like the previous dance it had ended all too soon. She excused herself, asking Halle to hand Nate his cane, and taking a red apple with her.
The stars polluted the sky for once. The girl inhaled the loveliest scent of the season, letting the chill of the night make her skin crawl a bit. Her little garden was in front of her albeit being a little far. The flowers closed completely, and even receded down. She threw her apple in the air lightly a few times, then tossed it upward. It did not fall down.
"See you at harvest," she stated as walked back inside.
The reception ended before midnight. The children, including Nora, were asleep in their respective rooms, and Halle and Stephen left. The girl and Nate had their own small extension done within the basement of the orphanage, even having a branched off room for their daughter. Their considerable space had been delightfully negated by the organized cluster of the detective's card structures and the formation placement of his toys.
"Are you sure you are fine with forfeiting a honeymoon? I said I would go."
"Honey, I appreciate that so much, but I don't need a trip to celebrate us. I just need you," she kissed his cheek, "Besides, I have a feeling that we'll be seeing a lot of the world when we work together."
"Speaking of collaboration," he took her hand and lunged a kiss at her lips.
His juvenile attempt had enough force to send her down onto her back after receiving the harsh yet tender gesture. Her initial shock wore away, allowing her to giggle at his endearing effort. He decided that since he had his intentions displayed that he simply continue, so he tugged at his shirt until his wrists were detained.
"What are you doing?" She asked, bemused.
His cheeks burned a brilliant crimson hue, "I... I'm stepping out of me league," he sighed.
Epiphany came to her along with a demure smile. She sat up and nudged her way to her newlywed husband, hugging him from behind. He mumbled an apology for his poor execution.
"That's why it's a collaboration, we work together. We don't do this often... at all... so just let me lead us. I want you to be as comfortable as possible. Don't do this because you think you have to-"
"No, I want to- I just... I'm still unversed."
"Okay, then let me do this," she blew then kissed the skin below his ear, "and this," she slid her hands under his shirt, slowly pulling apart the buttons on his shirt, "and even this," she moved and straddled his hips, keeping the presence of mind not to shift much weight onto him. She smiled.
"See? I told you I know what to do."
"Don't become cocky."
"Ironic, from you," she continued smirking, swaying her groin over his.
Their kiss remained as sweet as their love-making that night.
Roger looked at his former ward, utterly puzzled, "But why? She's showing signs of being a very promising candidate, and she isn't even five years old yet."
"Exactly. I won't deny her intelligence. In fact, I hope she becomes smarter than myself. However I am not going to be making that decision for her. If she wants to succeed me, then I will allow it. I shall not force her."
"Your motives are noble yet selfish. As much as I also want her to have a happy childhood, it's unfair to the world to refrain from fully applying her potential aptitudes. For example, she took no time in correctly answering for the Sally-Anne test. At this stage, she shouldn't have that cognitive development."
Nate recalled his childhood with indifference. Any inherently deplorable or rash living conditions minored in the earliest remnants of his memories. His time in the orphanage was a commensal stage, as is the life of a detective. His genius was groomed and for the reaping, and though he understood that the greater good benefited from him, he had no voice in his involvement until he became an adult.
"I'm sorry. But Nora's going to be a child."
The older man sighed, looking out the window and then down at his desk with his hands folded. Nate was a stubborn boy, and even worse as an adult. Roger still couldn't believe it, sometimes. And with the detective's youthful face, it wasn't hard to continue thinking of him as a child despite him having one of his own. He stood.
"I respect your decision. If that's the case, then, you will be responsible for choosing your successor."
"I understand. Thank you."
They shook hands and then he left his office. The clicking of his cane against the hardwood provided an almost authoritative rhythm. All of the children wandering the halls said hello to him, and he offered a curt wave to each as he went for the front door. His wife and daughter waited for him at the gate, as the family decided to talk a short walk around.
He looked at the women in his life. Waiting no more, he walked toward them. His ears heard the dice in his pocket land upon the sidewalk. In a quick glance, he noticed that they landed on one and three.
"Hm," he murmured as he picked them up, then continued over to his family. Little Nora reliably raced toward him, grabbed his hand, and walked with him, offering her other hand to her mother.
"It's a lovely day for a walk," the girl noted.
Only a block away, a playground resided; often the children of Wammy's were permitted to mingle there with proper supervision. The family entered the park, where the little girl wasted no time in going onto the merry-go-round. Her parents met her there and her mother began pushing it, enjoying her daughter's laughter.
"Why don't you go on with her? I can push you."
"I'm alright. I don't need motion sickness on top of morning sickness."
He darted his head toward her, only to meet an incredibly shitty grin.
"I suppose I'll have to heavily weigh the consequences the next time you try to engage me in physical relations."
"Nice try. Nora's on me, this is on you. Now, let's sit down, honey. You shouldn't be standing too long."
A nearby bench offered them relief. Their child continued spinning herself for a few minutes until she decelerated to a stop and joined her parents. The mother held her child and laid her on her lap. The husband and wife leaned against each other while holding hands. Nate's smile was nothing less than genuine. He found that it couldn't falter in the slightest.
"It matters not whether I focus at my wife or my daughter because my thesis reigns true for both... Happiness is her."
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