《Call Me Cute》Chapter Twenty-One
Dakota groaned the blow from Frankie rearranging his insides.
Ah. Physical abuse as early as 8:00 in the morning....
He watched her walk off, her face red. He smirked at how embarrassed she was.
It was worth it.
"Damn dude. You okay?" Dylan helped him stand and Dakota smiled patting him in thanks.
"Never better."
"All you did was kiss her, why she being so mad?" Garrett wondered looking to where Frankie ran off to.
Dakota felt guilt swarm him at Garrett's remark, he was right, all he did was kiss Frankie but maybe his hands went somewhere they shouldn't. He smiled feeling the weight of her ass still on his hands. He knew they were in school but he couldn't help himself, so he might've sneaked his hand up her skirt from just the small peck he went to give her.
Of course Garrett didn't see all this so he couldn't understand.
Since their talk, they've been pretty close.
He'd wait for her after school and she'd do the same once she was free. They'd hang out all the same he'd even do so with some of her friends without crossdressing of course, according to Frankie that was their secret.
Admittedly that got him blushing like a school girl, he was so easy.
He smiled to himself sitting down by Dylan who was currently playing some online game. He watched him mindlessly when he remembered why he even called Frankie up here.
"Ah shoot. Hey I'll be right back!"
Right! I almost forgot.
He got distracted by her cuteness that he missed his chance. He ran downstairs and into the halls smiling once he saw Frankie. He went up to her and pulled her towards him, holding both her hands.
"Dakota?! What are you doing?"
"I have something to ask you!" He smiled watching her look up at him and wait patiently for him to continue.
"Would you go on a date with me?" He blushed watching her own face turn red. He tightened his hold on her hands in case she wanted to run and from the immediate glare he got his prediction was correct.
She sighed a sweet smile gracing her face.
"Yes. I want to."
He smiled bending down to kiss her on the forehead.
"I'll text you the details!" He smiled bending down to kiss her on her cheek again, dodging before she could hit him.
"Idiot!!" She yelled watching him run away.
She sighed looking at a few girls who glared at her. She grinned sticking her tongue out and giving them the finger. They gasped at her which only made her laugh.
Fools, why are they jealous over someone else's relationship.
She hummed returning to class a smile on her face.
This wasn't the first time they hung out alone but with the title of "date" it made her nervous and excited.
She entered the classroom and went to her seat, She hasn't gotten a text as yet and she shook her head at how giddy she was just to get even that.
She stilled her fidgeting behavior once she got a glare from Swan and focused on class.
I can't believe I'm going on a date!
Dakota hummed making reservations for the arcade and sports center.
They'd go out on a Sunday when there weren't that many people around. He also needed to find something to wear.
He wasn't going to crossdress for this one but he didn't have any good casual wear.
He hummed thoughtfully as he looked over at Dylan.
"Hey what do you usually wear for a date?"
"Mmm? Oh just a good t-shirt...pants..yah know clothes." He frowned.
"I keep it business casual? Dressy but not too dressy" Dylan finished.
"You?" Dakota asked turning to the other one.
"Uh.... I guess my best sneakers?" Garret shrugged looking confused. Dakota glared at him and sighed.
Do guys not pay much attention to their date outfits?
He felt dumb now having to worry about it but he wanted Frankie to fall over herself from seeing him. He blushed thinking of his intentions.
He's seen her go speechless from his crossdressing and he loved that reaction.
He wanted her to drool, to have her face red the entire night. He figured showing up naked would get him all that but Frankie might murder him.
He was confident in his body and looks.
He pulled out his phone deciding to just look it up. Maybe he could find something on YuuTube to help him. Business casual and nice sneakers weren't gonna cut it for him.
He smiled already impatient for Sunday to arrive.
He couldn't wait to impress Frankie.
In the blink of an eye Sunday rolled around and Dakota was adding the final touches to his outfit. He took out the earrings Frankie bought him.
He put them in and stepped back to check out his reflection. He wore a large deep gray wool sweater, some deep brown cotton pants that stopped at his ankles, black loafers and a long forest green soft trench coat. He wore a beanie that had the same gray tone for his sweater.
He smiled loving how he looked, he looked cute.
He bent down to check his makeup. He made sure not to wear too much, and only to hide a few blemishes. He had stained his lips and used lip balm to keep them moisturized rather than wear lipstick. His hair was messy and curled everywhere, he knew Frankie liked his hair this way from the way she'd stare at him whenever he couldn't bother to style it.
He smiled recalling her expression, she obviously wanted to play with his hair but never made a move to ask.
She's so adorable....
He thought fondly. Looking around his room for anything he'd need. He got a new phone so contacting Frankie would be easy. He checked the weather to see It was a bit chilly.
Mmm. Will she have a jacket?
He looked down at his trench coat and figured he'd give it to her if she didn't.
He went downstairs where his mother was currently cooking.
"Oh my....." She gasped her eyes twinkling as she came from around the counter.
"Yes! Ah. You look so handsome, but why didn't you wear a dress? I'm sure Frankie would love that."
He laughed awkwardly still not used to his mom knowing. She frowned fixing his coat's collar.
"I considered that but I wanna look handsome or 'manly' for her...at least once." He explained putting air quotes around manly as the concept itself didn't really exist.
He knew Frankie didn't care what he wore in terms of it being male or female but this was something he wanted to do.
"Okay I understand, will you be back late?"
"I'm not sure."
"Hun! Come look at your son!" She yelled stepping back to admire him again. He looked up as his Dad walked down wearing only his underwear and a t-shirt.
"Well don't you clean up nice?"
"Learned from the best." He winked watching his Dads smile grow.
"Ah one second!" He watched him rush to a drawer near by and pull out his wallet, he quickly caught on to what was happening.
"Wait Dad you don't have-"
"I want to." He patted him on the shoulder as he handed him a few extra bills.
He laughed and accepted it.
"Be safe okay?" His mom warned as he took up his Dad's car keys, he didn't have a car of his own yet.
"I will. I promise."
He turned to leave pausing at the door, he turned to them again watching as they looked back at him in confusion.
"Thanks guys..." he whispered feeling choked as the fact that his parents really did care for him, accepted him and loved him dearly swirled in his chest. They smiled nodding and he took that as his cue to leave.
He unlocked the car with a single press of a button and went around to get in.
He tensed and looked up to see Lewis standing behind his car. His eyes widened and fear, and anger surged through him. He turned fully to face him giving him his best glare.
Since his little blackmailing he hasn't seen him, true to Frankie's warning he stayed away.
He also hasn't seen any images of him circulating anywhere, it's as if it never even happened so he thought this was all over....so why is he here.
"What do you want?" He spat not in the mood for him.
Wait....is he trying to sabotage our date?
Dakota stepped forward at this thought.
"Back off Lewis, you can't stop me from dating Frankie! So don't start-"
"I know."
Dakota's brow's furrowed as he stared at the large man, now that he looked at him he didn't look hostile, if anything he looked tired, kind of defeated.
"What....what do you mean?"
"Uh.... I just wanted to say I'm sorry...."
He raised a brow at this as he continued.
"What I did was pretty fucked up. I- mmm. I don't really have an excuse, but I just wanted to protect Frankie."
"From what?? I don't plan on hurting her! I never want to hurt her."
"I know...."
"Then! I-" Dakota looked down feeling choked up. He really did still want Lewis to support their relationship, but he knew he hated him.
Lewis sighed running his hand through his thick hair.
"Hey. I...I don't get why you do what you do, and honestly it's not my thing but Frankie's happy; Something I should've realized sooner."
Dakota looked up to meet his gaze.
"You make her happy, even though you dress like a damn girl." Lewis chuckled bitterly.
"So I won't interfere again with you guys.... I'm sorry." He whispered sincerely.
Dakota stared at him not knowing how he felt.
Lewis' plan might not have lasted for years or anything dramatic like that but those few days of torment he gave Dakota weren't easy to forget. He developed some anxiety from it, not knowing when he'd release his photos, not knowing if he could trust him if he did as he was told, having to give up someone he really cared for. Dakota sighed covering his face, his chest heavy.
"Thanks.... Thank you." He finally said. He couldn't forgive him just yet but this was all so sudden as well.
Lewis smiled grateful that the kid didn't chase him off his lawn the minute he saw him. He genuinely wanted to apologize before he left.
"I'll see you around.... Obviously if you do hurt Frankie you're dead." The large man smiled sweetly as of he didn't just threaten him.
Dakota tensed up his imagination going wild and he blushed.
"I know that!"
Lewis chuckled and stepped forward to pull him into a brief hug. Dakota went rigid not expecting it, he patted him on the back and pulled back.
"Good luck."
With that final word, Lewis walked off leaving Dakota with a lot to think about.
He chuckled to himself, feeling way too happy that his once enemy was now cheering for him. He checked his watch to see the time, and quickly got into the car. It was around 2:30 pm and they planned to meet up at 3:00 so he sent a quick text that he's in his way.
He pulled from the driveway and made his way to her.
Frankie stood outside waiting patiently.
'wear something comfortable but avoid skirts or dresses'
She remembered Dakota texting her.
So she opted for some cute pink short shorts, a simple white top with peach fruit graphics going down the center and long white socks with black flats, that resembled ballerina shoes.
She had a small black side strap with her as well.
Her hair was still in twists so she added a small white bow to hold the hair back from her face.
She shivered then as the wind hit her skin.
She smiled seeing Dakota pull up to her house and happily went up to the car as he got out.
He swallowed thickly watching her as she ran to him, she looked really cute...the long white socks she had on adding to her allure.
He immediately pulled her into his arms loving how she melted against him.
"Mm... You smell nice."
He whispered snuggling in her hair.
"Hey! You'll ruin my look!" She yelled pulling back to fix it and slap him. Dakota blushed feeling embarrassed as he himself knew the struggle of getting the right hairstyle.
"Oh my gosh...sorry I got distracted..."
Frankie smiled watching his fretful eyes scan her.
She hugged him again loving the feeling of his body.
"Let's go. I'll fix it in the car, if you mess it up again I'll break your fingers." She warned glaring at him.
Once inside the car, Dakota made sure to turn on the heat before he pulled out.
"So where are we going? Don't tell me it's a surprise."
"It's a secret." He winked watching her groaned loudly in frustration.
"Oh? You painted your nails...?" She smiled staring at his white and black polka dotted nails.
Dakota blushed and nodded, he no longer needed to wear fake nails and could have a more permanent look. Painting his nails did get him a few stares but no one questioned him.
"It's cute." Frankie grinned watching him go completely red, she smiled softly seeing he was wearing the earrings she bought him.
How adorable.
They continued the conversation talking about any and all things they could think of, in no time Dakota reached their first destination; the sports center.
"Oh? Is this where we're going?"
He turned to her and grinned.
"I uh.... I thought maybe a traditional date might bore you so... If- If it's not what you like I can always turn back or we can just-"
"Dakota. Relax." Frankie chuckled watching him stutter and fidget in worry.
"I actually prefer this."
Dakota asked already feeling better, glad that he didn't ruin their date.
"Yeah! I can send you home crying." She cackled a determined look on her face. Dakota watched her hop out from the car and rush inside.
He laughed glad he was spot on with what she might've liked, he knew she'd declare war on him.
He joined her, being sure to lock the car and took her inside.
"Hi welcome!" Dakota smiled at the guy who stood at the desk. The way this sports center worked you had walk-ins and scheduled appointments which naturally you paid more for. You'd get a personal instructor and a schedule to follow along with an all access pass to the food bar. He planned a few fun activities that wouldn't get them too sweaty but enough to enjoy moving around.
"Hello. I made a schedule for Song?"
"Ah. Yes of course, I'll bring in an instructor and two contracts for you to sign."
"Thank you."
He glanced at Frankie who held onto his hand, her eyes darting all over the place, probably wanting to try everything she saw. He sighed in relief, glad that she wasn't upset. He's sure if it was someone else they'd want the typical date.
Once the receptionist returned, he explained why they needed to sign and how their instructor would be ready.
"Okay done!" Frankie cheered already singing.
Dakota smiled and soon their instructor joined them, a clipboard on hand.
"Hello! My name is Yonha, it's a pleasure to assist you. I see the first thing on here is rock climbing? Let's get to that station." He smiled politely.
"Oh I've never actually done rock climbing before."
"Wait you have?"
Dakota smirked feeling like he has the upper hand.
"Of course."
Frankie glared feeling more determined to win.
They entered into a open area with five different climbing walls with different shaped ricks and designs. Frankie felt giddy as she looked to a multi colored one. It was really cute.
They changed into the gear as instructed and she felt pretty official in the harness.
"Oi. If I beat you, you gotta grant me a wish."
She smirked wanting to make this more fun, Dakota grinned feeling confident.
"Oh? What makes you think you'll win?"
"Huh? Of course I'll win."
"I have more muscle."
"Ha. Muscle isn't everything."
"Say bet."
They glared, each wanting to one up the other. This felt similar to the first time they met, clashing forces who didn't agree.
Dakota blushed feeling caught off guard by remembering that.
He watched Frankie listen to a few rules a fire in her eyes and smiled.
Honestly he planned to just let her win but he knew Frankie would kill him if she knew he went easy on her.
He watched her get ready to climb and as soon as the timer went off she jumped into action.
He watched her grab at the wall holds and easily pull herself up.
Oh. Maybe I underestimated her....
He swallowed going completely red watching the outline of her body, he glanced to his side to see the instructor watching carefully. A part of him didn't want him to look at her but knew it was his job.
Ah. I can't believe I'm getting so over protective.
She was his already so there wasn't any reason to be jealous of someone just looking at her.
"HELL YEAH!!!". Frankie roared jumping back down, Dakota flinched and turned to her in shock. Each wall took about three minutes to climb but Frankie was already down in a minute.
"How'd you do that so fast??"
Frankie chuckled wiping her nose, white powder smearing her face.
"Skills of course."
Dakota giggled reaching up to clean her face, Frankie blushed and held still.
Dakota smiled bending down to kiss her nose, he then leaned in to whisper in her ear.
"Yeah but I'll still beat you." He smirked watching her jerk away covering her ear to glare at him. Knowing she probably felt excited from how he spoke.
He hummed taking pleasure in her flustered behavior and went to prove his point.
Frankie coughed glancing at the instructor who was watching Dakota.
She felt embarrassed that from just whispering in her ear, made her heart almost fall out of her chest. She bit down on her lip watching the timer. She wanted to win, as this was an opportunity to toy with Dakota. They liked to tease each other so if she could get this wish she'd definitely use it to her advantage.
She grinned already thinking to make him her butler for the day or even have him go around in knight like attire, announcing her arrival. She smiled to herself thinking how cute he'd look from being embarrassed.
Ah I wanna win....
She blinked coming back from her fantasy just as Dakota hit the buzzer and came jumping back down.
She glared, his time being a few seconds.
"Ah. Man. That was so hard." Dakota teased a big smile on his face, Frankie rolled her eyes punching him on the arm.
"I bet it was."
They laughed pulling their harnesses off and moving to the next event.
"You owe me a wish now." Dakota informed pulling her closer to him by her waist as they followed behind the instructor.
Frankie tensed and looked at him to see he had that look in his eye. She blushed quickly being hyper aware of his hands on her.
"I know. I'll grant it."
"Good." He whispered lowering himself to kiss below her ear. She shivered watching him pull back.
They played badminton, basketball, and even cycling. Most activities being done with the use of Technology. Frankie figured she'd sweat a lot but thankfully she didn't.
"Ahhhh! What the hell?? I can't beat you.... Am I off my game?" She yelled sitting at a table in the food court. They got some pizza and drinks, Frankie having a natural fruit mix while Dakota had just water.
"Did you have game?"
Frankie gasped feeling offended.
"Obviously! It's almost like you practiced or some....thing....." She trailed off looking up to see Dakota had a blank expression.
"Not like you practiced...." She started again watching his eyes dart away from her
"Practice..." She stated watching him break out in a cold sweat.
She stared at him in silence.
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