《Falling For You {Kita Shinsuke}》{Epilogue (Pt. 2) : Our Happiness}
It's been a month after our wedding and honeymoon and we were back to working as usual.
I was in the studio, trying to mesh things together to see if they worked well.
Hm...I wonder if these would go well...
I wondered, turning around to get something before a wave of dizziness hit me like a truck.
I stumbled forward slightly, gripping onto the desk while balancing myself.
What just happened?...
I thought, shrugging it off and getting back to work.
I sat at my desk, replying to emails and such when I got an urge to vomit.
I lurched forward, gagging into my hand.
Luckily nothing came out...what is happening to me?...
I slowly got up and went to the bathroom, cautiously.
I looked at my watch before I started to pack up.
I walked into the elevator and pressed the button, waiting.
I'm more tired than usual today...I better go to sleep early tonight...
The doors opened, revealing the lobby as I walked out.
I saw some of my staff and waved, bidding them goodnight before leaving the building and getting into the car.
I parked my car and turned off the engine, resting my head on the steering wheel, waiting for the nausea to pass.
Why is this happening to me?...
I sat up and grabbed my bag, getting out of the car and slowly walking to the front door, seeing the lights on.
I took of my heels and walked inside, smelling the scent of food as I tried to keep the contents in my stomach at bay.
"Tadaima" I called out, walking into the living room.
"Okerinasai, Hana-chan" Obaa-san chirped, smiling at me.
"How was work?" she asked, pouring some tea in a cup.
"Tiring" I laughed out, sitting across from her as she pushed the tea towards me.
"Arigatou" I replied, taking a sip.
"Shin-chan isn't coming home until later tonight" Obaa-san said.
"I see...have yer eaten, Obaa-san?" I asked, putting my cup down.
She shook her head.
"I was waiting for you to come home first so that I could eat with you" she explained.
My heart warmed as I smiled at her.
After eating, I washed the dishes and helped clean up.
I was leaned over, wiping the table before I covered my hand and rushed towards the bathroom.
I kneeled and vomited my dinner up, holding onto my hair.
After finishing, I flushed the toilet and leaned back, catching my breath.
I stood up and went to the sink, rinsing my mouth as I spat the water out.
"Are you alright, dear?" Obaa-san asked, placing her hand on my shoulder as she stared at me with worried eyes.
I took a deep breath before returning the smile.
"Hai, I probably have a stomach bug or something, there's no need to worry, Obaa-san" I reassured.
"Alright, whatever you say..." she sighed, patting my shoulder before she left.
I'll get better soon, right?.....right?...
Weeks have passed and I wasn't feeling any better, in fact I was feeling worse as the days went by.
I was resting on the bed before shooting up and quickly going to the bathroom, throwing up.
Both of my hands held onto the toilet as I emptied out my stomach.
I felt a warm hand rubbing my back as my hair was pulled back, gently.
After throwing up I leaned back, feeling a warm chest against my back.
"How do yer feel right now?" Shinsuke asked.
"Tired...it's been a few weeks and I'm still not feeling any better" I replied, out of energy.
"Why don't we go to the doctors, love" he suggested, kissing my temple.
I nodded in response.
I waited beside Shinsuke as he held my hand.
"What if I'm really sick, Shin?" I questioned, feeling nervous.
"What if-" I got cut off my Shinsuke's lips as they lingered before pulling away.
"Don't fret too much, I'm sure it's not anything majorly serious" Shinsuke reassured, slightly nervous too.
I nodded and kept silent until the doctor came back with my results.
"Alright great news, Kita-sans" the doctor said, smiling.
"Great news?" I questioned, looking at Shinsuke who mirrored my confused expression.
"Congratulations Kita-san, you're pregnant" the doctor announced.
My eyes widen before looking at Shinsuke and back at the doctor with hopeful eyes.
"R-really? Am I really pregnant?" I asked, getting a nod in reply.
I looked at Shinsuke who was already smiling at me.
"I'll give you two some privacy" the doctor said, walking out and shutting the door behind them.
I stared into Shinsuke's brown eyes that were filled with love, warmth and tears.
"Shin..." I trailed off as he cried.
He got up and pulled me into his embrace, his tears wetting my shirt as he muttered.
"Thank you, Hana....thank you so much, I love you" he whispered, placing his lips on mine.
It was the twin's birthday as everyone gathered.
"Happy birthday, boys" I said, kissing both of their foreheads.
"Nee-san, I'm not a kid anymore~" they whined, making some people laugh.
I pinched his cheek, chuckling.
"You'll always be my baby brothers in my eyes, yer brats" I smiled.
I gave the twins their present and watched as they opened it, their eyes lighting up.
They hugged and thanked me, swinging me slightly when Shinsuke pulled me out of their grasp, cautiously.
The twins looked at him in confusion as Bokuto laughed.
"Is the poor husband getting jealous?" Kuroo teased, laughing with Bokuto.
I chuckled and told my protective husband that I was fine.
"I actually have one more gift for you two..." I trailed off, taking out two envelopes and handing it to them.
They accepted it hesitantly and opened it, reading what was written before their eyes widened, making everyone curious.
"Well...what does it say?" Kuroo pressed, getting curious.
"Is it true?...yer not lying?" Osamu asked, staring at me.
I nodded in response, smiling.
Atsumu then jumped around, Osamu eventually joining him.
After calming down, the two stood on top of the table.
"WE'RE GOING TO BE UNCLES" they shouted, shocking everyone.
"R-really? Are yer pregnant, Hana?" Haruko asked, coming closer to me and inspecting me.
I laughed and nodded.
Aran slapped Shinsuke's back as the old Inarizaki team teased him.
"I see you've been busy, Shinsuke" Aran teased.
Shinsuke turned slightly red at the comment.
"Gah~I'm so excited to see everyone!" I clasped my hands together in excitement.
Shinsuke chuckled, hugging me from behind while rubbing my swollen belly affectionately, nuzzling his face into my neck.
I felt a light kick, making Shinsuke laugh while continuing to rub my belly before hearing the door bell ring.
I walked towards the door, opening it and greeting the new arrival, well...new arrivals.
"Hi, Hana-chan!!!" Hinata, Bokuto and Atsumu yelled excitedly, while Sakusa was behind them, cringing at the noise.
"Hey guys! Yer pretty early!" I chirped, moving aside to let them come in.
"We missed you~" Hinata cheered before walking into the living room with Bokuto and Atsumu in tow.
"Hello, Sakusa" I greeted the quiet man as he stared at my belly curiously.
"It's really...big" he deadpanned, staring at it more.
I chuckled in response at his blunt answer.
"Would yer like to feel the baby kick?" I offered with a gentle smile.
Sakusa hesitated before placing his hand on my belly, his eyes widening in awe at the baby's kicks.
I lead him into the living room where everyone was, talking to them until the bell rang again.
I was about to get up and open the door when a hand stopped me.
"I'll go get it, love" Shinsuke said, kissing my forehead before he went to the door.
"Gah~when will I ever find love?" Atsumu sighed out, leaning back on the couch.
"Probably never..." Sakusa commented, making me laugh.
"Omi-kun!!!" he whined, making me laugh.
After some time, everyone gathered around while talking and exchanging gifts.
"I think it's a boy" Atsumu said, leaning his ear on my belly.
"Well, I think it's a girl" Bokuto said, his ear also on my belly.
I sweat-dropped and let them do their own thing, deciding not to question it.
I groaned in pain, gripping onto the kitchen counter.
After waiting for the pain to pass, I poured myself a cup of water before drinking it.
I sighed and rubbed my belly, feeling strong kicks.
I let out a breath before gasping, looking at the puddle below me.
"S-Shin!!!" I panicked, hearing footsteps.
"What is-" he didn't finish his sentence, immediately helping me get into the car and grabbing the emergency bag.
I groaned in pain and took deep breaths.
"Just a bit more Kita-san, your doing great" they told me.
"That doesn't make me feel any better" I laughed nervously, letting out a pained scream.
I was sitting down, waiting for my wife to give birth to my children.
"Nii-san!!" the twins shouted, the members of MSBY Black Jackals and the ex-Inarizaki team following.
"How is she?" Osamu asked, being cut off by the faint sound of a pained scream.
"I guess that answers yer question..." I answered, bobbing my leg up and down.
"She'll be fine, she's strong and she's looked after the twins with no scars whatsoever" Aran reassured.
"Hey what's that supposed to mean?!"
A doctor suddenly came out of the operating room, taking off his mask and making me stand up abruptly, eager to hear the news.
"Congratulations Kita-san, you have a healthy boy" he announced, smiling warmly.
I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding, falling back a bit as Aran caught me.
"Woah there, why don't you sit down?" he suggested.
"I told yer it was going to be a boy" Atsumu said happily to Bokuto, both of them trying not to cry.
I chuckled before someone else came out and whispered in the doctor's ear.
"W-what?" he stuttered before turning to me.
"I'll be right back, I-it seems like your wife is giving birth to twins" he said before leaving.
"T-twins?" I said, almost not believing it.
"T-TWINS?!?!?" Hinata shouted, jumping around in excitement with the older Miya twins.
"Our Nee-san is having twins!!!"
"Well, let me say this again" the doctor chuckled.
"Congratulations Kita-san, you have two healthy boys" he announced, smiling.
"Both the twins and the mother are safe and sound, would you like to see them?" he asked.
"Yes, of course" I replied, dying to see my family.
I was brought into a hospital room and saw Hana sleeping soundly, the babies besides her bed also sleeping.
Walking closer, I moved a stand of hair away from her face and kissed her forehead lovingly.
I heard shuffling noises and whining from the babies, waking Hana up.
"S-Shin?" she called.
"Hello, love..you did very well, I'm proud of you" I said, kissing her once again.
She smiled before looking at the now sleeping twins.
"Look dear, our babies...aren't they adorable?" she spoke quietly, looking at the two angels with pure warmth and love in her eyes.
"Indeed they are" I kissed her temple and watched as the babies were sound asleep.
I stroked their soft cheek with my finger, trying not to cry.
They moved bit before gripping my fingers with their small hands and opening their eyes, showing dark grey and brown eyes.
I smiled, tears blurring my vision as they cooed.
"Oh Shin..." Hana said, kissing my cheek before looking at the twins.
"Hello there...I'm your Mama and this here who you're gripping onto is your dear Papa" she cooed, earning happy gurgles from them.
"What should we name them?" she wondered, looking at me with her beautiful grey eyes.
I smiled, looking back at the newborns.
"The grey eyes, Kita Kaito and the brown eyes...Kita Sora" I breathed out.
"Hmm, they sound very nice" Hana hummed, smiling softly.
After some more tests, the doctors left me alone with Shinsuke and my twins.
"Do you want me to get the others?" he asked.
I nodded before looking down at Sora and Kaito, giving them a kiss on their foreheads.
I heard footsteps followed by a loud gasp and sob.
I looked up seeing that Osamu had gasped and Atsumu sobbed.
Shinsuke had Kaito is his embrace as I held Sora.
"Would you like to hold them?" I asked, earning eager nods.
I gave Sora to Osamu as he held him with utter cautiousness.
Atsumu then turned his head and sobbed, Kaito in his arms.
"Atsumu-kun, are you ok?" Hinata questions, patting his back.
Everyone chuckled at the emotional Tsumu as he watched his nephew sleep peacefully.
I smiled as Sora woke up and began to coo at Osamu, never seeing his face before.
Samu chuckled as everyone gather around him, trying to see the baby.
"Wash your hands all of you, you're probably covered in germs" Sakusa said bluntly, shoving them away from the baby.
I laughed quietly, leaning my head on Shinsuke's shoulder, watching everyone interact with our children.
"Thank you Hana..." Shinsuke said, placing his lips on mine.
I chucked and kissed him back before pulling away.
"I'm even more thankful for you...I love you Shinsuke..." I smiled before watching everyone interact with our children, Shinsuke's hand in mine as we watched out family.
I laughed blissfully before turning to my husband and the father of my children.
- In Serial463 Chapters
The Archaic Ring
An original story inspired by xianxia and western fantasy. At sixteen years old, Nolan spent most of his time skipping class and playing video games, though he'd been getting into more fights lately than he cared to admit. His once record-high academics were nearing the end of a gradual decline, a byproduct of a growing indifference that had begun to fester after his parents' divorce. All of his worries dissipate like smoke in the wind when he inexplicably wakes up in another world, only to be replaced by a wider spectrum of vexing problems. BOOK ONE NOW ON AMAZON! To read the first book Tribes of Venara, follow this link: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07VZXGDL7 Note* this link is to the Canadian amazon store, so switch to your local store to find the purchase option. BOOK TWO NOW ON AMAZON! To read the book, follow this link: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B08FR85D39 BOOK THREE NOW ON AMAZON! To read this book, follow this link and access through your local amazon store: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B09FKYRYY5 Ten percent of each book is available here on RR, which is the legal limit that Amazon's rules/regulations allow me to post. I've received some flack from potential readers for publishing these novels, but you can only work full-time for free, for so long (in this case, two years) so I hope to see some sympathy in this regard. To those that take a chance on the series, thank you!
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