《Halloween Vault 2》#20 | NA - Never Trust Craigslist


Just because New Adult Romance is so popular, doesn't mean we can't do horror! Bring on all the things that go bump in the night, because you're never too old for a good scare.

This might be our first Halloween Vault here at , but we're diving in and ready for action. What sets New Adult apart from the rest? Protagonists that are enthusiastic about facing the adult world, but don't really have a clue what they're doing yet.

How does this translate to a spooky story? With new beginnings, of course!


Your protagonist is starting University, ready to begin their adult life away from home. To cut costs, they answered an ad looking for a roommate in a two bedroom apartment near campus. But when they arrive at their new place, they're horrified by what they find there.

In 500 words or less, describe your protagonist's experience stepping into that apartment for the first time! What do they see? Is there something wrong with the place? Their roommate? The possibilities are endless!


► All content must adhere to the .

► Start Date: October 2nd, 2019

► End Date: , 11:59pm EST

► Word count:

► Only stories in English can be accepted at this time.

► Only one entry per author.

► Must be original work written specifically for this contest.

► Must be original characters created by you! (No fanfiction)

► No mature works, please.

► You may publish as a separate work or as a chapter in a work on your profile, as long as you provide the specific link to the chapter on the submission form.

► Optional: Tag your story #NewAdult and #HalloweenVault2

► Please pay attention to spelling, punctuation and grammar!


If you've followed all of these guidelines, then submit your entry via this .

Feel free to share your entry in the comments below, but only the ones submitted via the form will be considered for the contest!


Not a writer? Don't worry, we have something fun for you, too! Below is a word search containing words that can be found around the profile, relating to the genre. We've also hidden a few Halloween-themed words in there too!

How many can you find?


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