《Halloween Vault 2》#14 | Kpop - Clap


This Halloween, as a part of Halloween Vault II, has brought a spooky contest for you to enjoy the flair of music and scare simultaneously. Check out our prompt below.


Your bias got a day off on Halloween and they decided to stay back at their apartment. Being alone and wanting to relax, they played their favourite piece as playing piano has always done wonders. However, when they finished, they heard a slow clap...but no one was there when they turned around. Who clapped and what happened afterwards?


► All stories must adhere to .

► Only English stories will be accepted.

► No mature stories are allowed.

► Don't submit stories that are more than.

► Stories must be originally written for this contest.

► One entry per participant is allowed only.

► Deadline for submitting your entry is .

► Along with submitting your entries through the form, we encourage you to share your entry's link in the comment section for other participants to read and enjoy.


Submit your entries via this .


► Shoutout to all winners from on their message board.

► A sticker for the winner of the contest.

► Entries of first three winners will be added to the anthology, K-Anthology, at profile.

► Honourable mentions can be done as well, depending on the quality of entries.


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