《Skinny (Cameron Dallas fanfic)》26.


The trip home was cut short because Cam and Nash got called for some meetings in New York. Right now I'm I'm my room packing while Cam was down stairs with Nash probably. The problem was this stupid suitcase wouldn't shut and we had to leave in a half hour.

"Need any help?" A voice spoke up from behind me.

Turning around I founding Hayes standing in the doorway.

"Yeah can you come close this for me? We have to leave soon." I asked, stepping back so he could do it for me.

"Do you need anything else?" He asked once it was zipped.

"Yeah just bring in down stairs please." I instructed.

He nodded and headed out while I went to make sure I had everything I needed in my carry on bag.

"Lexi it's time to leave." Nash yelled from down stairs as I finished packing.

Slinging the bag over my shoulder I made May way down stairs and said bye to the mother and Hayes before walking out to the car where Cam was waiting with Nash and my dad. I hopped in the seat next to Cam and immediately started to snuggle into his side. He wrapped his arm around me and rested his head on mine.

The drive to the airport was short and we had got there just in time to go through security and board the plane. I was stuck between Cam and Nash because my stupid brother wouldn't stop bugging me till I gave him the window seat.

"What are these meeting even for?" I questioned while fastening my seat belt.

"I'll tell you later just try and sleep." He said while making sure his was okay too.

I just nodded my head and leaned on Nash because I always fall asleep on Cam way too much. Plus Nash is kinda use to it by now since I've been by his side for almost 17 years.


"Lexi!" I heard a voice scream as we got to the hotel in NYC which happened to be dead centered in Times Square.

Looking up I saw Matthew running over and scooping me up in his arms. I noticed Carter was also walking up behind him.

"Put me down you dink. Shouldn't you be in LA?" I giggled while he placed me back on the ground.

"Well Carter was called here for the meeting too and I don't wanna stay alone while you're all here and don't call me dink you dink." He laughed while tapping my nose.

I stuck my tongue out at him and went over to give Carter a hug too.

"Still short I see." He commented while wrapping his arms around me.

"Still Asian I see." I shot back smirking at him.

"Touché" He said before walking over to grab his bags.

I wondered back over to Cam who was by the elevator with both our bags in hand.

"I can carry that you know." I pointed down at my bag.


"Not while you have our little baby inside you it's too heavy."

"I don't think he's little, he'll probably end up fat like Nash." I pointed out.

"Hey! I was not that fat." Nash argued as we stepped into the elevator.

"Yeah okay whatever makes you sleep at night." I chuckled a little bit while he just glared at me.

The doors opened with a ding once we reached the fifth floor and we made our way to our room. Matt and Carter's was right next to Cam, Nash and I's. Once the door was opened I almost jumped into whatever bed was closest and snuggled into the pillows.

"Lex we have to go now Matt's ganna come over and you guys can go exploring or something okay?" Cameron crouched down next to the bed so he could see my face.

"Love you." I leaned up to give him a small kiss.

"I love you too." He smiled as he pulled away and walked out the door following my brother.

Before the door could close fully Matthew managed to grab it and slip inside the room.

"So where should we go first?" He asked jumping on the bed beside me.

"I don't care you can pick I just need to change." I shrugged before grabbing some jean shorts with a pink v-neck. No use in trying to hide my stomach now since everyone already knows.

I walked over towards that bathroom and quickly changed and applied some makeup before slipping on my grey vans.

"Ready to go?" Matt asked, shutting the TV off.

I nodded my head and grabbed my phone then walked over towards the door to meet Matt. Once we were out the door he grabbed my hand and smiled.

"Let the adventure begin!" He cheered before whisking me away towards the elevator.

Cams POV

"So is it true that you're leaving Cam?" My manager asked once we all walked into the room and were all settled in our seats.

Well he seems to be in a great mood today.

"Um well I'm not exactly leaving I just can't come to as many events anymore." I explained, scratching the back of my neck.

He just looked at me for a few seconds trying to figure out what to say next.

"That's just not ganna work out Cameron." He finally spoke up, making all of our heads shot up.

I glared in his direction. What the hell is his problem.

"What do you mean 'it's not going to work out'" I asked getting a little mad.

How does he not understand that I need to take care of my family.

"I mean that you signed a contract so you can't just back out now." He stated as if it was obvious.

"What part of I need to do what's best for my family do you not understand? I don't give a damn about that contract." I almost yelled, he was really pissing me off at this point.


"Look, it's not my fault you made this mistake so don't yell at me." He warned.

What did he just say?

"Listen here you ignorant asshole, Lexi and my baby are not a mistake. The mistake I made was signing with you." I went to get in his face but Nash kept me back.

"No Cameron giving up your career for this silly girl who's probably lying about you being the babies father just to get your money." He kept adding fuel this the fire. I went to yell at him but before I could Nash did.

"That is my sister you're talking about. She would never even think about doing that." He seethed and Carter grabbed both our arms trying to get us out of the room.

"Let's just go guys. By the way Derek we quite." Carter yelled out as we began walking towards the door.

As we walked out I couldn't help but flip the bastard off before slamming the door shut behind me.

"He has no fucking right to say those things about Lexi." I ranted as we made our way to the lobby.

"Cam just calm down okay? Let's just got get some food before going back to the hotel." Carter suggested as we hopped into the car.

I just sighed and nodded my head, I just needed some time to cool off.

Lexi's POV

Matt and I have been walking around Times Square for about an hour now. We had went to the wax museum and went to Dave & Busters. Luckily no one

has really spotted us except a few girls here and there.

"So how do you feel about Cam not going to events anymore?" Matt asked me as we looked on one of those little touristy shops.

I looked at him really confused. What's he talking about?

"What do you mean he's not doing events anymore?" I asked puzzled.

"Oh shit he didn't tell you about the video he posted a couple days ago?" Matt asked almost as if I was just kidding.

"Nope?" I shook my head, Cam never brought up a video.

"Let's go back to to hotel and I'll show you." He grabbed my hand again so I wouldn't loose him in the busy crowd.

We were about to enter the hotel when we noticed a group of girls waiting by the entrench. They were obviously waiting for the boys considering I could see a bunch of Cams baseball tees some Matt beanies and some of Nash and Carter's merch.

"OMG it's Matt and Lexi!" One squealed in a high voice.

I heard Matt mutter shit under his breath before putting on a big smile.

"Hello girls." He greeted trying to weave through the crew.

They all started screaming again and I was getting a big head ache and I think Matthew noticed.

"Excuse us girls, Lexi's not feeling well." He tried to say, only some moved out of the way others sent me glares.

"Why are you guys holding hands? Are you cheating on Cam?" One of the more nosier girls with a what looks like a permanent scowl etched on her face.

"Actually no she would never. I'm just trying to get her and the baby safely through the crowd now if you'll excuse us." Matt shot back at her with an annoyed tone.

Once we made it past them and into the lobby it felt like I could actually breath again.They didn't let any if the fans in here which I was thankful for. When we got to my room I pulled out my laptop while Matt searched up the video and set the screen in front if me. I watched bye whole thing till the very end and ended up smiling a little bit.

"He called us a family." I smiled up at Matt.

"Well you will be soon. But anyways I'm ganna go take a shower before Carter gets back. Just call if you need me okay?" He instructed, going towards the door.

I just nodded him off and powered down my laptop before climbing under the covers and falling into a light sleep.

"Babe?" A voice woke me up a little later I knew it was Cameron who was laying beside me.

"Mhm you're warm." I moved closer towards him.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay before I go back to the other boys room, we're making some videos." He explained, kissing my forehead.

"Yeah I'll be fine but you know you didn't have to give up your career for me." I sat up a little do I could look at his face.

"I did it for us. I did it for our family." He smiled.

"I love you but I'm kicking you out. I'm trying to sleep here." I laughed while pulling the covers up over my head.

"Wow hurtful. I love you and guess I'll see you later." He fake gasped, gasping his chest with a small laugh.

With that he got up and out of the bed quietly shutting the door behind him so I could fall back to sleep.

I was woken again a few hours later by the boys being loud as ever next door. Sighing I swung my legs over the side of the bed and head over for the room. I swiped the extra card Matt had given me and opened the door. There I saw the four boys on one bed with weird looking lumpy things attached to their- wait a second.

"Are those my bras?" I asked glaring at them.

"Um maybe.." Carter trailed off.

"You guys are such losers." I commented before shutting to door and making my way back towards my room.


Sorry it's been a while I've been busy I went the the one direction concert and now I'm on my way to NYC so I had the time to update

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