《Skinny (Cameron Dallas fanfic)》11.


"What time did you guys get back last night?" Nash asked Cam and I as we came down stairs hand and hand.

"Like 2 I think?" Cameron answered, going to grab a banana while I went and sat at the counter.

"How was the beach?" He asked, continuing to make himself breakfast.

"It was fun." I said, smiling over at Cameron.

"I can tell by that nice hickey on your neck." He commented smirking.

My hand shot up to my neck as I ran to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror I saw a biggest dark spot on the left side of my neck. Groaning I pulled my hair out of it's pony tail in attempts to hide it and walked back into the kitchen.

All the boys were in there now at the table. Not wanting to sit with all of them I went over to the couch and turned the TV on.

"Lexi come eat breakfast!" Hayes called from at the table.

"No thanks." I answered back. I grabbed the clicker and started flipping through the channels.

"Here." Someone said as the set down one of my protein shakes in front of me. Looking up I saw Carter standing over me.

"Thanks but-" I started but he cut me off.

"Lexi you need to at least have something." He moved the cup back towards me.

"Thanks." I responded taking the cup and taking small sips.

Carter took the seat next to mine and sat there silently as a drank my drink. Finally deciding on Grey's Anatomy I finished and placed the cup back on the coffee table.

"So you and Cam are a thing now?" Carter asked not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Yeah I guess." I replied looking over at him.

"That's cool." He still hasn't looked over at me.

Nodding I just went back to watching the show. The other boys have finished now and they have all piled into the room with us. Cam is sitting on one side with his arm around me and Matt squeezed in between Carter and I.

"I'll take that." Matt said snatching the clicker from my hand and putting some game on.

Pouting I turned to Cam but he was invested into the game.


"What's with guys and sports?" I mumbled to myself, closing my eyes and leaning me head on Cams shoulder.

Falling asleep I was woken up by the guys screaming. It freaked me out so I ended up rolling onto the floor.

"What's that?" One of the boys asked poking the side of my neck.

Letting out a squeak I shot back up and onto the couch throwing my hair back in place. The boys all started smirking once they realized what it was from.

"Damn get it in Cam!" Jack G said clamping him on the shoulder.

"No, no one will me getting it in." Nash scolded glaring at him.

Me and Cam looked at each other smiling, if only you knew Nash.

"You guys suck." I said sticking my toung out and walking up stairs.

I went back into the bathroom and put some makeup on the cover up the hickey and tie my hair back up. After I walked into my bedroom and over towards the closet grabbing a sports bra, tank top and shorts. Changing into them I went back over to the closet to look for my sneakers.

"Nice ass." Cam commented walking into the room and flopping onto my bed.

"Thanks creep. I'm going for a run, I'll be back later." I explain, going and kissing him on the cheek and out to the front door.

Running down the front path and out the gate I was on my way. Putting in my headphones I pressed shuffle and Classic by MKTO came on. Singing along to it quietly I ran towards the beach.

I took the short cut and went over to a smoothie place I found while walking around last week. Opening the door a small bell rang and I was immediately hit with the smell of fruit and a lot of people.

"Hey can I have a berry blast?" I ask the lady behind the register handing her a five.

Stepping out of line I went over and stood my the counter and waited for them to call my name. I was busy looking down at my phone and didn't notice someone had come behind me until the wrapped their arms around my waist.

"Ah excuse you- Jacob!" I said turning around and realizing it was him.


"Hey Lexi." He smiled, pulling my into a hug.

"When did you get here and when were you planing to tell me?" I questioned pulling away.

"We just got here I'm surprised Nash didn't tell you, I texted him last night saying the flight landed this morning."

"What do you mean we?" I asked confused.

"LEXI!" A girl voice screamed behind me.

Turning around I found Taylor with a couple smoothies in her hands.

"Taylor!" I screamed back, pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

"I've missed you." She replied, hugging me back and handing Jacob the drinks.

"Why did I have no clue you were coming?"

"Oh I wanted it to be a surprise and asked Nash and Hayes not to tell you." She explained.

"Oh well let's go back to the house then." I suggested, picking up my drink for the counter.

"Guys Lexi and Jacob are here!" I screamed as we walked into the house.

All the boys came from different rooms and greeted them.

"Taylor!" Hayes yelled excitedly and ran over to her.

"Hi bud." She said hugging him.

"Okay Hayes you can let go now, this little obsession you have with Taylor is creepy." I laughed, he pulled away blushing.

"Aww I think it's cute." She smiled, pinching his cheek making him blush even harder.

"I'm ganna be in my room." He hurriedly said, running up the stairs.

"Alright well Taylor and I are ganna head up to my room." I said, pulling her up the stairs behind me and over towards my room.

We walked through the room and headed towards the balcony. I shut the door behind us and walked over to the lounge chairs.

"Where'd you get that beauty?" She asked motioning towards the my necklace.

"Cam got it for me, he kinda asked my out last night."

"Oh my god really?" She asked excitedly.

Laughing, I nodded and laid back on my chair.

"Yeah and I'm actually really excited about it, I never thought he'd actually like me." I smiled at the thought of it.

"Of corse he would have, and did you buy your plane tickets yet?" She asked.

Wait, plane tickets for what? I thought.

"Why would I need plane tickets?" I question genuinely confused.

"Ah because prom is in like a month." she said in a duh sort of tone.

"Holy shit I completely forgot." Prom has completely slipped my mind since I've been here.

"Yeah no shit you still need tickets and a dress."

"I'm not completely sure I'm going." I hesitantly said.

"What do you mean not going? It's prom Lexi you have to go! Now you have Cam to take you." She exclaimed.

"I don't want him to feel like he has to take me." I tried to explain.

"He should take you I mean he is your boyfriend now." She said looking out towards the beach.

"I guess you're right but he has no clue about it." I trailed off.

"Oh he will I kinda have Jacob down there talking about it." She smirked at me.

"Seriously Taylor." I laughed, throwing one of the couches pillows at her.

"Alright well I'm going to take a shower now and maybe we can go dress shopping in a few days?" I suggested.

"Yeah that sounds good I'm ganna go downstairs with the guys now and try to take a nap." She said, getting up.

"Alright, can you tell Cameron I'll be down soon."

She nodded and headed through the door and down stairs.

Also getting up, I walked into the room and over to my dresser pulling out some black soffee shorts a tank top.

"Hey babe." Cam said, coming up behind me and snaking his arms around my waist.

"Hi" I said turning around and doing the same thing.

"Where you about to take a shower?" He questioned.

"Yeah I'm kinda gross after that run." I explained.

"Can I join you?" He asked with a smirk.

"No you creep." I laughed lightly trying to push away.

"Aw why?" He pouted.

"Because my brothers and all our friends are down stairs." I actually pushed out of his grip now.

"Fine then. I'll just wait out here." he went and jumped on my bed.

"You do that." I answered, walking into the bathroom.

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