《Skinny (Cameron Dallas fanfic)》2.


After me and Cam got back, I decided to go to my room to change and watch a movie while the boys do their stuff. i was snuggled under a warm blanket when I got a text.

Nash: hey lex, the boys and I are ganna grab something to eat wanna come with?

Lexi: no thanks im not really hungry im just ganna stay back

Nash: you sure? i havent seen you eat anything sice we got here

Lexi: im fine really don't worry about me

Nash: um well okay.. but Carters ganna stay with you he'll be there soon

Lexi: why's he not going?

Nash: hes not hungry and cuz im not leaving my little sister alone in a hotel

Lexi: nash seriously im like 10 minutes younger then you

Nash: i dont care hes staying i will check on you when we're back bye

Sighing I threw my phone across the couch and went to unlock the door for Carter.

"Hey." he said walking in and sitting on the couch.

"Hey how come you didn't go with them?" I asked sitting on the other side.

"I wasn't really hungry and Nash was freaking out about leaving you by yourself any way wanna watch a movie?" he asked flipping through the TV channels

"Sure." I responded slipping back into the blanket.

"You cold?" he questioned looking at me. Nodding I snuggled more into the fluffy blanket.

"Come here." he said pulling me into his side and wrapping the blanket around both of us, "better?"

"Much you're really warm." I replied resting my head on his shoulder.

It was about halfway through the movie and I was getting really tired. I was going to ask Carter to leave but I'm way too comfortable. Shutting my eyes I fell asleep


"Carter out now." a voice said waking me up. Looking towards the door I saw Nash, Hayes and Cameron,

"What?" he asked sitting up and stretching.

"Carter just leave now before Nash get angrier." Hayes said stepping forward and grabbing me off the couch.

"Ah okay? I'll see you guys later then bye Lexi" he said waving as he walked out the door.

"Lexi what the hell was that!" Nash asked in a very angry voice.

"Nothing we fell asleep watching a movie don't over react." I sleepily mumbled jumping into my bed.

"Don't overreact? Lexi you were sleeping cuddled up next to one of my best friends who you don't even know. I think I have to right to overreact." he stated pacing around the room.

"Well nothing happened so no you don't now I'm going to bed." I pulled the blanket over my head.

The next morning I woke up did my hair and makeup then changed into some yoga legging and a flowy tank top. Slipping on my flip flops I grab my phone a walk down to the boys room to see if Nash is still mad.

"Hey boys." I said plopping down next to Hayes on his bed. He smiled at my but Nash completely ignored me and walked out of the room.

"He's still mad about last night." Hayes said sitting up and slipping on a shirt.

"Why though?"

"Because he found you and his friend cuddling under a blanket sleeping together now come on lets go get breakfast." Hayes said slipping the room key in his pocket.

"I'm not hungry." I stated

"Lexi you didn't eat anything yesterday so you have to eat now let's go." he demanded heading for the door and we made our way towards the dining room thing.


I only grabbed a muffin and a protein shake then went to go and sit with the rest of the boys at the table. Everyone was there except for Nash he must really be mad at me. Sighing I took a seat next to Cam and Jack G.

"Is that all you're going to eat?" Cam asked looking down at me. My stomach was telling me no but the little voice was telling me yes.

"Yeah I'm not that hungry." I lied again.

"Come on Lex you gotta eat more than that here have some eggs." he said giving me a scoop.

"Thanks." I said eating my breakfast trying to keep it all down.

"I'm just going to the bathroom I'll be right back." I said almost sprinting to the nearest one and slamming the door shut.

I kneeled down in front of the toilet and stuck my finger down my throat. Making myself throw up all the food made me feel so much better.


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