《Lusting for you-completed》Chapter 27


Glints of the morning sun peeping through the curtains lit upon Lucian in his slumber. I blinked irritably at the bright light and turned to face Lucian fully. Raising my head from his chest I rested on the pillow by his head.

Tracing every feature with my famished eyes I wondered at just how beautiful he was. Then the sounds of an active farm pervaded the room rousing Lucian to wake.

"Was that a chicken?" He asked in amazement.

"A rooster," I corrected him straight faced.

" Oh."

" I have never been on a farm before, " he murmured agreeably.

" Noted."

" Are you laughing at me?"

"You'll know. ...when I am laughing, " I managed admirably to contain my mirth.

I rolled off the bed and webt to relieve myself. Showering in the morning was refreshing. So I scrubbed hard at non-existent dirt and then freshly clean I dressed and went to join the rest at breakfast.

Lucian was already down staring awkwardly at my mum and dad. Did I mention that they hated him?

"You didn't mention that he was coming, " murmured mum not quite so hush hushed. I threw Lucian an apologetic smile even knowing that he would have heard any way even if mum had whispered.

" I was only being polite when I invited him," I lied as I hadn't actually invited him. "I didn't think he would accept. " I shrugged at my mum. I didn't want my week with them to be in a turmoil because of Lucian.

"He even volunteered to help milk the cows," I said facetiously avoiding looking at Lucian.

I caught mum's knowing glint. She caught on to what I was about. I bit back a sly grin when she said seriously, " Well we do need help with the milking. "


" And the mucking, " volunteered my dad from behind his paper. I raised my hands to cover my mouth at the burst of laughter that errupted from it. I never thought I'd see the day Lucian would be reduced to mucking the stalls where we kept our ranch horses.

But Lucian appeared unperturbed by all the scheming we were doing at his expense. Instead he shook out the business section of the paper and sat opposite dad biting into his toast. He didn't usually eat. Only to keep up appearance. I was glad he made the effort for my family.

I hurried about helping mum oyt in the kitchen while she baked fresh scones. We ate them piping hot fresh from the oven with a dribble of jam and a dollop of butter. I felt fat just sinking my teeth into it but it was so worth it.

Lucian and I headed out right after. I led him to the cow shed and handed him a pail. We had just three cows. Only two were milking. So there was no need for machines and stuff. Good old fashioned milking is what was needed. I showed Lucian the hows and watched him get it right at the first attempt.

I marvelled at the ease with which he managed to milk the cow. He looked as if he'd been doing it hos whole life.

"It was mum's idea to keep the life stock. Dad was only keen on the gardening. But their combined efforts make them almost entirely self sufficient. Veg, fruits and herbs all home grown. Free range poultry and all natural milk. Mum and dad have their retirement cut out for them ... in real work."

I shook my head at Lucian thinking about my parents incredulously. At this age when they should be relaxing on some round the world cruise they've instead gone all out on this bizarre lifestyle. They weren't broke. They didn't need to stumble about the farm doing daily chores but they seem to want it for some reason.


Lucian let me talk. Vent my frustrations over their actions and my helplessness to deter them from their set path. It was the first time I have spoken so freely with him sharing my worries and concerns. He was as usual mostly silent but when he did speak. What he said mattered.

"Their your parents. They spent half their lives raring you so you could one day stand on your own two feet. They have earned the right to go off the bend on this if that is what they want. Don't judge them," he murmured softly before heading off to muck out the stalls.

I lifted the two pails filled to the brim in milk and tried not to spill on my way back to the house. His words playing in my mind. Spell binding me even more in his unique appeal.

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