《Sessions With Love ² ✓》Chapter 5



|Tonight is the night|


It only took losing seven fingers and agonizing pain to make him tell me where she is and now that I have the location where she is there is nothing standing in my way of getting the woman that I love. I smirk when I walk out of the basement, my clothes bloody as well as the rest of my body. I did not kill him, not yet anyway. However he will get what is coming for him soon enough. And if his information is wrong then he will pay for it with his life and I will enjoy every second of it.

Not even caring about the blood on my body I go up to Ace and tell him to get the men ready. Tonight we're getting her back and when that happens I will kill every single one of them to have her in my arms once again. In only a matter of hours Leanna will be mine again and no one will take her away from me. I walk to my bedroom where I take a shower and change out of these clothes, put on a bulletproof vest and taking all the guns that I own.

Preparing to attack will take time but the clock is only striking one in the afternoon and there is plenty of time and yet time passes slower than ever. Without Leanna by my side time is nothing more than a useless obstacle that is in my way and I want it gone. Unfortunately I can't shoot it down, as much as I would, it is impossible to do so. I walk out of my room with every single gun checked and loaded and in a secure spot on my body.

Some are well enough hidden that no one would even find them on me. Some are visible but only I can remove them from their spots. The newest technology for guns is only mine and none of them will ever suspect a thing. Not even my men know of the newest one for I never truly know whom to trust but myself. Ace is not even aware of it and I intend to keep it that way. A wise businessman does not share his ideas until he has successfully eliminated all those below him and his competitors.

"They're going to be ready for us, but we have to be more prepared" I tell Ace as I see that he's also suiting up to be in this war that has been going on for some time. The moment that she was taken from me was the same moment that they declared war but they don't know that I will be the one that wins this war. Hell will freeze before I allow anyone to best me in the things that I do best and never will I surrender myself to anyone.

He chuckles. "You talk like this is our first rodeo" He says and grins at me. I nearly roll my eyes at him but know that whenever he's afraid he directs it into jokes and other matter of sarcasm which he enjoys to make. But, I know him well enough to know that he's trying to act braver than he is, still Ace is my right-hand man and he is the one that I trust the most, that is after myself but there are things that he can't know and will never know.

I'm not the leader for nothing and if I don't have secrets then I would be a lousy one. "They will be trained, and who knows where they will keep her. We will be at a disadvantage because in that place there might be millions of escape ways but that is where I come in" I say and I find myself. I grew up in a house that had secrets passageways and since then I've become skilled in finding places where there are opening and hallways that are used for escape, finding her will be like a child's play.


And she's the toy that I'm desperate to get back and yet she's not even a toy at all. She's mine. "When we get her back I'm going to have to meet the woman that has you so whipped" He says and laughs while I can only glare at him. If he is in the same room as Leanna, he will definitely do something flattering or he will flirt with her, and he will most likely do things that will make me see red and want to kill him right where he stands.

However, I might just let her attack him herself, I've seen how violent she can become and she will kill anyone who touches her if she feels the need for it which makes her even more beautiful, on the inside and outside. Her mind works in the best way possible and I love that about her. I love that she's like that, different and joyful and deadly but still at the same time she's innocent and kind. "I doubt she will want to meet you" I tell him in full honesty, who knows how she will react?

We get into the car and he chuckles when I had said that. "I'm the handsome one, who wouldn't want to meet me?" He asks, but it was not a question that was meant to be answered. "I can think of few" I tell him even when he was not looking for an answer. He glares at me but I pretend not to see it. The car starts and I smirk with a wicked smirk for soon all of them will be dead by my feet and she will be back in my arms where she belongs and no one will ever take her away from me. The war may not have begun to today but this night will be the one that I will end it all.


Waking up the next morning with a smile on my face but when I look at the clock I realize that it's not even morning at all but the afternoon. I laugh. How funny. I slept too long but we watched Titanic two times which is a long time and then I was so tried that I just could not stay awake any longer. But Adam told me that he had to stay awake since that something happened. He did not tell me but he only said that someone has been taken away.

I don't know what it means but if it were some of those evil people that deserve to die then it is all right to me because at least they are gone now and I don't have to worry about. But, it would be better if I were the one that would bash their skulls. I laugh to myself. Bash... I'm hilarious. I look around but all I can do is watch the clock by as I wait for someone to help me to the bathroom. I don't like that I can't stand up and go there myself because of the handcuffs that I wish that I did not have to have on.

I wish the sun could be here to shine on me and tell me that the day is here since everything is so boring without the sun, the sun is the only thing that keeps the planet alive. Without the sun there is no life and when the sun dies then we will all die since the sun is the life itself and I love the sun. I love playing out the in sunlight but here I can't be in the sunlight. I want to be out in the sun and swim in the ocean and with Silas by my side and then I would read to him.


I still have to finish that book, he doesn't know how it is going to end and I'm sure he's starting to get frustrated that he can't know how it ends. And it doesn't feel the same if I'm not there to read it to him. I make everything better for him. The door to the room opens, finally. I've been lying here for so long and I really need to pee, like really need to. Adam walks inside with a look of horror on his face but he tries to hide it from me.

"Lea, today we're going to play a different game than normally. Think you're up to it?" He asks me and I give him smile and nod my head. "As long as I win I could do anything" I tell him but he already knew that. He uses a key and removes the chains and then he helps me into the bathroom where I do my business and when I'm done he helps me onto the bed once again. "What kind of a game is it?" I asks him and he lets out a chuckle but it is one where I know that he's hiding something.

What isn't he telling me? I think he's afraid. Always when Adam is afraid he doesn't speak about it until the very last minute. He once cried in my lap as he told me about his fear of losing me, that he would not be able to live without me. "It's hide-and-seek but this time we're going to be on the same team" He tells me and I gaps. "I like hide-and-seek" I tell him. The last time we played it I hid so well that he could not even find me and even gave up.

Maybe that is why he wants to be on my team now since now he can't lose, that makes so much sense now. "I know" He says to me. "But, this hide-and-seek works like this; we are going to hide somewhere that no one can find us and then there are going to be hundreds and hundreds of men around here that are going to be searching for us and they are going to be pretending to be the bad guys with guns and pretend that they want to hurt us. Do you understand?" He asks me and I nod my head.

"I don't think that there are many people against just us two. How can we win?" I ask him and he can only laugh. "That is simple, all we have to do is make sure that they won't find us and if we hide long enough they will go away and we will win. I told you it was going to be a different kind of a game" He says to me and he's not lying to me about that, it is a different kind of game but I told him that he needed to make his life more interesting and perhaps this is his way of doing that.

I laugh. "I think it will be fun but where will we hide?" I ask him and he smirks but somehow I feel as if his smirk is isn't something. I know Adam and he rarely smirks like that and it can only mean that there is something that he's not telling me and that makes me mad. "You'll know soon enough. Come, it's time that we prepare for it" He tells me but I only give him a confused look. "Prepare?" I ask him and he laughs. "If we want to win we have to be prepared, right?" He asks.

"Oh, that makes sense" I say and he holds the chain that is connected to the handcuffs and he starts to lead me out of the room like he always does. I wish that I could break these handcuffs, it would be so much better. But, I have tried and it only hurt my wrists and Adam said that I sprained them and I had to wear this strange thing on my wrists for some time until it become back to normal. He told me to never tried that again or I will only hurt myself again but I like feeling pain, I like it very much.

I don't know why but I liked feeling the pain run through my whole body as if it was in waves but I would like it even more if other people were bleeding for I love painting everything with blood. It's the prettiest color in the world. I once liked all the colors in the world but now blood-red is the best one... but unicorn color is still one of the best ones. No one can top that and unicorns are the best. Adam is taking me down the hallways and there are a lot of people running around everywhere.

Always going into some directions and doing something strange, holding these very large guns and putting on these vests that make them look fat. Honestly, they do. All of them look like they're about to die and they're angry I think. They certainly need to go to therapy but first they have to get arrested so that I could be their therapist and they could be my patients. How fun would that be? We could all be together and then I could end them all. I smile wickedly as I think of their deaths, it will be marvelous.

I can't wait for that to happen and when it does happen I will have the widest smile on my face like never before. I sigh as I'm still in these handcuffs and Adam is pretty strong and he can prevent me from doing anything, he has done it so many times before. It's rather annoying actually but he's Adam, he's a trainer and really strong. "Where are we going?" I ask him.

He turns to look at me. "I know the best place to hide, no one will ever find us there" He tells me. I'm not convinced. Adam is horrible at hide-and-seek and I doubt that he will be able to find a hiding spot that is good enough to hide us and even then are so many people trying to find us, so I think we're going to lose and that makes the smile on my face turn upside down into this frown which I can't help but put on, hopefully he will see it on my face.

Suddenly he stops right in his tracks but when I notice that we're by a dead end I'm confused. Are we supposed to stand by the wall? Because that is going to be very boring. "Here we are" He speaks but that doesn't make any sense at all. I don't get it. He turns to look at me and smiles at me before he takes something out of his pocket. A small remote. Is there a TV around here? I look at the wall but there isn't any. That's a shame. He then presses a button and I gasp when I see it happen.

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