《Psychopath. (bwwm) ✓》7. boys and football
"Are you coming to the game?" Jackson asked as he walked into my room the next afternoon. It was Thursday and Friday would be the first game of their football season as well.
Looking up from the Biology book that laid open on my bed, I clicked my pen closed and raised an eyebrow, "I'm studying, so I don't think so." I drawled sarcastically before looking back down and reading over the same line I'd been reading before.
'A Punnett Square is used to define the probable phenotypes- physical traits- using the genotypes of the male and female-'
"Oh, haha smartass. No need for all of that Em, you know that I was talking about tomorrow," my annoying brother interrupted again as I focused more on the book.
Flipping the page, I closed the textbook, leaving my pen in to save the page, "I'm trying not to fail biology again, Jackson. It would help if you'd kindly stop harassing me about watching a bunch of guys parade around in skin tight clothes and shoulder-pads," I mocked.
"Em, please? It's the first game of the season; if you come, I promise that you don't have to come to another." Jackson pleaded, gritting his teeth. His face contorted into one of pain.
He wasn't used to asking anyone for anything.
"If you result to groveling, I might just say yes," I said, shrugging and averting my gaze to my book which I was tempted to open again.
I had homework; I had a lot of homework due the next Monday and surely a football game would mess up the balance; I couldn't afford to fail Biology again.
Soon enough, Jackson was on his knees, sucking up his pride and clasping his hands together, "I'd get on one knee, sister dear but I'm not a fan of incest-ual marriage," he mocked, jokingly, "Will you please, please, please come to the stupid football game ? I don't even care if you bring a friend. Just please come and support your little brother whom you love forever and ever."
Raising an eyebrow, I held back my laughter, "Don't you have friends to support you?"
He snorted, raising both his necessarily bushy eyebrows at me, in retaliation "What do I look like asking a bunch of guys to come watch me play football?"
"Hm," I pretended to think it over, "You look like you're sleeping in the closet. Remember, Jan is still available." I teased, sticking my tongue out at him and plugging my earphones into my iPod, glaring when he pulled it away.
"No," Jackson said monotonously.
I growled, "He is way out of your league, though."
The veins seemed to be popping out of his forehead as he let his hands drop to his sides, "I'm straight."
"Straight as a circle."
Groaning, he stood up, "Shut up, stupid."
Opening my textbook, I started highlighting key words in my notes, "You're stupid."
I could practically hear his glare and the venom seeping into his words as he snatched my highlighter away and pushed it in his back pocket, "Your face is stupid."
Rubbing my temples, I attempted to read more but was distracted by Jackson tapping his foot on the floor repeatedly.
Tap, tap, tap.
'If one trait is dominant...'
Tap, tap.
'If one trait is dominant, it will overpower the recessive trait-'
'It will overpower the recessive trait, causing the offspring to receive-'
"Tappity, tap, tap. Flapity, flap, flap-"
I will not get annoyed.
Ignore him, Emerson.
Jackson, spoke louder, poking my shoulder repeatedly and slapping the top knot that lay on top of my head, "Hey, Em..."
I heard his sharp intake of breath before he yelled loud enough for them to hear him in Ireland, I'm pretty sure the walls rattled a bit, "I'm talking to you, Em!"
"What? You you want my book as well?" I yelled back, slamming the book closed and throwing an unused workbook at him, it flying past and into the hallway as he dodged it.
He simply smiled before opening is mouth, singing really loud and really off key.
"Party girls don't get hurt..."
And then he started doing the worm as I sat there eyes wide, mouth gaping, face contorted in discomfort, "Can't feel anything when will I learn? I push it down, push it do-o-own nananana..."
Closing my eyes when he started pelvic thrusting, I resisted the undying urge to vomit, "Ugh, just get the hell out, I have homework."
Jackson ignored my internal dying and the fact that he was singing like a blubbering tone-deaf walrus was making it even harder on my eardrums, "Something something, I'm gonna swing from the chandelier! From the chandeli-ier"
Then he started shrieking.
"Jackson!" I screamed but he had his eyes shut tight as he attempted to sing even louder, my eardrums bleeding, "Jackson! Shut up!"
This stopped him abruptly, "Come to the game."
Slamming a pillow over my head, I grunted, "No."
"Fine, be like that," he scowled before inhaling loudly and starting again.
"Stop before the neighbors call the police you complete and utter pain in my-"
"I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist! Like it doesn't exist!"
I could practically hear the smirk in his scratchy and croaking voice, "I'm gonna fly like a bird-"
"I'll tell mom about those special DVDs under your bed!"
He pouted, "Fuck you," he said in resentment before plopping down on my bed, laying his back on top of my Psychology textbook and appearing unfazed by the sharp edges sticking his back, "For realzys? You won't come and support your own brother for one game?"
Lifting my foot, I pushed him off the bed and onto the floor where he lay, "No."
"Emerson Be-"
"Don't you dare say it."
Shooting up from the floor, he smirked before stretching out the syllables of my dreaded middle name, "Be-a-trice!" he said, waggling his finger and moving his head to the beat.
"I hate you."
He smiled, standing in front if the door and crossing his arms, "Come to the game."
He pouted, "Please?"
Blinking at me with doe eyes, he clasped his hands together, "Pretty please?"
"Hell no."
"Pretty please with cherries on top?"
I shrugged, "Sure."
"No fair!"
"Life's unfair."
"Your face is unfair!"
"You're an imbecile."
"Your face is an imbecile!"
"That doesn't even make any sense!"
"Your face doesn't make any sense..."
"Oh, the hostility."
Standing up, I stomped over to him before pushing his tall, lanky frame out of the room and into the hallway. Grinning widely, I slammed the door in his face.
As I laid back on my bed, I smiled when I heard Jackson clear his throat before whining, "Does this mean you're not coming?"
Smirking, I plugged my earphones in and got back to work.
It was Friday, the day of the big game and also the first day that I'd be forced to sit next to Oliver for the lunch period. For some odd reason, my palms were a little sweaty, my smile fake, and I was biting my lips every two seconds.
"Are you okay?" Sidney asked, smirking a bit as she bit into her apple.
Nodding sheepishly, I squeezed my eyes shut for a brief moment, hoping that this wasn't reality. Sid's warm hands rested on my shoulders and squeezed mockingly.
"Do you want to back out?"
"I'd rather lick the inside of a city bus."
Kat's face scrunched up in disbelief and disgust, "ew."
By now, it wasn't even about the five dollars, it never really was... It was just that I didn't turn down a dare. I wasn't scared of anything Sid could dish out and I wanted to prove that fact.
But right then, I'd have run if it wouldn't make me look juvenile.
"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Kat asked after a moment of silence.
Once again, Phoenix was a no-show so Kat was left to sit with us for girl time. And let's just say that when she didn't have her body attached to his, she was a great friend.
"Hell yeah," I defended sharply, the adrenaline and anger that they'd doubt me, fueling my words.
Kat rolled her pretty brown eyes before flipping beachy brunette waves over her shoulder, "Just saying."
Sid raised her eyebrows at me, "Why are you still here then? Girl, go be with the love of your life."
I rolled my eyes but decided not to comment on that. If I denied it, she'd think it was even more true,"You still haven't completed your part."
Sidney shrugged, grabbing a piece of paper and jotting down her address and phone number. Standing up, she flashed me a condescending smile before skipping over to Luca, her long tresses flowing behind her. She was wearing a skater skirt for the first time ever and I have to admit, she looked hot.
His entire table went quiet with seeing Sidney, her hair down in loose waves and fake confidence displayed on her face.
But I knew Sid, inside, she was sweating buckets.
Sticking her finger under his chin, she pushed it upwards before smirking at him, "you're going out with me tomorrow night."
His blue eyes widened as he glanced around at the looks of shock on his friends' faces along with the smirks of the guys from the next table over.
Someone wolf whistled which made his ears turn a bright red and caused him to stutter in his reply, "Is this a... d-date?"
"Of course babe, why are you so surprised?"
He gulped, "you're asking me on a date? And you look like," he gestured to her body, "that..."
"One, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. I don't take no for an answer. And two, I've always had a thing for a guy who blushes."
The cafeteria seemed to have quieted down before someone yelled out, "I've been trying to bang her for months; what does she see in that foreign kid?"
Luca blushed, averting his gaze to the table causing Sidney to chuckle; leaning down, she brushed her lips across his cheek and to his ear before whispering something and sticking the note in his hand.
I briefly heard a sharp intake of breath as she retracted from him before winking and then retreating back to our table. Plopping down, she gave me a look, "and that's how it's done."
How can I follow that? I thought as I stood up.
I wasn't afraid.
Sure, I wanted to launch myself out of the window-wall thing, and then bury myself in dead leaves but I wasn't afraid.
"Go get 'em tiger!" Sidney smacked my butt as she yelled, loud enough for the entire cafeteria to hear her, causing heads to turn our way. And as I looked up, my eyes caught with colorless and emotionless ones, although the slight smirk on his face was creeping across his flawless skin.
Kat facepalmed, groaning from the annoyance and embarrassment that was inching up her skin.
Sid just smirked when I'd glowered at her.
"Hi..." I greeted, slumping down in the chair across from Oliver and plucking an apple off his plate. His black locks were tousled unusually. I mean, sure his hair was messy but he always had it looking up to par at school. He was wearing a black t-shirt and some faded and ripped jeans, I didn't pay attention to his shoes but I was pretty sure they were a pair of converse.
He shrugged in response.
"How's your day going?"
He shrugged again.
Casting is eyes down at his phone, he glared at the thing before picking it up and replying to the message that showed up on the screen.
Scrolling through his phone, nonchalantly, he rolled his eyes before placing it back on the table and tapping it irritably on it's back as if he were burping his baby.
"Nice case," I commented as I stared at the forest green and white strips that lay atop his face down iPhone 4, "you like the Celtics?" I asked staring at a stray lock of hair that had fallen.
He just furrowed his eyebrows before shaking his head, "not really into sports."
I nodded, "me neither, I like photography more."
Reaching over, I reunited the hair that had fallen in front of his eye, back to the rest of his hair before he flinched back. Harshly, pushing his own hand through his hair, his eyes turned colder than they were before.
Oliver remained silent before looking up at me through his charcoal grey eyes laced with a vibrant green. I was tempted to hug him. I don't even know why, I'm not a hugger but... Oliver Remmer seemed to be too cautious and saddened for his own good.
Steadying myself, I fiddled with the apple in my hands to keep myself from making him uncomfortable again. He obviously didn't like being touched.
"Yeah... Are you going to the game tonight?"
He grimaced and I realized that touching him might've gotten me on his bad side, "What part of 'not really into sports' didn't you understand?"
"You used to play football."
He shrugged as if that fact was an irrelevant as they come, "I hated it."
"Too much hitting and physical contact."
"What are you? A pacifist?" I mocked.
Then the most unexpected happened, a small smile crept up onto Oliver's face before he shook his head and laughed and I swear my mind stopped thinking and my heart stopped pumping for a second.
He smiled. Oh fuck that, he laughed.
And it fit him, it was a laugh that fit Oliver Remmer. It wasn't boisterous or obnoxious yet it wasn't quiet and mousy. It was a laugh that I wish I could stop and reverse time so I could hear it. And in the process of listening to his laugh, I'd carefully stopped fiddling with the apple and rested my hands in my lap.
And even though people hadn't stopped what they were doing like those cliché movies, I was aware of all the eyes on us. Oliver didn't care though, as he continued to speak, "You're something else, Emerson Riley."
"Is that a good thing or a bad?" I asked when I'd finally regained my will to speak as my name rolled so effortlessly from his tongue.
He shrugged, laying his arm on the table and giving me a brief smirk, "Depends on how you spin it."
His lips, I couldn't get my gaze off of them. They showed the happiness, the happiness he felt that his stormy-emerald eyes didn't show. They showed the happiness but they also showed the sadness that plagued over him every time his lips turned into a grimace and that ring gleamed.
As if he wasn't allowed to laugh or smile.
I wanted to know what he'd do if I kissed him.
"Come to the game with me tonight," I blurted out, trying to avert myself from staring. I'd not doubt already made him uncomfortable once in this conversation and nearly kissing him would worsen it.
He looked shocked, and slightly amused as he leaned back in the chair. He was smirking slightly, placing his hands on the table to steady him as he pushed his tongue over his lips, grazing his lip ring.
Damn it, why are you so hot?
This was before he opened his mouth, "Sorry, you're not my type."
My eyes widened, my face contorting in anger as I forced my eyes to stop lingering and my feelings to stop feeling things, "Oh, shut up. I wasn't asking you out on a date." I scoffed.
I couldn't help but feel a bit offended. I mean, he's only known me for days and he already thinks he knows my "type."
What type was I and why wasn't I, his?
"It sure sounded like one," he mocked, leaning over and plucking the apple off of my napkin that I'd also stolen from him.
Biting into the apple, he smiled a little with full cheeks before swallowing and putting it back where he'd found it.
"Just come to the game with me."
And as the bell rang, he stood once again as I followed him to the waste disposal. Bucketing his trash, he smiled once again at the woman behind the steel counter and asked her, "Mary, how's the kids?"
"Just fine, Oliver. Thank you for your babysitting last week, you saved me and Rob a lot of money." the old woman smiled, her apple cheeks sitting high and hands in front of her as she smiled kindly.
"My pleasure," he said before putting his tray in the rack and turning around.
We were walking towards the doors, me coaxing him to go with me until, "Hey Oliver?" he turned around to 'Mary' as she continued to ask, "Do you mind babysitting again tonight?"
He thought for a moment, glancing at me briefly while I begged before he sighed. Shaking his head with a sympathetic smile, he answered, "Actually, I think I have plans, sorry."
She waved him off, "No problem, you have fun, you need it. I'll ask around."
And with that, we left the cafeteria.
"Does this mean you're coming?" I asked hopefully, pulling my bookbag straps on and giving a hopeful smile.
And that smile brightened when he'd sigh resigning. Kicking at the floor, he rolled his eyes before turning around and heading out the school doors with a grunt.
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