《BABYSITTER ༄ D.KS ✓》babysitter ༄ christmas edition
. Jung Ara's second favorite time of the year. After halloween, of course.
Maybe it was the festive lights that decorated Seoul in this chilly, exciting time; or maybe the fact that she felt so included, in love with the cohesion and closeness of everyone around her. Now that she'd finally got out of the tedious single—zone, Christmas was about to have a different meaning to her. That December marked a whole year and two months of dating her very snarky next door neighbor, the man who had an enviously cute daughter and knew how to make Ara smile every second he laid eyes on her. Extremely cringey and cliché, yes, but honestly it felt good that she enjoyed this rather than watch these stories unfold in TV shows and pray that it was her one day.
Last year, Ara spent her Christmas at her childhood home in Busan with her Mom and sister, Lia, which was a very momentous day indeed. The first Christmas with the absence of her loving Dad — lost in a very painful and upsetting fight against early onset Alzheimer's. They prayed, cried a little and painted smiles on their mourning face. At the end of the day, he was finally at peace and they should celebrate that.
This specific December was to be spent in the bustling Seoul, the first of hopefully many. Christmas Eve had emerged and Ara was more than excited to begin the celebrations as she sat cross–legged on the wooden tiles in her apartment, continuing to wrap the last of the presents.
"Kyungri better like this," she mumbled to herself as her nimble fingers worked through the Rudolf the Rednose Reindeer wrapping paper, finishing with a flourish of tape and piling it onto everyone else's gifts. "I spent an hour waiting in queue for this damned toy!"
Upon finishing the extensive gifts that had completely depressed her bank account yet looked really aesthetic piled together, Ara sat up and began scooping them all into a huge carrier bag which would be transported to across the hall where she would be spending her first Christmas with the Do's. It was pain hauling them through, but luckily the distance between the apartments were anything but lengthy so she found herself knocking on the door at practically midnight.
A slightly drowsy Do Kyungsoo opened the door, waking up a little to see the struggling Ara and grinning at her. "Nice timing, Santa."
"Shut up," she let herself in alongside the mound of presents, dropping them in the middle of the living room. "I've come! Bearing presents."
He feigned exaggerated gratitude, wrapping his arms around her like the small idiot he was. "You're the reason I still believe Santa exists."
"Get off me, child. It's midnight and I'm tired," Ara frowned jokily, hugging him back for a second before pulling away.
There was a neat plate of chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk placed on the coffee table; obviously the cute four year old's doing. Ara reminisced how her Mom and Dad used to encourage her and Lia to leave a plate of cookies and milk for Santa, and when they were both full grown teenagers, her parents revealed they both snacked on their hard work once the pair were asleep.
"Yeah, she's been doing this since she was two," Kyungsoo explained once seeing Ara was staring at it fondly. "Did your parents help you do this when you were young?"
She nodded, smiling forlonly. "Yeah...before my Dad got ill. Anyways, it's Christmas! Happy thoughts, you know?"
"I guess," he responded before ruffling Ara's messy hair and pulling her closer to him. "Merry Christmas!"
A pat on the face brought Ara out of her peaceful slumber. She opened her eyes slightly to see a playful Kyungri who began pinching her cheeks.
"It's Christmas," she breathed. "Santa left presents under the tree."
Waking up fully after adjusting to the bright light slipping through the curtains, Ara yawned. She could get used to this Santa term. "Is that right? Shall we go and see?"
Kyungri nodded excitedly before grabbing Ara's hand from under the covers. "Yes! I want to open my presents."
From beside Ara, a still snoozing Kyungsoo heard this and forced himself awake. "Guys, it's like night time. I'm still trying to sleep!"
The clock pinging with every move the dial made displayed that it was past eight in the morning. Kyungri noted this, crawling towards her father's side of the bed and shaking him.
"It's morning! Look!" She pointed to the clock. "C'mon, please wake up!"
He sat up groggily, rubbing his eyes and picking up his glasses on the bedside table. "Ah, I see."
Kyungri immediately began grinning before jumping off the bed and leaving the room to probably wait at the living room. The chances of her sitting in front of the presents eagerly was high. Ara yet again yawned and stretched, quickly swiping through the messages of her family and friends wishing her a merry Christmas, turning back to the equally tired Kyungsoo.
"Taeyeon should be coming later," she mumbled, trying to hide a grin at Kyungsoo's slightly clueless face. It was taking him a while to adjust to reality.
He nodded innocently whilst skimming a hand through his dark hair. "Great. Let's go before Kyungri breaks all of the presents."
"Way ahead of you."
It took an hour until the trio were finally ready to open the presents. Namely Ara's achingly long shower and Kyungsoo spending an unnecessary amount of time trying out a new mouthwash flavor. Kyungri sat in the living room, clapping her hands when the two arrived. She picked up the first present: a sizeable rectangle box shaped gift covered in stripey wrapping with her name on the little label. Opening it swiftly, it revealed the new doll she'd always wanted.
Without hesitation, she hugged the box and turned to the couple. "Thank you!"
Kyungsoo shook his head whilst bringing an arm around Ara. "Don't thank me, it was Ara. She waited ages for the doll."
"It was nothing," she muttered, a little happy that her effort was credited. She leaned closer to him, her heart absolutely full with the joy of making Kyungri happy. It reminded her of her own Christmas with her parents and sister. After Kyungri opened up all of her presents, she whisked away into the confines of her bedroom to try out her new gifts. Leaving the two left to open up theirs.
First Ara opened her gifts. A new mug designed with a photo of her and Kyungri from a day out, the present specifically from the four year old. She squealed at the cuteness of it and swore it would be the only mug she'll use for the rest of her life. A charm bracelet given by Taeyeon, some festive pajamas, alcohol set and other trivial gifts from the guys. She snorted especially at the alcohol. Kyungsoo got a load of gifts also; his Mom buying him a pair of shoes, and one of his friends, Chanyeol, bought him a really small toy to signify his shortness. He frowned as he studied it, throwing it onto the sofa.
"Even Christmas couldn't shield me from being made fun of," he sighed in a jokey sense. He wasn't really mad, just humiliated.
"Anyways, open up my present!" Kyungsoo proceeded to open Ara's gift, revealing a watch.
"I thought it would be better to wipe away the memories of Juhyun being your wife, in a non jealous way," Ara explained after he picked up the very expensive looking present. "Apart from Kyungri, of course. It just made me feel awkward that even when she isn't here, she's here, if you get me."
She was referring to the gold watch he'd always sported since being married to Juhyun. Kyungsoo found it utterly adorable that Ara thought over these kinds of things, even when he told her about the watch during their first months of dating. He left a small peck on her lips sweetly whilst picking up his gift to her.
He handed Ara a small box which made her assume it was a ring inside. He'd better not be proposing, she thought as her hands worked through prising open the perfectly wrapped gift. Inside of it was a black felt box, again feeding the suspicion of a ring. Please no, please no, please no.
She was way off.
There was a necklace with a heart pendant in the middle, and when Ara discovered you could open the pendant, inside was an old photo of Ara and her Dad. They were both smiling contently at the camera, Ara being at least fifteen at that point with her black hair and no makeup face. This was the year her Dad got sick, and the last holiday the family embarked on before he was too ill to even leave the house. She let out a choked sob as her eyes misted over the beautiful picture, covering her face with a shaky hand.
"Your Mom gave me the picture," he whispered. "And I thought this could be a way of him being with you always."
Ara couldn't even respond with the surge of tears spurting out of her eyes, but her response was enough. Hugging her as close as he humanely could, Kyungsoo gently rubbed her back and smoothed her soft hair down. He knew that even though it's been a year since her Dad died, the pain would always stay fresh.
"Thank you," she sniffled on his shoulder, struggling to stop the tears. "I love that you did this for me, and I love you."
"I love you too, Ara," he answered immediately, a response he'd never have to think about. "Merry Christmas."
A whole group of people surrounded the flat screen TV situated on the wall of Kyungsoo's living room. They all watched, wide–eyed, as a classic Christmas movie blared out. None of them moved an inch. Ara, still feeling sensitive and sentimental from earlier, sat comfortably in the arms of Kyungsoo, her head resting on his shoulder and arms circled around him as he played delicately with her hair. The others assumed something was up with her, but were all too respectful to ask outright. Kyungri was sound asleep on the sofa, chocolate smothered around her face from a pre–dinner snack.
"Why does the dog always have to die?" Chanyeol broke the long held silence with a sniff, wiping his eyes. "Kill the man, I don't care, but not the dog!"
Ara shifted slightly from her place on the sofa, causing Kyungsoo to move too in order to adjust. "That's not very nice."
"I don't care," he responded in quickfire. "Animals are much better than us."
"Speaking of animals, the turkey should be done now," Kyungsoo interrupted while standing up and heading to the kitchen where the traditional Christmas turkey was roasting in the oven.
"That movie made me a newfound vegetarian," Chanyeol stayed adamant before taking a whiff of the turkey now out of the oven. "On second thoughts, maybe I'll become vegetarian tomorrow?"
Ara stepped into the kitchen also to watch her undeniably cute boyfriend tackle a massive turkey. He concentrated carefully on making it look and taste as good as possible, his tongue peeking out like it usually did. She leaned on the kitchen door with a glass of water, waiting for him to clock on that she was there.
He did after a few seconds, wiping his hands on the table cloth beside him and facing her. "I should put a bell on you."
"Then I wouldn't ever be able to sneak up on you," Ara rebutted as she took cautious steps closer. "That wouldn't be fun."
"Fun for you," Kyungsoo corrected tactfully, also edging closer to the grinning girl. He softly wrapped his arms around her waist, his chin fitting perfectly on the curve of her shoulder. "If the turkey gets cold, it's on you."
Ara automatically hugged back with arms around his neck and blew out air in a sigh. "I accept responsibility if the food isn't up to scratch."
"Can we just fucking eat without you guys acting all touchy?" Chanyeol stomped into the kitchen, looking fake annoyed, and grabbing onto the tray holding the turkey. Sadly, whilst making his point he forgot to realize that the tray was piping hot. Dropping the tray on the floor alongside the amazing food, he shouted. "You guys are trying to sabotage me, right?"
Unlatching his arms from Ara, Kyungsoo slapped the tall guy's head. "You idiot. I just took it out of the oven." Scratching his head whilst staring at the now dropped food, he frowned. "What are we going to eat now?"
"It's okay. I'll order a pizza or something," Ara offered. She was still in the Christmas spirit and wasn't letting a hiccup ruin that.
Kyungsoo sighed. "Pizza shops don't do deliveries on Christmas."
"Then I'll collect it!" She replied cheerfully in contrast to his solemn tone. Whilst Kyungsoo was puzzled as to why she was acting so happy, she shrugged. "It's Christmas still. We shouldn't dwell on the mistakes and problems, but focus on the solutions."
She entered the living room to grab her coat and comfy boots so she could get everyone their food. They were beginning to get agitated since hunger was beginning to take over their rationale.
Upon entering the freezing cold air of December, she swore quietly to see there were flecks of pristine snow slowly washing down from the Seoul clouds. They landed carefully on her nose, perched on the top of her head and stung her already shaking hands. This Christmas spirit was beginning to wear off.
Placing her hands in the confines of her coat pocket, providing a means of heat, she walked quicker in order to prevent supposed frostbite from setting in. Although she wasn't going to die from the cold, it wasn't a pleasant experience.
As she stepped through the streets to the closest pizza shop, she spotted a figure coming toward her. She panicked at first as she couldn't quite decipher who this mystery person was approaching her due to the lack of light provided from the already set sun. But as the street lights shone in the person's face whilst they came closer, Ara gasped.
"Juhyun!" She uttered, the mentioned moving to hug the younger. "What are you doing here?"
Once the pair stopped hugging, Juhyun grinned. Still as beautiful as Ara remembered. "I'm back, finally. Left London and came back home. Where are you off to?"
"Getting some pizza."
Juhyun gave her a knowing look. "Chanyeol?"
"Yes! How'd you know?"
"C'mon, I've known the idiot for years. He must've done something," she explained as the two began walking. "You and Kyungsoo still a thing or am I awfully out of touch?"
Ara, slightly awkward, nodded. "He's great, honestly."
"Yup. He's the best," Juhyun replied, sounding a little melancholic. She stared in the distance for a while before continuing. "He always knows how you're feeling. Asks about your day, comforts you when you're feeling sad. You don't even need to tell him that you're upset because he just knows."
Ara really didn't know what to say afterwards. She didn't want to add onto what Juhyun was saying in fear that she would be bragging; knowing what had happened between the two before the wedding. "Yeah..."
A bench came to their line of vision, and even though the cold was almost unbearable, the two found themselves sitting down and resuming their intriguing conversation.
"How's Kyungri too? I feel like such a bad Mom for not even being here during Christmas. She probably hates me. Oh God."
"She misses you," Ara admitted. "But you're not an unfit Mom or anything. You guys still video call regularly. Trust me, she still loves you."
Juhyun let out a sigh. "Hopefully. How's Kyungsoo also?"
Thinking about Do Kyungsoo and just his being always brought a smile to Ara's face. Juhyun secretly noted this, her heart warming. "He's good. Recently got a promotion at his job and we're currently looking for a new place to live. So yeah, time does fly."
"That's so amazing! You two really do suit. And I sincerely apologize for everything I've done at the run up to the wedding. My stupid, imperialist self couldn't handle other people's happiness. But being in London really helped me find myself, truly. I don't need a guy to make me happy. I just need good friends. And I pushed you away only because I didn't want to face the truth."
"So what did happen between you and Junmyeon, if it's okay that I ask?"
Juhyun pursed her lips. "After the honeymoon, the magic stopped. Reality kicked in. I was really unhappy. Alone, tired and slightly depressed. Junmyeon's a good person, really, but he's not my good person. Before marriage I only pulled him closer because I was scared to be alone. But it came to my realization it's because I've never been alone. And now, it's great."
"I also accepted that Kyungsoo and I were never meant to be," she continued slowly. "I thought I loved him. But I didn't. I was possessive and didn't like someone so important to me beginning to move on, which was selfish. And again, I'm sorry."
Ara shook her head and patted Juhyun's shoulder. "Don't apologize. It's the past, and it's Christmas! Time is designed for us to move on, because we can never turn back. So let's not turn back, okay?"
A geniune beam grew on Im Juhyun's symmetrical face, her eyes shining and skin glowing even with the darkness surrounding them. "Yeah. I agree."
"So what are you doing in this chilly Christmas night, hm?"
"Watching movies and probably cracking open a bottle of champagne."
"Well plans change, and you're coming over to see everyone, okay? There will be pizza!" Ara attempted to convince Juhyun, watching her face brighten.
After ages of more talking, the two edged their way to the pizza store, linking arms.
They arrived back to Kyungsoo's apartment, Ara opening the door with a pair of keys she'd acquired. The first thing she was met with was a strong hug from a certain individual based on the scent. The pizza boxes were almost squashed if it wasn't for Oh Sehun's quick response of snatching them out of her hands and opening it, the rest of the guys huddling around it like animals to prey.
Kyungsoo held on tightly, squeezing her and not even realizing the person beside her. Juhyun watched with a small pang of envy. But mostly admiration.
"I thought you died!" He squeaked once letting her go and giving her a panicked look. "You never answered your phone."
Ara frowned. "I must've left it on silent. Sorry."
"Don't scare me again," Kyungsoo finally exhaled, hugging her again and resting his head on her shoulder. "You're the only person in this cruel world, apart from Kyungri, that I actually care about."
"Kyungsoo, say hello to Juhyun," she hissed as he pulled away. Seeing his ex–wife made him immediately retract his arms and widen his eyes.
"Oh! I'm so sorry, Juhyun," he apologized profusely in embarrassment and guilt whilst giving her a hug. "I didn't realize you were back. The last time we spoke you were still in London."
"Yeah," she trailed off slightly to agree. "Time surely flies."
Kanu is a heroic fantasy in the shadows of legendary warriors such as Conan and Imaro. A young man hurled away from the safety and protection of his tribe into a world he never imagined. Haunted by nightmares that have plagued his mind since Birth Kanu travels the world searching for the voice inside his head hoping that he may one day know peace. As we know him now, he is an orphan bathed in blood barely escaping the grasp of madness but one day his name shall be spoken in timeless classics and sang of wherever libations may be had. [This is part of the June 2022 Community Magazine]
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Invader Zim >> Not Just a Defect <<
First of all, this is my first Invader Zim story. Second of all, I never even watched the show when it first came out, considering I thought I was too old to be watching a Nickelodeon TV show. It wasn't until a couple weeks ago when one of my favorite YouTubers, Saberspark, did a review on the new Invader Zim movie. He said a lot of good stuff about the show, and how much he love jt, so I decided to give it a try. I immediately started loving the show after watching the movie first (should have started with the TV show, but I wasn't thinking at the time and wanted to see ehh Saberspark liked it so much (>w>)) Anyway, this story will be taking place AFTER the movie, Invader Zim Enter the Florpus. It will be taking place a couple weeks, maybe a month, after the Florpus incident, so not much would have changed. Again, if you know the artist of the Cover Art used for this story, please tell me so I could credit them properly. Anyway, I hope you'll all enjoy this story as much a I will enjoy writing it (^v^/) (Don't worry I ask permission to post and share it's book it belongs to Veronika1930) https://www.wattpad.com/story/199046111-invader-zim-%E3%80%8Bnot-just-a-defect-%E3%80%8A
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Xavier and Nevah
Xavier isn't the happy little boy he used to be. At fourteen he turned to weed and alcohol just like his Abuelo and dad in the past. With bad friends and a siblings that hate the way he is, Xavier doesn't know how to be better. That is until he meets shy, quiet Nevah. His little sisters friend that stutters and blushes from embarrassment when talking. Her innocence pulls Xavier in. He knows what he thinks is wrong, he knows. Yet he can't seem to get the small, 4ft11 girl from his head. Maybe she's the better escape he's been looking for. ~~~~~~~My body held her captive between me and the wall. Both my hands by her head as I stared into her eyes. Never in my life did I think I'd go for a girl younger than me, but she drew me in. Her innocence is holding me captive like my body with her and the wall. Her chest heaved brushing against mine with ever inhale. Her light brown eyes staring into mine, glossed over. My eyes started to blur yet I didn't miss the tears falling down her soft cheeks. A hand of mine reached up making her flinch hard. More tears fell down her cheeks so I lifted my hand more, but slowly and wiped her tears with my thumb. "I will never harm you Nevah. Never." I whispered and pressed a small, soft kiss to her lips before walking away. What have I done? ~~~~~~~~Mature⚠️Please read all story's in order -daddy at fourteen -my dads best friend -Xavier and Nevah
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