《His innocent BiWi {Completed}》Part 1


"Kiss me Biwi..." murmured Krishna against her lips, but Shruthi is trying hard to move away from his clutches.

"Kiss me back dammit..." said Krishna, irritated by her irresponsiveness, he wanted to kiss her and taste every inch of her mouth but at the same time he wants her to react the same way.

Even though she is not responding to the way he expected he couldn't able to leave her, so he started kissing her, chewing her lower lip.. His hands were roaming around her body..he squeezed her tiny waist to which a groan escaped from her mouth, taking this as a chance his tongue entered her mouth and started exploring her mouth.

Krishna left her after he was satisfied and looked at her face breathing heavily which is expressionless and her eyes were filled with tears which are going to start flowing her cheeks.

Taking one look at her face, he left the room slamming the door shut.

As soon as Krishna left the room she dropped herself on the floor and started crying.

Krishna and Shruthi's parents are friends and also neighbors living in a small town near Mumbai. Venkat and Raman worked as a normal employees in a factory present in that town .When Krishna was 5 years old, Kamala gave birth to Shruthi both Jyoti and Kamala decided to convert their friendship to a relation. So, they decided to get Krishna and Shruthi married when they are of marriageable age, Raman and Venkat approved their wives wish happily ...

"Mom... who is it?" asked Krishna noticing a baby girl in the crib as soon as he entered the room .

"she is your biwi Kittu... " Jyoti, venkat's wife said smilingly to her son.

"Biwi !! means??" asks Krishna not knowing what is the meaning of that word..

"Biwi means she is your life partner who always stays with you life long, who loves you, takes care of you like the way i take care of your papa." explained Jyoti.

"Ohh... will she even play with me??" asks Krishna innocently.

"Yes , she plays with you"

"Tell her to play with me now "

"Not now Kittu, she is just 2 days old. After some months she can play with you until then you have to take care of her like a big boy as she is still a baby na, ok?"

"Okk" says Krishna and starts smiling at the cute little girl who is making some noises to gain people's attention. Hearing her noises, Krishna turned towards her and stared at her for some time.

"Can i go near her?" asked Krishna cutely pointing to the crib which is few steps away from him.

"ha, you can go but be careful with her as she is still little you may hurt her, ok? " said Jyoti.

"Ok" said Krishna happily and went towards the crib, he looked at her for some time as the little girl is looking at him too. After few minutes, the baby girl shifted her eyes and was looking somewhere else.

"Biwi... Biwi... See here " says Krishna trying to get the attention of the little girl.

"Why are you calling her biwi, Kittu??" asked Jyoti not knowing why he is calling like that.

"You only told that she is my biwi that's why i am calling her with that name only" replied Krishna innocently not understanding why he can't call his biwi with that name.

"It is not her name Kittu. Her name is Shruthi you can call her with that name" said Jyoti trying to make her son understand.


"No ,you said that she is my biwi na so i will call her with that name only..." says Krishna stubbonly.

"But she has a name Kittu, you can't call her biwi" said Jyoti.

"Your name is also not mama na but i am calling you mama because you are my mama. So i will call her biwi only as she is my biwi" argued back.

Knowing her son's stubbornness she remained silent and thought of convincing him later. But he never listened to his parents words and continued to call her biwi.

Years passed, everyone pampered Shruthi more as she is the younger one in both the families and everyone showered love on her, this made Krishna feel jealous of Shruthi and started bullying her, he always made her do his works. Though he is arrogant towards her, he never wanted to hurt her, if he hurt then he will make sure to make it up to her indirectly not letting her know that he cared for her. Mostly when they were alone , he used to pamper her more as he will be the only one to pamper and take care for her. In fact he was never jealous of her but he just wanted to be the only person who pamper her not even his/her parents.

When Shruthi started going to school, both Jyoti and Kamala started working. Krishna and Shruthi used to go to school together and after coming home from school, she used to stay with Krishna in his house . One day Krishna's teacher gave him an assignment, that evening he told Shruthi do it and went out to play with his friends in opposite house. By the time she finished writing that, her hand started paining and she slept off crying due to that pain.

After an hour, Krishna came back and saw her sleeping on the floor with holding her right hand with her left hand, with a tear stained face. He understood that it must have hurted her hand so much as she is very small and writing a 4 pages assignment in an hour is too much for her to do. He felt bad for her and started massaging her hand without disturbing her sleep.

After few minutes of massage she slept off peacefully. Next day he bought chocolates for her with his pocket money and gave them to her saying that his friend bought those for him but as doesn't like those chocolates he is giving them to her. Shruthi seeing the chocolates didn't listen to any of his blabbering but took those from him and ate happily. He smiled and felt satisfied seeing her eating them excitedly.

Like this years passed, When Shruthi was 13 years old her parents died in an accident. Kamala's sister Karuna who lived in Delhi came forward and told Krishna's parents that she will take responsibility of Shruthi from then but Krishna's parents convinced her that she is their responsibility and assured her that they will take care of Shruthi. From then on, Shruthi started living with Krishna in their house.

Krishna's care and affection towards Shruthi was replaced with possessiveness and love. He always felt Shruthi as his possession. He covered his love with arrogance, he used to tease her and irritate her but she never complained any of those to their parents as she knew that he can't hurt her intentionally but he is a bit arrogant . Whenever she needed him , he was there for her especially when she lost her parents he was there for her to share her sadness. But after she recovered, he again went back to arrogant attitude but whenever he saw her crying, his soft side used to come into picture to console her.


After a year, Shruthi came from her school and was getting ready to go to her friend's house. She heard her room door opening with a thud and turned around to see a furious Krishna glaring at her standing at the door. She got scared and stood rooted in the same position.

"Where were you till now, biwiii?"asked Krishna angrily walking towards her dragging the word biwi.

"Umh..Just now I came from school and now getting ready to go to my friend's house" replied Shruthi shivering as she never saw him so angry.

"Why didn't you wait for me ?? Daily i was the one who come to you pick you up from school right?" asked Krishna.

"Woah... i waited for you but you didn't came so i came along with my friend" she told shivering.

"Just friend or boy friend?" asked Krishna pinning her to the wall and placed his both hands on either side of her.

"No Kittu what are you saying? I came with my friend Meena, You know her na?"

"Then how come i saw you with another guy at the end of the street? huh?"

"Meena house comes first na, so we went to her home and she asked her brother to drop me. I denied, but she didn't listen to me."

"Whatever, but i don't want you to talk with any other guy. You are my biwi , understood?" said Krishna arrogantly trapping her between him and the wall.

"How many times should i tell you to not call me biwi? All my friends are making fun of me Kittu. I am not your biwi"

"How dare you to say this to me? You are my biwi."

"No, am not. My friends told me that am not your biwi not until our marriage."

"Yes, you are." saying that he slammed his lips on her. This is the first time he was kissing her. He wanted to claim his right on her.

As soon as Krishna left the room after kissing her, she dropped herself on the floor and started crying.

She didn't understand why he kissed her. She continued to cry for some time and touched her lips and saw that blood is oozing from it as he bite her lower lip hard.

Krishna walked out of Shruthi's room frustrated and faced his mother who was glaring at him. Without saying any word she held his wrist and dragged him towards her room.

"What is this Kittu? Is this the way we raised you? What's wrong with you?"

"What happened, Mom? Why are angry?"

"You are asking me why i am angry? How can you kis...um force Shruthi, Krishna? You are just 18 years old."

"She is my biwi, Mom. It is between me and her, don't involve in our matters."

"She is not your wife yet, Kittu. She is still your fiance. You both are not married. Why is it so hard for you to understand this?"

"Don't tell me this crap, Mom. she is my wife, i can do whatever i want with her." said Krishna angrily.

"That's it. Only one of you is staying with us in this house either you or Shruthi. You both are not going to see each other until you settle in your life and Shruthi is of marriageable age." said Jyoti firmly.

"Mom please don't do this. I can't stay away from my biwi. You know that too, please don't separate us."

"I trusted you Krishna, When all our neighours suggested me to keep you both away from each other, i didn't listened to their words. But now i understand why they suggested me to not keep you both in same house. Now it is decided that only one will stay in this house, other will go to Mumbai and continue their education and stay there in boarding school. So now i am giving you a choice, You or Shruthi; Decide yourself and tell me. And don't come near Shruthi. If i see you misbehave with her once again, i will know what to do next. Am i clear? " Jyoti said angryily to which Krishna nodded his head as yes.

Having no other option, he decided to go to Mumbai, as he knew that Shruthi can't stay in hostel and she can't live without Jyoti and Venkat around her. He informed his mother that he will leave to Mumbai.

When Venkat came home from office, Jyoti informed him every thing and he even supported her decision. Next day Venkat and Krishna left to Mumbai and Venkat came back after two days and informed Jyoti that he joined Krishna in a college and that he will be staying in college hostel. Jyoti sighed in relief hearing that though they are sad to keep Krishna away from home but they too knew that it won't be good idea if they let Krishna stay near Shruthi particularly in his teenage. They just informed Shruthi that Krishna is going to study in Mumbai and not the actual reason behind sending him away.

Days were passing like this, Shruthi continued her schooling in their town whenever Krishna has holidays, Jyoti and Venkat used to send Shruthi to Delhi as Karuna, Shruthi's maasi requested them to send Shruthi to their house for every holidays. Thinking as a best solution to keep Krishna and Shruthi away, Krishna's parents agreed to this. At first Krishna tried to argue with them for sending Shruthi away whenever he came home, they just convinced him to study well and get a good job so that he can marry Shruthi and take her wherever he wants. Having no other option Krishna agreed to their words. But whenever he came home he used to stay in her room, feeling the presence of her and dreaming about her seeing her photos.

Though Jyoti restricted their meeting but she used to show recent photos of Shruthi to Krishna and of Krishna's to Shruthi.

After a year Jyoti died of illness which made Shruthi to take care of Venkat and the household responsibilities, though she is just 14 years old.

Shruthi decided to stop her studies after high school as she wasn't interested in studies and wants to take care of house ; moreover she has to go few kilometers away from their place as their town doesn't have Junior collages. But upon Krishna's insistence, Venkat convinced Shruthi to study privately and write the board exams that's how she completed her intermediate.


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