《Mistake is mine》Chapter 26


*Sneha Pov*

Tomorrow is Samrat's birthday and I already know his plan. He is going to stay in his house.

So I called the only person who needed to do something.

"Hello Beautiful!" He said lifting my call.

"Hi Virat! How are you?" I asked him.

"I am totally fine Beautiful!" He replied.

"Whom you are talking to and why are you calling her beautiful?" I heard some girl asking from other side.

"It's Sneha baby." He replied to the person.

"So what's going on?" He asked.

"You have to tell me. What's going on?" I asked him back.

"I have a girlfriend." He replied.

"And since?" I asked him.

"Two months!" he said in whisper.

"You didn't tell me about her!" I accused him.

"Sorry! So now you tell me what the problem is?" He asked me.

"You know me too well. Anyway I am angry at you that you didn't tell me about your girlfriend. But I will forgive you if you do one thing." I said.

"Do you want me to kill somebody?" He asked in shock dramatically.

"Nope! You need to come here and talk to Samrat tomorrow properly and try to be back together." I said in stern voice.

"But.." he started to say but I cut him off and said "Please he needs you."

"Hmm did you tell him about us?" He asked.

"I didn't!" I replied closing my eyes.

"Then you need to do it first Beautiful. And I will also come there tomorrow don't worry." He said.

"Thank you so much. Bye!" I said hanging up.

I just need to set my plan in action tomorrow.

Next day I took leave from the company and went to my brother's house. I went inside and told my plan to Bhabhi and Bhai.

They slowly passed it to everyone except Samrat.

When they left for the company, I started decorating Bhai's house. All the ladies helped me so much in this.

They all enjoyed and just talked about everything with me.

In the evening Virat reached along with his girlfriend.

She is very beautiful.

I pulled Virat to a side and asked "What is her name?"

"Anushka!" he said looking at her.

"Ooh! Did I just saw sparks here?" I asked him teasingly.

"Shut up! Now what's the plan?" he asked.

"Just do what I say and when I say!" I replied.


"Yes beautiful!" he said saluting.

After some time everyone returned from the company and as I told my Bhai. He must have asked Samrat to go to his house.

Because remaining entered the house and we all stopped talking completely and stood in silence.

When Bhai entered I asked him "Did you told him?"

"Yeah! I told him that we all couples are going to a restaurant and we will bring him some parcel. He doesn't know that you are here." Bhai replied.

I am sure Samrat didn't think about it that much. It is going to change now.

"Ok my friends will come in few minutes then we need to switch off all the lights." I said and everyone nodded.

After my friends came we all switched off the lights and stood in silence.

I took a deep breath in and called him.

He lifted it immediately and said "Hello Sneha!"

"Samrat! Samrat help me!" I shouted in the phone.

"What? What happened? Where are you?" he asked me in hurry.

"I am in Bhai's house but saw that the door is opened so I went in. But all the lights are off and no one is there. Then suddenly I heard very big footsteps." I said these all in one time bringing some sobs.

"Don't worry I will be there!" He shouted in the phone and I immediately hanged up.

"Guys position!" I said to everyone.

"Yes Maam!" Suresh said like a military tone.

They all decided to laugh but I shushed them and we all stood little far away from the door.

Then suddenly the door opened and Samrat shouted "Sneha! Where are you?"

I nodded Virat and he immediately switched on the lights.

And we all shouted "Surprise!" and started singing 'Happy Birthday!' in our loud voices.

But he just stood there and looked at me with so much concern. I immediately regretted this plan.

He then took a deep breath and started coming towards me in long strides.

I looked at him wide eyed and Bhai decided to protect me but Bhabhi stopped him.

In the mean while Samrat completely reached me and hugged me as if his life depended on it.

"I was so worried and feared that something will happen to you." He said.

"I am fine." I said hugging him.

"I can't bear if something happens to you." He said and I felt some wetness on my cheeks and on my neck.


So we both decided to open the water tanker at a time.

I shook my head and asked "Why?"

"Because I love you. I love you so much." He shouted in my ear and if someone could hug even more tightly then he just did.

I had this big smile on my face but I turned a little and motioned Virat to come.

He nodded and came near us saying "Leave my girlfriend alone at this instant Bhai."

Samrat released me and I immediately got disappointed because he is doing the same mistake.

But got shocked when he held my waist and said "I will not because she is mine!" looking at Virat.

"But she is my girlfriend!" Virat whined.

Seriously Virat! I asked you to be intimidating but not like this.

Samrat turned towards me and said "Break up with him."

"What will you do then?" I asked him challengingly.

"I will take you away from them and marry you." He said without any doubt.

Another smile tried to get itself known on my face but I stopped it and asked "What if I will not break up with him?"

"Then I will take you away on my shoulder and marry you!" he replied without blinking.

I looked at him wide eyed and just wanted to kiss him but there is still another question.

"We can't! Because we both belong to rival companies and it will not work." I said.

He thought for a minute and turned towards everyone and then at me.

"Then I will leave this company and if you want even this colony. I will work somewhere else." He replied shocking each and every one of us.

"You will leave us for her!" Imran asked totally shocked but I can see a smile about to form on his face.

"I will!" he said looking at everyone.

"But you said they are your family." I asked him.

"Yes! They are but I already realized that they are not more than you." He replied caressing my cheek.

"Ok. But I am just going to be 22. Do I have to marry this early?" I asked him teasingly.

"Yes! Because I can't live without you or away from you. And that Suresh is right I am an old man so we will get married now." He said smiling.

"See! I am right. I am always right. You guys never consider it." Suresh shouted jumping up and down.

"Looks like he is also right about you Suresh." Bhai said laughing.

"So you will right?" Samrat asked me nervously.

"Ofcourse!" I shouted and he immediately lifted me up and twirled me around.

He put me on the floor and turned towards Virat saying "I am sorry!"

"It's Ok Bhai. I can sacrifice anything for you." Virat said wiping his fake tears.

Then Anushka slapped his back and said "So you don't love me?"

"Baby ofcourse I love you. I was just joking." Virat said hugging her.

"What is happening?" Samrat asked me.

So I filled everything that happened before few months and today. He smiled very big one.

"We will start preparations for the grand wedding!" Bhai announced and everyone cheered with him.

"Urgh!!" I said in whisper.

"What happened?" Samrat asked.

"Nothing. Do you like grand weddings? Tell me honestly." I asked him.

"Nope! But you deserve it." He said smiling.

"I too don't like them." I said smiling.

We both started thinking while everyone started talking about our wedding.

He suddenly looked at me and I understood his idea.

We both went near them and said "We don't want grand wedding."

"What? Then what do you want?" Bhai asked confused.

"We want to get married in court simply and with our friends." I replied.

"Ok. If that's what you want. We will book the date." Bhabhi said smiling.

"As soon as possible." Samrat said. Such a common dialogue I thought rolling my eyes.

"How soon?" Virat asked smirking.

Then I started thinking three or four months would be good. Yeah! They will be.

So I turned towards them to reply but another reply beat me.

And I heard "This weekend will be good." Samrat saying with a smile on his face.

"This weekend!" I shouted and looked at him as if he is crazy or what???


Finally!!! Damn....

And that's there will be Epilogue next.

I can't promise a good epilogue. If i get some idea by tomorrow morning it will be infront of you all.

So i just have a doubt that before chap is not taht good. But i hope this is better.

I know some of you must felt that Samrat is more hurt but Sneha just needed to hear those words from him.

She want him to fight for her... and that's what he did.

Comment plz and vote...................

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