《Immortality With My MateAlice x Reader x Jasper》Chapter Ten
2 months I've been trying to find the key. From Kentucky to Kansas to nebraska. I finally found a lead in Manning, Colorado. Right now I'm at a motel putting my things in my room. I could really use a drink, but before I left I brought some contacts that are e/c so i would seem normal. I went into the bathroom and put them in as I looked in the mirror. I didn't recognize myself. For so long I haven't had this eye color in so long that I forgot what they really look like. I walked out into the room and put on some jeans with holes where my knees were and a black band t-shirt saying AC/DC back in black with a grey and white funnel. I put on some combat boots, laced them up and got my wallet and room keys and walked to the red 1964 chevy impala parked by my room. As I was getting into my car when an black 1967 Chevy Impala pulled up two parks away from mine. I saw three people getting out, I didn't really get a good look at them as I started my car. I pulled out of the parking lot diving to the nearest bar. It was already dark so I was hoping there wouldn't be a lot of people there, but as I pulled in my hope went down. I sat in my car debating whether I should go in or not. I shrugged my shoulders and got out of my car locking it as I walked away from it. I walked into the bar going straight for a stool at the counter. I ordered a shot of whiskey and a beer as I waited, the door opened. I looked over to see the same men minus one of them. As I got a good look at them one was maybe 6'4 with brown hair and his eyes were green with a hint of hazel. The other one was a little shorter maye 6'1 with sandy hair and vibrant green eyes; they almost looked like walking into a forest. Before I was caught staring at them I turned back around just in time for my order to come. The two males came and sat at the stools to my left. I took my shot and began drinking my beer. As I took my first gulp someone tapped my shoulder. I turned and saw the shorter guy looking at me smiling.
" yes" i asked tilting my head a little
'Damn she's beautiful' he thought as I looked at him trying to hold my laugh.
"Uh what was that?" I asked, forgetting he was talking to me. He chuckled and said
"What a pretty woman like you doing in a bar like this?" he asked
I took another sip from my beer.
"Just needed a drink that's all" I said back looking at him giving him a small smile. Before he could say anything else the bartender came towards us. She looked at the guy bending down a little. My face turned in disgust as I heard her thoughts.
"And what can I get you handsome?" she asked, showing her breast a little bit. I just shook my head trying hard honey. He looked at her a smiled
"Two shots of whiskey and two beers" he said
"And can i get another shot of whiskey and beer too?" i asked her nicely
The guy next to me looking shock at me, i just laugh
"What? A girl can't enjoy whiskey and a beer?" I asked looking at him. He slowly shook his head.
"No no not at all it's just I never met any women who love whiskey and beer with it" he said. I nodded my head at him.
"Not all women like it but it's a classic, I started liking it even more when Chris stapleton made the song Tennessee whiskey" i said to him. I looked up from the empty beer bottle and looked at him and I swear I saw stars sparkled in them.
"What?" i asked, but i already know his thinking
"You're awesome......the names dean by the way" he said
"So the mystery man has a name?" I laugh a little and I hear his heart skip a beat." The name is Y/n it's nice to meet you dean." i said pulling my hand for him to shake which he took and pulled my hand close to his mouth and kissed the back of it. When that happened the bartender came back with our drinks. Dean took his drinks handing one to the other man and I took mines taking my shot and started drinking my beer. Which is my last one because i have to do some more research for this key. As I finished my dranks i paid and got up.
"Well it was nice meeting dean" I looked at the other man nodding my head towards him." and you too even though i don't know your name" i smiled at them and walked out. Unlocking my '64 impala I felt a tap on my left shoulder. I looked over my shoulder and saw both men standing there. Turned all the way looking at them.
"May i help you" i asked them
The taller one spoke up first,
"Are you currently staying at the motel down the street by any chance?" he asked, i looked at him weirdly
"Yes, why" i asked
He looked at dean and said
"I told you I knew i saw that car somewhere" I looked behind me at my '64 impala.
"I think i'm in love" dean said, i laugh at him at that
"First the whiskey and beer then the fan of chris and now this, you were partially made for me" i shook my head and opened my car door i got in and started my car. I rolled down my window looking at both men.
"By the way moose boy" i looked at him to see his face turning sour
"I never got your name" i said
"The name Sam," he said, his face not sour anymore. I nodded my head my said,
"Y/n nice meeting you boys" I smiled backing out of the bar parking lot. As I was driving I got a call from Alice. I haven't talked to them in months so i picked up the call
"Hey Alice"
"Are you alright Y/n?" she asked, her tone not calm, I could sense it even from the phone.
"Yes why?" I asked pulling into the motel parking lot. I cut the engine and stayed in my car waiting for her to answer me.
"I....i had a vision that you got hurt" she told me. I was quiet as I looked blankly through the window shield. Me getting hurt how, why i can't even get my thoughts straight as i hear Alice calling my name. I snapped out of it and looked at my phone.
"I'm sorry, but i have to go" i said
"Y/n wa-" I didn't let her finish and ended the call. When I ended it I looked up to see the other man staring at me. I got out of the car and began walking to my room. I was stopped by the man,
"Hey" he said
I looked at him
"Yes?" I asked, he pulled out a photo which my eyes wided. By my reaction the question made me look at him suspicious,
"Do by any chance that your father's name is henry?" I couldn't tell if he's trouble or not. Going with my gut feeling i answered
"Yes why do you ask?" i asked back
"I knew it" he muttered under his breath " that's my father i'm john winchester and............
"Dean, don't you think Y/n seems i don't know weird?" i asked Dean as we went back in the bar after we saw y/n drive down the road.
"I don't know what you mean Sammy," he said to me, raising his hands so the bartender can come take our order. I just gave him the 'are you fucking with me right now face'
"What?" he asked looking at me. I shook my head
"Nothing" I said, but I couldn't help to think she reminded me of someone like I've seen a picture somewhere. As I was thinking where I've seen her dean got up and paid for our dranks.
"Hey let's head back to the motel so we can see if dad found out anything yet" he said, I nodded and walked out with him to the car. As the engine roared to life I looked at Dean and he turned on the radio playing back in black. I just shook my head and looked out the window while making our way back to the motel. As we got back Dean parked the car only closer to the one Y/n owns. As we got out we heard voices coming from our room. Me and Dean looked at eachother and put our ears to the door.
"Where did you get that picture?" that sounds like Y/n voice, what is she doing here talking to our dad?
"My dad gave it to me saying i had an older sister somewhere" our dad said, he has an older sister how come we didn't know. I looked at dean and he looked as confused as me.
"I see so dad gave you the picture, but for what?" Y/n said , wait what dad?
"I thought you were dead, but I was searching for you for almost 5 years after I lost my wife in a fire" dad said, voice cracking a little bit.
"John, do your sons know about me and my abilities?" Y/n asked
"No, but i think sam found a picture with you and dad before you know what happened" dad said
"So dad told you what happened and why I was kicked out of my own home? John, do your sons know i'm their aunt, because one of them was hitting on me at the bar?" she asked, but before he could answer Dean opened the door to see them sitting at the table. They looked at us y/n face were normal, not shocked at all.
"You knew they were there didn't you?" dad asked , she nodded still looking at us.
"So you telling me that i just flirted with my aunt not to long ago" dean said
"Well in my defence i didn't know until 5 minutes ago myself, thinking i was the only child but find out dad cheated on my mom with his mom not that i care." y/n said
"Damn i thought i finally found an awesome chick" dean said, y/n laugh she stood
"Well it seems like i'm not her, either way i wouldn't went out with you anyway i already have somebody in mind" she said
'What did she mean by that and what abilities?' i thought
"Well one is i could hear what you just said in your head" she said
"Wait, what did you..... Did you really just" i couldn't get the words to come out of my mouth.
"Yes, but before I really tell you what i am, my brother, man it's still unbelievable to know I have a brother. Anyway my brother tells me that you guys are hunters.
"Yeah so what, are you a hunter too" Dean asked her. She all but shook her head no.
"Then what is it then?" he asked again
"Sam, dean i think you boys need to sit down" dad said
"That won't be necessary john" Y/n said
"I am faster than them; they wouldn't even pull their mechete out in time. They'll be on the ground by the time they even put their hands on it. She smiled while saying that.
"Now, let me ask you a question" she said, we looked at her and then we looked at each other with our guard up.
"How old do you think i am?" what really out of all the questions she asked this?
"Really?" dean asked looking at her dumbfounded
"Yes" she simply said
"You are dads older sister so 48" dean shrugged his shoulder
"Nope try 110 years old " she said smiling
"WHAT?" me and dean yelled
"Before I tell you what I am I need your word that you're not going to hurt me in any way..... Oh and before i forget" she said. I felt a gust of wind pass me. I looked around only to see Y/n holding dead man's blood in her hands. Her eyes looked at it then when she looked at us her eyes weren't e/c any more it was gold.
"What ho.....how did you get that out our jackets so quick" dean asked
"Come on dean you're hunters how can you not know what i am by now, second do i have your word" she said, this time her face was serious no joking this time at all not even a smile. How can she move so fast and her eyes is she really
'A vampire' i thought
"Bingo moose boy" she looked at me smiling" you are smarter than I thought"
"But how? When did this happened" i asked her hoping so would tell me. She sighed
"1918 i was kicked out of my own because I wouldn't marry the man my parents wanted me to. It was dark i know i know stupid for an 17 year old to just walk at that time of night what could go wrong? Well a lot apparently" she trailed off sitting back down by dad who looked at her listening to the story.
"I heard sounds behind me so i turned around not seeing nobody next thing i know i'm in a alley being bitten in the neck" she said looking at all of us
"So what you're telling me is you're a vampire" Dean said, his eyes staring at her sharply. I saw his hand twitch and I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Yes" she said, her eyes trained on his hands also. Before he could do anything he was on the ground with y/n pinning his arm behind his back and his face smoosh on the carpet.
"Why would you try this dean?" she asked " i warned you that i'm faster than you didn't ?"
"Get the fuck off me now you blood sucker" dean said, for a moment his eyes was sad, but went to normal fast.
"I don't suck 'human' blood" she said " i'm a vegan"
"Bullshit" dean said but his voice was muffled.
"Y/n i think he had enough" dad said. She nodded and got up from dean. He got up off the floor moving his arms around to get feeling back into them.
"She's telling the truth dean if she wasn't she would have been gotten all of us by now" dad said
"Well it seems i have overstayed my welcome" Y/n said, looking at me and dad" it was nice meeting you guys" she said smiling then looked at dean her eyes glaring at him almost into his soul.
"But you" she started walking towards him, him backing away a bit his back hitting the wall by the door. "need to respect me, or hell will break loose squirrel." she then walked out the room. What the hell just happened?
That dean really pissed me off. As I opened my door to my room my phone rang. It was unknown being cautious i answered the phone
"I figured you'll find your way here" that voice it's-
"We should met for we have a lot to talk about" the other person said
"How did you know i was here?
"You are my doppelganger right?"
Meet me in the abandoned building near the other side of the town there we will talk.
"When?" i asked
"Tomorrow at 8 am don't keep me waiting" then the person hung up the phone. What the hell just happened? Still hung up on the call, I looked at the time on my phone. It's only 10;48 pm. I don't have long to wait until tomorrow meet up. I walked to the bathroom to wash the alcohol off my body, when i got out i wrapped a towel around me, walking out to the room until a knock was heard from my door. Walking to the door I looked through the peephole to see Sam standing there. I cracked the door open and Sam looked at me when he noticed I only had a towel on.
"Oh sorry" he said covering his eyes
"Yes sam may I help you?"
"Um i...um....i'm sorry but i can't concentrate when you do have no clothes on" he said, i looked at him and opened up my door wider for him to come in.
"Well come in, I'll go into the bathroom to put some clothes on, just wait okay?"
He nodded his head, his eyes still covered as he walked in. i walked in the bathroom and put on some shorts and a long black t-shirt with roger rabbit on it. When I walked in, Sam was sitting at the table looking at his phone. I went to the mini frigid grabbing two beers and sitting in the other chair. I handed one to Sam and opened up mines.
"So what's up, why come to my room at this time of night?" i asked him taking a sip of my beer
"Well i first i want to say sorry for dean earlier, he was just shocked that the girl he just flirted with is a vampire, but also our aunt>" he started, as i nodded my head putting my beer on the table resting my elbows on the table and resting my head on the back of my hands.
"I get that i would be that way too"
"Right well i was wondering is there anyway that we can reach you if we need your help at any time" he asked, this time i am shocked
"You want my number after you just found out I'm the thing you guys kill for a living?" i asked him
"Well you are our aunt that we didn't know about for god knows how long and i wanted to get to know you better" he said, I nodded my head at handed a piece of paper with my number on it.
"Here you'll call me right?" I asked, he nodded his head 'yes'. As that was over we talked about a few things before he had to go to the others. I now know that they're here for a case which has to do with vampires. When he left it was only 2 am in the morning and I couldn't believe we talked that long. I got up and grabbed the bottles of beer and threw them in the trash bin. I went to my bed and sat on it. As I was just sitting I thought about the phone conversation with Alice. What did she mean by she saw me dying? I was so in thought my vision began to blur.
'Oh no' i thought
All I see is white wait what is going on?
The light starts to dim. I'm in a hospital room really, why do I see sam? Why is he in the hospital? He looked ahead of me and for a moment I thought he was looking at me, but he wasn't. I looked behind me to see......Dean? Wait what happened? Why is Dean laying there with so many tubes in him? He was staring at him for so long that I almost didn't realize Sam left. So I followed him a few rooms down and he entered one. There I saw John sitting in his bed. He has a sling on his arm he reaches into his wallet which was awkward by the way his arm was in the sling. Pulling something out to give to Sam.
"Here. Give them my insurance." he said to sam, Sam grabbed it and looked at it. He had a little smile on his face and chuckled
"Elroy McGillicutty?" he asked, still looking at it
"And his two loving sons." John paused for a moment, " So, what else did the doctor say about Dean?" he asked sam
"Nothing. Look. The doctors won't do anything, then we'll have to, that's all. I don't know, I'll find some hoodoo priest and lay some mojo on him." he told john. What really happened and where was it when it happened?
"We'll look for someone." John told Sam, what is he thinking?
"But Sam, I don't know if we're gonna find anyone." John finally spoke up looking at sam.
"Why not? I found that faith healer before" sam said
"All right, that was, that was one in a million." John said, I tuned out their conversation for a minute. What happened? Why is Sam the only one not hurt that bad? Is Dean going to survive? Who will they find to help heal them? As I stopped thinking I heard the rest of their conversation.
"Acacia? Oil of Abramelin? What's this stuff for?" Sam asked John
"Protection." John said back to him
"Hey, Dad? You know, the demon, he said he had plans for me, and children like me. Do you have any idea what he meant by that?" Sam asked John
"No, I don't." John said lowly
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