《Ripped Jeans and Werewolf Kisses》Chapter 4


From the balcony, Taine could see the people walking around having a good time. He wasn't going to go. Not really his scene. Maybe he was a recluse... But something caught his eye, or rather, someone. As soon as she walked through the crowd everyone stopped and smiled. She was sunshine. Warm smiles and light conversation filled his ears. Her presence was simply captivating. His legs seemed to move on their own as soon he found himself in the midst of the event.


"Aunty Jae?"

"Camila? Oh my goodness is it really you?" She laughed as the older woman put on her glasses and pulled her close.

"I haven't been gone that long Aunty Jae! I missed you though."

Her surrogate Aunt felt her arms and exclaimed. "Honey, you are just skin and bones, why haven't you been eating! Tomorrow I'll fix you up some of your favourite food for dinner, don't you worry!"

Camilla loved this woman fiercely, Jae was like a mother figure. With a soft, sad smile she said, "I'm leaving tomorrow morning."

"What? And you only got here today! I won't have that kind of nonsense you know that Camila!"

She grabbed her Auntys warm hands and laughed. "I know I know, it's terrible but Alpha Taine needs to get back as soon as he can.

"Child you need to put that man in his place, ain't nobody gonna stop me from spending time with my baby! Wait till I sink my teeth into him!"

Camila was now laughing and in tears, she missed her weird and wonderful family so much. "Aunty no, that's not a good idea, we don't exactly get along right now."

Aunty Jae pulled her even closer and whispered in her ear. "Is he that handsome fella over there, the one who can't take his eyes offa you?"


With hesitation, she turned to meet Taine's piercing stare. Unable to look away she said goodbye to Aunty Jae and felt her feet move towards the group of men he was standing with. She wedged herself between Taine and Alpha Hart. She whispered to him. "It's nice that you came Taine." He was about to reply, but he struggled to think of the words to tell her how beautiful she looked when Alpha Hart noticed her standing there.

"Ah! Here is the beautiful lady of the hour." He punched her affectionately on the shoulder. "So many people are excited to see you!" Camila laughed the comment off, surely she wasn't missed half as much as she had missed them.

Another man, her old workmate was standing with them. "No Mila, we really have missed you, you left so soon too! You're irreplaceable darlin!"Alpha Hart sensing Camila growing more emotional by the second, changed the subject.

"Camila I was just about to tell Taine about all the wonderful things you have done for the pack. She really was an amazing Director of pack resources."

Camila laughed and pointed to the table of food where more people were gathered, "well then that's my cue to leave. Don't tell him about any of the illegal stuff." With a wink and a slight hair toss she left.

Camila walked past the playground she used when she was a child, she walked past the back walls of the packhouse and remembered painting them with her friends. She went to her favourite tree and remembered the first time she was here. She remembered climbing it. She remembered crying at its roots, seeking refuge under the green canopy whenever tragedy stuck. Looking at the stars through the green on clear nights.

This place possessed a part of her soul that she could never get back or fill again.

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