《Tokyo Ghoul boyfriend scenarios~!》OMG! He asks you out!


Finding out that Kaneki has become a half ghoul was hard to take in but you managed... You're currently paying Kaneki a visit in his appartment. "Hey, (Y/N)-Chan?" you look up to Kaneki and smile "Yes, Kaneki-Kun?" you reply and he suddenly starts blushing, he scratches the back of his head and you cock your head slightly to the side giving him a confused look "are you okay?" you ask in a worried tone, he nods his head "Willyoupleasegooutwithme(Y/N)-Chan?" he asks extremely quickly and you just sit there confused, trying to make out what he just said... "Could you please say that sentence a little slower?" you ask him and his blush gets even worse "I-I w-was wondering i-i-if you wanted t-to go out w-with m-m-me...?" he stutters and look away in embarrasment, your (s/c-skin colour)features went to a deep shade of red before a smile makes its way onto your lips and you hug before shouting "OF COURSE I WILL YOU DORK!!" he chuckles and hugs you back.

You walk in the shop and look around for Hide until your eyes land upon a familiar face. You walk up to Hide and smile "Hey, (Y/N)-Chan, are you okay? You sounded a little upset on the phone..." Hide says and you nod whilst smiling "Yeah, I'm fine, just Arisus..." you explain and Hide nods "I see" he mumble and you sit down in the chair reserved for you "What's up?" you ask and look up to Hide and you spot a slight blush onto his features "I... uh... (Y/N)?" he asks as his blush gets worse "Yes?" you reply and he sighs before saying "Um, I thought it would be better if I told you this in person..." his words worry you slightly "continue..." you say and he chuckles nervously "Well, I've kind of had a crush on you for a while now... And I was wondering -only if you want to of course- if you want to go out with me?" he asks and you sigh happily and say "you almost gave me a heart attack you baka, I thought you didn't want to be friends anymore... Of course I'll go out with you, I thought you'd never ask!" he sighs in relief and smiles brightly and so do you "Want to get out of here?" he asks and you nod. (Didn't he order anything? Well damn...)

"Go out with me!"


"Because I said so"

"what if I don't want to?"

"For fucks sake (Y/N)!"

"Okay, okay! God, calm your fucking tits!"


"Sorry, no can do"


(Sorry, I had to! I couldn't resist!)

"Ne, (Y/N)-Chan?" your new partner asks and you turn to the cute little potato you've fallen for "yes, Suzuya-San?" you reply and smile brightly "I have a question for you!" Suzuya exclaims and you hum in response signalizing for him to continue "Well, I heard from my co-workers that if you really like someone you ask them out on a 'date'" he starts rambling and you giggle slightly to yourself "go on!" you say and Suzuya grins widely before saying "Will you go out with me (Y/N)-Chan?" he asks and you turn to him, a little shocked (Kind of obvious reader-chan...) "Suzuya-San, asking someone out means that you want more than just friendship, it's when you want a relationship with that significant other, like kissing and stuff..." you explain and Suzuya nods exitedly "I know! That's why I'm asking you!" he exclaims and you smile brightly before embracing Juuzou mumbling "Of course I'll go out with you! You little potato!"

(potato is his nickname #dealwithit)

A crash is heard from the kitchen and you walk in only to see Nishio has smashed a plate... "Really... You do know how Hands work right?" you ask and he just cross his arms pretending like nothing happened "It slipped!" he spat and you sigh heavily before face palming "just clean it up!" you sigh and he huffs before getting to picking up the large shards and throwing them in a bag "Hey, (Y/N)?" Nishiki looks up to you whom is leaning on the door frame, you hum in response and Nishiki stands up and walk towards you making you look up to him. He pins you to the wall, there's no escaping, well shit! "Will you go out with me?" he whispers in your ear making you blush fifty shades of red (not GREY ya nastay!) you giggle before smiling slightly "what's in it for me?" you ask teasingly and Nishiki lifts your chin up and smirks "oh, there's a LOT in it for you" he says rather seductively and you start laughing "Yah, okay, I'll go out with you" you say and Nishiki mutters something before going back to the broken shards.

With only a towel wrapped around you as you're making your way to your room to get changed, Amon decides to walk casually into the room... You squeal before tightening the grip on your towel, blushing like crazy. Amon looks up at you and blush a very deep shade of red "erhm, I'll just wait outside..." he mumbles and walks out giving you the chance to get into your clothes. When you're finally dressed in proper clothes you walk out to Amon whom is still blushing, not unlike you who looks like a tomato... You turn to Amon and smile awkwardly "So, what's up?" you aks, trying to lay the last event behind you "oh, I-I... uh" he takes out a bouqet of flowers and hand them to you "They're beautiful! How did you know (f/f-favorite flower) was my favorite?" you exclaim and Amon scrathces the back of his head "It was actually a wild guess!" he mumbles and you giggle before hugging him "thank you for the beautiful flowers" you say "even though I don't know how to take care of flowers..." he chuckles before looking into your eyes "I was, wondering if you'd possibly want to go out with me sometime, only if you want to, I mean... You don't have to if you don't want to!" he says quickly and you giggle before pecking his cheek "I'd love to!" you say and smile up at him.


You're in your bed trying to get some sleep, but you can't sleep because this unknown number keeps sending you texts which creeps you out big time (rush)... You turn of the sound on your phone but it keeps vibrating! "For fucks sake!" you groan to yourself and pick up your phone, going through the texts. 'I can see you' 'you're really pretty...' you shiver at the texts, and you don't dare to reply. A creaking of a door in your apartment is heard from outside of your room, and so you grab a bat you keep by your bed for some reason O-O'. You make your way towards the door and open it only to see Yomo holding this random creep by the collar of his black turtle neck (Omg, Steve Jobs is that you!?), you just stand there with wide eyes trying to process what's going on. By the time you've managed to get all of it in and processed that event, Yomo has already gotten rid of that bastard and is sitting on your couch tapping the seat besides him. You sit down and look up at the handsome male "What are you..." he hushed you before lifting your chin up "be ready at 18.00 PM tomorrow, and dress nice." he says and you just sit there not knowing what to do "Uh, are you okay, are you sick or something?" you ask and lay a hand on his forehead "I'm fine just do as I told you." he then walks out of the apartment leaving you dumbfound...

As you're cleaning the floor in the shop a hand suddenly starts petting your head "Uta... I'm not a fucking dog...!" you growl and Uta shrugs "You sure?" you give him the bird and he almost smirk! ALMOST! Damn he's another version of Levi... Only he can take a joke without hurting you... And isn't in love with Mr. Clean... (My OTP!) "What do you want, Uta-Kun?" you ask and look up to the tall male "Oh, nothing... May I ask you a question?" Uta asks "You already did" you tease and he mentally face palm "Anyways, I was wondering if you want to accompany me to dinner this evening?" is he asking you out!? "Are you asking me out on a date?" you ask and stop what you're doing and look up to him "No I'm asking the mop out, of course I'm asking you out!" he says and you giggle slightly "Sure!" you exclaim before continuing to cleaning the floor. (that's kind of harsh Reader-Chan...)

You're in this hipster café when a pair of arms wraps around you and you look behind you and your eyes meet a smug looking dude with purple hair named Tsukiyama, you blush furiously before looking away trying to hide the blush. "Hey, (Y/N), what're you doing?" he mumbles and you slowly close the lid of your laptop saying "Nothing..." he lets go of you and sits down besides you "Oh really?" he says before snatching your laptop making you shout "NO! MAH BABY!" He open the lid and look at the computer screen... "(Y/N)?... Why were you reading 'x reader' fan-fic of (f/c-favorite character)?" he asks and you blush even more "I-I don't know what you're talking about!" you say and close the tab "You know, you could've just asked I'd happily..." you slam your hands onto his mouth shushing him "No! Bad Tsukiyama!" you say and he sighs "pls remve yur hans" he mumbles into your hands. You remove your hands and he put your laptop on the table "Now, what I ment to say before I got rudely interrupted..." he shoot you a playful glare "You could've just asked and I'd happily gone out with you" you blush before nodding and looking away, but he lightly grabs your chin and makes you look at him "Would you like to accompany me on a date this evening?" he asks and you blush even more before smiling and nodding "Yes" you say and he smile brightly.

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