《MHA Boyfriend Scenarios》Valentine's Day



School finally ended. You jumped out of your seat and ran full speed to Todoroki, finally excited be with your boyfriend, and away from boring class work.

You jump on him and hugged him tightly, almost pushing him to the ground. But he caught his balance and happily hugged you back. He exchanged a kiss with you and took the opportunity to sneek your phone out of your back pocket without you noticing.

In the middle of the kiss your eyes opened wide and your forehead scrunched in confusion. You pulled away from the kiss taking a gasp of air, and patted your back pocket in realization that your phone had been snatched. You immediately knew who the phone snatcher was.

"Todo give me back my phone!" You begged in an annoyed tone as you reached for his hand he had behind his back suspiciously. He used his other hand to keep you away from reach.

He was always stealing your phone to annoy you, he always thought it was amusing to watch you struggle to take it back.

"And why should I, Love?"

He asked with a smirk as he watched you struggle to move his hand out of the way.

"Because it's annoying when you just take my phone like that!" You whined like a baby.

Todoroki smiled at your behavior.

"Your so cute when your annoyed, your like an adorable child." He gave in and gave you back your phone.

You quickly snatched it out of his hand before he could play anymore tricks.

"I am not like a child!" You whined again.

Todoroki chuckled.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Love." Said Todoroki, handing you two roses, one red, and one white.

You laughed at his gift as you took the roses from his hand.

"You are so cheesy Todo." You said with a giggle.

"Figured I'd be the best gift." He said with a smirk and a small blush warming up his face.


He pulled you towards him, giving you another sweet kiss.

You and your broccoli boyfriend walked hand in hand in the walls of the mall. All around you were Valentine's decorations, and signs from stores confirming Valentine's Day sales.

What caught your eye was the merchant store's sale. All Might merch and more was priced at a lower cost than they had originally been.

"Look Deku!" You alerted him, pointing towards the direction of the sign you had just scanned.

"It's Valentine's Day for crying out loud let's stop walking around and gets some stuff on sale!"

Deku scanned the sign as well. A smile had formed across his fanboy face.

"Ok sure!" He replied excitedly.

You kept grip of his hand and dragged your boyfriend into the store with you.

You both came out with a few things. Deku got an All Might figure and poster, along with a gift he planned on giving you.

"Here (y/n). I got something for you. Happy Valentine's Day!" He said as he salvaged through the shopping bag and pulled out your gift.

Your eyes widened in excitement once you saw what he had givin you.

It was the last limited edition All Might figurine that the store would be selling.

"Aaaawww Deku, you didn't have to get me this, you could have gotten it for yourself!"

He blushed and fiddled with his hair.

"Well I knew you would probably want it so I got for you. Plus I wanted get you a Valentine's Day gift."

You blushed and smiled at your boyfriends words, and pecked his lips.

"Your so sweet! I love you Deku!" You said, hugging your boyfriend.

"I love you too (y/n)!"


The school day was over and Bakugo went to the store to get his girlfriend gifts. Him being new to this, he had no idea what to get. So he called kirishima. "What do girls like?" He asked in an annoyed tone. "Flowers, chocolate, candy, love, attention, manliness. " Kirishima finished his small list and Bakugo immediately hung up without thanking the boy. Bakugo got white roses, chocolate, and a lot of butter fingers, and also a big plushie. Bakugo went to (y/n)'s house and knocked on the door, (y/n) opened the door and smiled. "Happy Valentine's Day." The boy said as he shoved the bag into her hand and he covered his face to hide the blush. "Awwww thank you boo!" (Y/n) said happily as she kissed his cheek. Bakugo smiled and walked into her house and wrapped his arms around the small girl. "I love you." Bakugo said as he kissed (y/n)'s neck. "Mmmmmm I love you too." (Y/n) said quietly.



The bell, signaling that school had finally been over, has rung.

You happily threw your books and school work into your book bag. After that, you walked up to your boyfriend Iida. He hadn't noticed you yet, so you decided to play a little trick on him.

You had a smirk spread across your face, and you tried holding back a laugh. You dropped your bag on the floor, and backed up a few feet from Iida. You then started jogging and jumped on Iida's back.

"WHAT THE-!" Iida yelled in defense, swinging his robot arms around.

Still clenching onto your boyfriends back, you giggled.

"Iida it's just me! Now could you hold me piggy back style please, I don't want to fall!" You said with a little shaky voice. He was a but taller than you so you didn't want to fall off his back, and you knew he was a strong boi so you trusted him in not dropping you.

He chuckled and used his upper body to lift you up more on his back, and held onto your legs to make sure you wouldn't fall.

"You are so cute (y/n)! Happy Valentine's Day!" Iida said with a handsome closed eyed smile.

"Happy Valentine's Day! I would give you my gift now, but I've chosen to never walk again." You said burying your face in his neck.

The class started taking pictures and Iida started blushing.

"Your the best Valentine's gift I could ever have (y/n)!"

You and Shinso hung out at his house for Valentine's Day. You were sitting next to each other on his couch watching a horror movie.

You had your hands clenched onto the blanket shaking in fear as people got slaughtered on the screen in front of you.

Shinso on the other hand has had a blank expression on his face since the movie had started.

"Why couldn't we watch something romantic or something? It's Valentine's Day, not Halloween!" You said annoyed and shaky.

"If you want me to change it I can. I didn't realize how scared you were of horror movies." He said kind of feeling bad his girlfriend just went through almost 30 minutes of a scarring movie.

"Yes! Please change it!" You begged, hiding in the crook of your boyfriend's neck.

He wrapped his arm around you and went to the Netflix home screen to change the movie to something more innocent.

"How does the kissing booth sound princess?" He asked you, knowing you loved that movie.

You lifted your head up from his neck and smiled.

"That's sounds lovely Toshi!"

He still laughed inside every time he heared his nickname from you come out of your mouth.

"I love you Shinso!"

"I love you too princess! Happy Valentine's Day!"

He kissed your forehead, and clicked play on the movie.

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